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PengolinCoin Core v3.0.0

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@Alonewolf-123 Alonewolf-123 released this 14 Sep 09:59
· 9 commits to master since this release

PengolinCoin Core version v3.0.0 is now available from:

This is a new major version release, including various bug fixes and performance improvements, as well as updated translations.

Please report bugs using the issue tracker at github:

Mandatory Update

PengolinCoin Core v3.0.0 is a mandatory update for all users. This release contains a protocol upgrade (to 30101), new consensus rules and improvements that are not backwards compatible with older versions. Users will need to update their clients before enforcement of this update goes into effect.

Update enforcement is currently scheduled to go into effect at the following block height:

Mainnet: 700,001

Masternodes will need to be restarted once both the masternode daemon and the controller wallet have been upgraded.

Note: In preparation for the enforcement, upgraded peers will start rejecting non-upgraded peers few hours before the enforcement block height, we recommend everyone to be updated at max a day before the final time.

How to Upgrade

If you are running an older version, shut it down. Wait until it has completely shut down (which might take a few minutes for older versions), then run the installer (on Windows) or just copy over /Applications/PengolinCoin-Qt (on Mac) or pengolincoind/pengolincoin-qt (on Linux).

Sapling Parameters

In order to run, PengolinCoin Core now requires two files, sapling-output.params and sapling-spend.params (with total size ~50 MB), to be saved in a specific location.

For the following packages, no action is required by the user:

  • macOS release dmg binaries will use the params that are bundled into the .app bundle.
  • Windows installer .exe will automatically copy the files in the proper location.
  • Linux PPA/Snap/Copr installs will automatically copy the files in the proper location.

For the other packages, the user must save the param files in the proper location, before being able to run PengolinCoin v3.0.0:

  • macOS/Linux tar.gz tarballs include a bash script ( to copy the parameters in the appropriate location.
  • Windows .zip users need to manually copy the files from the PENGOLINCOINParams folder to the %APPDATA%\PENGOLINCOINParams directory.
  • self compilers can run the script from the repository sources (params/, or copy the files directly from the params subdirectory.


PengolinCoin Core is extensively tested on multiple operating systems using the Linux kernel, macOS 10.10+, and Windows 7 and later.

Microsoft ended support for Windows XP on April 8th, 2014, No attempt is made to prevent installing or running the software on Windows XP, you can still do so at your own risk but be aware that there are known instabilities and issues. Please do not report issues about Windows XP to the issue tracker.

Apple released it's last Mountain Lion update August 13, 2015, and officially ended support on December 14, 2015. PengolinCoin Core software starting with v3.2.0 will no longer run on MacOS versions prior to Yosemite (10.10). Please do not report issues about MacOS versions prior to Yosemite to the issue tracker.

PengolinCoin Core should also work on most other Unix-like systems but is not frequently tested on them.

Notable Changes

New SHIELD Protocol Implemented!


Users will be able to protect their financial information by sending and receiving PGOs privately, as well as sending and receiving encrypted messages attached to the shield transactions.
More visual information about the protocol can be found at .

GUI features

New set of functionalities for the interaction with the SHIELD protocol:

  • Receive screen modified to show, generate and set label of wallet's shield addresses.
  • Dashboard transactions list including shield transactions.
  • Top bar showing shield PGO balances.
  • Send screen modified, implementing shield transaction crafting and broadcast.
  • New encrypted memo functionality.
  • Transaction detail dialog presenting shield transaction information.
  • Spending process moved to a background thread, loading screen connected while the operation is being performed.
  • Contacts screen modified to store external shield addresses.


A brand new manager encapsulating all Sapling related capabilities inside the wallet has been implemented:

  • New address type: shield addresses (using bech32 format).
  • New derivation path for Sapling keys: Shield addresses are derived from the same wallet master seed used for the deterministic derivation of all other keys. The same seed, therefore, can be used to restore both transparent and Shield addresses, recovering both transparent and Shield PGO balance.
  • Support for Sapling extended full viewing keys, incoming viewing keys, outgoing viewing keys and spending keys.
  • Sapling notes management:
    • Notes decryption.
    • Blockchain scanning protocol: handling when and how to store a Sapling output and its related keys. As well as mark used notes.
    • Notes metadata cache: retrieving information without requiring to decrypt notes on-demand.
    • Able to filter available notes for spending.
  • Sapling witnesses and nullifiers tracking.
  • New transaction building process, crafting and signing shield transactions.

Block Primitive:

  • Block version bumped to 8.
  • Starting from block v8, the block header includes an additional uint256 field, hashFinalSaplingRoot (which adds 32 bytes to the end of the serialized block header) storing the root of the Sapling note commitment tree, corresponding to the final Sapling treestate of this block.
  • Each block index now is tracking the network total value entering and exiting the shield pool.

Transaction Primitive:

  • The "transaction type" concept was introduced, dividing the version field (4 bytes) in version (first 2 bytes) and type (second 2 bytes).
  • For transactions with nVersion >= 3, a new optional field sapData has been included, comprising:
    • valueBalance: the net value of Sapling spend transfers minus output transfers
    • vShieldedSpend: a sequence of Sapling spend descriptions
    • vShieldedOutput: a sequence of Sapling output descriptions
    • bindingSig: the Sapling binding signature
  • Transactions with nVersion >= 3 and nType != 0(not enabled by consensus at the moment), are defined "special transactions" and must include an extra payload serialized according to the definition imposed by the relative type.
  • A new signature hash for Sapling and Special transactions has been implemented (as defined in ZIP-243).

Additional Consensus Rules

  • Transactions with version >= 3 must have the new serialization (including a zero byte for empty Optional, if missing sapData or extraPayload).
  • Shield transactions cannot be coinbase or coinstake transactions.
  • Transactions containing empty vin must have non-empty vShieldedSpend.
  • Transactions containing empty vout must have non-empty vShieldedOutput.
  • Transactions with version >= 4 are not accepted
  • The maximum size of a single Shield transaction is 400 kB.
  • The sum of the sizes of all Shield transactions in a block cannot be greater than 750 kB.

Fee Policy

The minRelayTxFee startup argument is multiplied by a fixed factor K = 100 for Shield transactions. This makes the fee required to relay Shield transactions (and "dust" threshold value) 100 times higher than a transparent transaction of the same size.

Build System

In order to support the protocol, the following dependencies are introduced in the build system:

HD Wallet upgrade

In order to support the Shield features, the wallet must be upgraded to SAPLING_VERSION.

How do I check my wallet version?

  • Check the output of getinfo or getwalletinfo.
    The "walletversion" field must be equal to 170000 (SAPLING_VERSION)

How do I upgrade my HD wallet to SAPLING_VERSION?

  • Newly created wallets have already the latest version
  • If the wallet is unlocked, use the -upgradewallet init flag to automatically update at startup.
    Otherwise use the GUI or RPC (see below) to unlock and upgrade the wallet.
  • GUI:
    • A dialog will appear on every wallet startup notifying you that you are running a pre-Sapling wallet and letting you upgrade it from there.
    • If you haven't upgraded your wallet, the topbar (bar with icons that appears at the top of your wallet) will have an "HD" icon. Click it and the upgrade dialog will be launched.
  • RPC:
    • use the upgradewallet after unlocking the wallet (if locked)

Tier Two Network

A large number of performance and stability improvements over the complete tier two network and masternodes sources have been performed. Re-writing, encapsulating and decoupling workflows, cleaning up an extensive number of redundancies and misalignment.
Plus, tier two and masternodes capabilities have been introduced to regtest, enabling the local testing environment setup and the creation of a functional testing framework for the area.
This work is directly correlated with a substantial efficiency improvement for the entire software, not only for masternodes, and is one of the building blocks for the new tier two network and sync protocol that will be continued post-v5.

Instant Proposal Removal:
The threshold was increased to 30% of negative votes.
The proposal will never be removed before its first superblock.

Maximum Proposal Payment:
The limit was decreased to a maximum of 6 payments.


A complete overhaul of the thread synchronization area has been done, all of the workflows that were containing locks with cyclic dependencies that could cause a deadlock were reworked.
Solving every circular dependency, a good number of inconsistent states were fixed. The software now can be fully run with the --enable-debug configure time flag without crashing for a possible deadlock.

Account API Removed

The 'account' API was deprecated in v1.0.0, and has been fully removed in v3.0.0.
The 'label' API was introduced in v1.0.0 as a replacement for accounts.

SwiftX Removed

Remove obsolete functionality (already disabled via SPORK in the previous releases).

  • startup arguments removed:

    • zmqpubhashtxlock
    • zmqpubrawtxlock
    • enableswifttx
    • swifttxdepth
  • P2P messages deprecated:

  • GUI changes:

    • remove SwiftX mentions in coin control
  • RPC commands removed/modified:

    • sendtoaddressix (removed)
    • sendrawtransaction (removed swiftx optional parameter)
    • decoded transaction bcconfirmations JSON entry is now deprecated and kept only for backward compatibility (it is equal to confirmations)
  • Deprecated Sporks:


Zerocoin Protocol Support Removed

The Core wallet is no longer able to produce (public) zerocoin spends, and those are no longer accepted by consensus.

  • Several zerocoin related RPC commands have been removed or changed (as detailed in the section "RPC Changes" below).
  • startup argument removed: reindexzerocoin
  • GUI: removed transaction records for zerocoin mint outputs

GUI Changes

Shield Protocol

Several views and widgets have been updated to support new features as described in the previous section.

RPC Console

  • Added autocompletion for the help command
  • Added warning/confirmation dialog before executing commands that expose private keys (dumpwallet, dumpprivkey, exportsaplingkey)

RPC Changes

The RPC server now returns a JSON-RPC exception when receiving a request during the warm-up phase. The returned exception includes the current init message ("Loading sporks", "Loading block index", "Verifying blocks", etc...)

New RPC Commands

Several new RPC commands have been introduced to support SHIELD address and transaction interactions, as well as expanded informational and layer 2 functionality. The below table lists each command and it's intended purpose.

Command Name Purpose Requires Unlocked Wallet?
getbestsaplinganchor Returns the most recent SaplingMerkleTree root No
exportsaplingkey Exports the private key of a SHIELD address Yes
exportsaplingviewingkey Exports the viewing key of a SHIELD address Yes
getnewshieldaddress Creates a new SHIELD address Yes
getsaplingnotescount Returns the number of sapling notes available in the wallet No
getshieldbalance Return information about the shield value of funds stored in the wallet No
importsaplingkey Imports the private key of a SHIELD address Yes
importsaplingviewingkey Imports the viewing key of a SHIELD address Yes
listreceivedbyshieldaddress Returns a list of amounts received by a SHIELD address in the wallet No
listshieldaddresses Returns the list of shield addresses belonging to the wallet No
listshieldunspent Returns array of unspent SHIELD notes in the wallet No
rawshieldsendmany Creates a transaction sending to many recipients (without committing it), and returns the hex string. Yes
shieldsendmany Send to many recipients (Either transparent or SHIELD) Yes
viewshieldtransaction Get detailed SHIELD information about an in-wallet transaction Yes
getsupplyinfo Returns detailed PGO supply information No
initmasternode Manually initialize the client as a masternode No
getcachedblockhashes Return the block hashes cached in the masternode manager No

Each new command is detailed below:

  • getbestsaplinganchor
    Returns the most recent SaplingMerkleTree root.

    "hex" (string) the sapling anchor hex encoded

  • exportsaplingkey
    Reveals the key corresponding to the 'shield_addr'.
    Then the importsaplingkey can be used with this output


    1. "addr" (string, required) The shield addr for the private key

    "key" (string) The private key

  • exportsaplingviewingkey
    Reveals the viewing key corresponding to 'shield_addr'.
    Then the importsaplingviewingkey can be used with this output


    1. "shield_addr" (string, required) The shield addr for the viewing key

    "vkey" (string) The viewing key

  • getnewshieldaddress
    Returns a new shield address for receiving payments.

    "address" (string) The new shield address.

  • getsaplingnotescount
    Returns the number of sapling notes available in the wallet.


    1. minconf (numeric, optional, default=1) Only include notes in transactions confirmed at least this many times.

    num (numeric) the number of sapling notes in the wallet

  • getshieldbalance
    Return the total shield value of funds stored in the node's wallet or if an address was given,
    returns the balance of the shield addr belonging to the node's wallet.

    CAUTION: If the wallet contains any addresses for which it only has incoming viewing keys,
    the returned private balance may be larger than the actual balance, because spends cannot
    be detected with incoming viewing keys.


    1. "address" (string, optional) The selected address. If non empty nor "*", it must be a Sapling address
    2. minconf (numeric, optional, default=1) Only include private and transparent transactions confirmed at least this many times.
    3. includeWatchonly (bool, optional, default=false) Also include balance in watchonly addresses (see 'importaddress' and 'importsaplingviewingkey')

    amount (numeric) the total balance of shield funds (in Sapling addresses)

  • importsaplingkey
    Adds a key (as returned by exportsaplingkey) to your wallet.


    1. "key" (string, required) The zkey (see exportsaplingkey)
    2. rescan (string, optional, default="whenkeyisnew") Rescan the wallet for transactions - can be "yes", "no" or "whenkeyisnew"
    3. startHeight (numeric, optional, default=0) Block height to start rescan from

    Note: This call can take minutes to complete if rescan is true.

    "address" : "address|DefaultAddress", (string) The address corresponding to the spending key (the default address).

  • importsaplingviewingkey
    Adds a viewing key (as returned by exportsaplingviewingkey) to your wallet.


    1. "vkey" (string, required) The viewing key (see exportsaplingviewingkey)
    2. rescan (string, optional, default="whenkeyisnew") Rescan the wallet for transactions - can be "yes", "no" or "whenkeyisnew"
    3. startHeight (numeric, optional, default=0) Block height to start rescan from

    Note: This call can take minutes to complete if rescan is true.

    "address" : "address|DefaultAddress", (string) The address corresponding to the viewing key (for Sapling, this is the default address).

  • listreceivedbyshieldaddress
    Return a list of amounts received by a shield addr belonging to the node's wallet.


    1. "address" (string) The private address.
    2. minconf (numeric, optional, default=1) Only include transactions confirmed at least this many times.

    "txid": "txid", (string) the transaction id
    "amount": xxxxx, (numeric) the amount of value in the note
    "memo": xxxxx, (string) hexadecimal string representation of memo field
    "confirmations" : n, (numeric) the number of confirmations
    "blockheight": n, (numeric) The block height containing the transaction
    "blockindex": n, (numeric) The block index containing the transaction.
    "blocktime": xxx, (numeric) The transaction time in seconds since epoch (midnight Jan 1 1970 GMT).
    "outindex" (sapling) : n, (numeric) the output index
    "change": true|false, (boolean) true if the address that received the note is also one of the sending addresses

  • listshieldaddresses
    Returns the list of shield addresses belonging to the wallet.


    1. includeWatchonly (bool, optional, default=false) Also include watchonly addresses (see 'importviewingkey')

    [ (json array of string)
    "addr", (string) a shield address belonging to the wallet

  • listshieldunspent
    Returns array of unspent shield notes with between minconf and maxconf (inclusive) confirmations.
    Optionally filter to only include notes sent to specified addresses.
    When minconf is 0, unspent notes with zero confirmations are returned, even though they are not immediately spendable.


    1. minconf (numeric, optional, default=1) The minimum confirmations to filter
    2. maxconf (numeric, optional, default=9999999) The maximum confirmations to filter
    3. includeWatchonly (bool, optional, default=false) Also include watchonly addresses (see 'importsaplingviewingkey')
    4. "addresses" (string) A json array of shield addrs to filter on. Duplicate addresses not allowed.
      "address", (string) shield addr

    [ (array of json object)
    "txid" : "txid", (string) the transaction id
    "outindex" (sapling) : n, (numeric) the output index
    "confirmations" : n, (numeric) the number of confirmations
    "spendable" : true|false, (boolean) true if note can be spent by wallet, false if address is watchonly
    "address" : "address", (string) the shield address
    "amount": xxxxx, (numeric) the amount of value in the note
    "memo": xxxxx, (string) hexademical string representation of memo field
    "change": true|false, (boolean) true if the address that received the note is also one of the sending addresses
    "nullifier": xxxxx, (string) the note's nullifier, hex encoded }

  • rawshieldsendmany
    Creates a transaction sending to many recipients (without committing it), and returns the hex string.
    Amounts are decimal numbers with at most 8 digits of precision.
    Change generated from a transparent addr flows to a new  transparent addr address, while change generated from a shield addr returns to itself.
    When sending coinbase UTXOs to a shield addr, change is not allowed. The entire value of the UTXO(s) must be consumed.
    Requires wallet passphrase to be set with walletpassphrase call.


    1. "fromaddress" (string, required) The transparent addr or shield addr to send the funds from.
      It can also be the string "from_transparent"|"from_shield" to send the funds
      from any transparent|shield address available.
      Additionally, it can be the string "from_trans_cold" to select transparent funds,
      possibly including delegated coins, if needed.
    2. "amounts" (array, required) An array of json objects representing the amounts to send.
      "address":address (string, required) The address is a transparent addr or shield addr
      "amount":amount (numeric, required) The numeric amount in PGO is the value
      "memo":memo (string, optional) If the address is a shield addr, message string of max 512 bytes
      }, ... ]
    3. minconf (numeric, optional, default=1) Only use funds confirmed at least this many times.
    4. fee (numeric, optional), The fee amount to attach to this transaction.
      If not specified, the wallet will try to compute the minimum possible fee for a shield TX,
      based on the expected transaction size and the current value of -minRelayTxFee.

    transaction (string) hex string of the transaction

  • shieldsendmany
    Send to many recipients. Amounts are decimal numbers with at most 8 digits of precision.
    Change generated from a transparent addr flows to a new  transparent addr address, while change generated from a shield addr returns to itself.
    When sending coinbase UTXOs to a shield addr, change is not allowed. The entire value of the UTXO(s) must be consumed.
    Requires wallet passphrase to be set with walletpassphrase call.


    1. "fromaddress" (string, required) The transparent addr or shield addr to send the funds from.
      It can also be the string "from_transparent"|"from_shield" to send the funds
      from any transparent|shield address available.
      Additionally, it can be the string "from_trans_cold" to select transparent funds,
      possibly including delegated coins, if needed.
    2. "amounts" (array, required) An array of json objects representing the amounts to send.
      "address":address (string, required) The address is a transparent addr or shield addr
      "amount":amount (numeric, required) The numeric amount in PGO is the value
      "memo":memo (string, optional) If the address is a shield addr, message string of max 512 bytes
      }, ... ]
    3. minconf (numeric, optional, default=1) Only use funds confirmed at least this many times.
    4. fee (numeric, optional), The fee amount to attach to this transaction.
      If not specified, the wallet will try to compute the minimum possible fee for a shield TX,
      based on the expected transaction size and the current value of -minRelayTxFee.

    "id" (string) transaction hash in the network

  • viewshieldtransaction
    Get detailed shield information about in-wallet transaction "txid"

    Requires wallet passphrase to be set with walletpassphrase call.


    1. "txid" (string, required) The transaction id

    "txid" : "transactionid", (string) The transaction id
    "fee" :, (numeric) The transaction fee in PGO
    "spends" : [
    "spend" : n, (numeric, sapling) the index of the spend within vShieldedSpend
    "txidPrev" : "transactionid", (string) The id for the transaction this note was created in
    "outputPrev" : n, (numeric, sapling) the index of the output within the vShieldedOutput
    "address" : "pengolincoinaddress", (string) The PengolinCoin address involved in the transaction
    "value" : (numeric) The amount in PGO
    "valueSat" : xxxx (numeric) The amount in satoshis
    "outputs" : [
    "output" : n, (numeric, sapling) the index of the output within the vShieldedOutput
    "address" : "pengolincoinaddress", (string) The PengolinCoin address involved in the transaction
    "outgoing" : true|false (boolean, sapling) True if the output is not for an address in the wallet
    "value" : (numeric) The amount in PGO
    "valueSat" : xxxx (numeric) The amount in satoshis
    "memo" : "hexmemo", (string) Hexademical string representation of the memo field
    "memoStr" : "memo", (string) Only returned if memo contains valid UTF-8 text.

  • getsupplyinfo
    If forceupdate=false (default if no argument is given): return the last cached money supply
    (sum of spendable transaction outputs) and the height of the chain when it was last updated
    (it is updated periodically, whenever the chainstate is flushed).

    If forceupdate=true: Flush the chainstate to disk and return the money supply updated to
    the current chain height.


    1. forceupdate (boolean, optional, default=false) flush chainstate to disk and update cache

    "updateheight" : n, (numeric) The chain height when the transparent supply was updated
    "transparentsupply" : n (numeric) The sum of all spendable transaction outputs at height updateheight
    "shieldsupply": n (numeric) Chain tip shield pool value
    "totalsupply": n (numeric) The sum of transparentsupply and shieldsupply

  • initmasternode
    Initialize masternode on demand if it's not already initialized.


    1. masternodePrivKey (string, required) The masternode private key.
    2. masternodeAddr (string, required) The IP:Port of this masternode.

    success (string) if the masternode initialization succeeded.

  • getcachedblockhashes
    Return the block hashes cached in the masternode manager

    "xxxx", (string) hash at Index d (height modulo max cache size)

Changed RPC Commands

Several RPC commands have had changes to their input arguments or output fields since v4.3.0 to support new functionality. Below is a detailed list of changes to existing RPC commands:

  • dumpwallet
    A new entry (warning) is added to the return object, explaining the risks connected with sharing the output of the command. Also the filename can no longer contain the strings "bug" and "log".

  • delegatestake/rawdelegatestake
    A new input parameter (fUseShielded) has been added, in order to delegate funds from Shield addresses.

  • getblock
    A new JSON entry (finalsaplingroot) has been added to the return object. (string) The root of the Sapling commitment tree after applying this block.

  • getblockheader
    A new JSON object (shield_pool_value) has been added to the return object with the following information:

    "shield_pool_value":   (object) Block shield pool value
       "chainValue":        (numeric) Total value held by the Sapling circuit up to and including this block
       "valueDelta":        (numeric) Change in value held by the Sapling circuit over this block
  • getblockchaininfo
    A new JSON entry (initial_block_downloading) has been added to the return object. (boolean) whether the node is in initial block downloading state or not.
    A new JSON object (shield_pool_value) has been added to the return object with the following information:

    "shield_pool_value":   (object) Chain tip shield pool value
       "chainValue":        (numeric) Total value held by the Sapling circuit up to and including this block
       "valueDelta":        (numeric) Change in value held by the Sapling circuit over this block
  • getblockindexstats
    The fFeeOnly input argument has been removed.
    The spendcount and pubspendcount return objects have been removed due to zerocoin deprecation.

  • preparebudget and submitbudget
    A maximum of 6 payment cycles per proposal (20 on testnet) is now imposed for newly created proposals. Amounts higher than this limit will now return an error message.

  • getbudgetprojection
    A typo in the JSON return fields has been corrected; Alloted and TotalBudgetAlloted have been renamed to Allotted and TotalBudgetAllotted respectively.

  • mnfinalbudget show
    The strName key of the JSON object, representing a finalized budget in the output list, has now the format "main" (Hash). The object no longer has the "Hash" entry.

  • sendtoaddress/sendmany
    Shield addresses can be used as recipients. In this case the request is forwarded to shieldsendmany with first parameter set to from_transparent.

  • startmasternode
    A new optional input argument (reload_conf) has been added to reload the client's masternode.conf file in real-time. This optional argument is only available when running startmasternode with "alias" being specified as the first argument.

  • decodemasternodebroadcast
    The nlastdsq JSON return entry has been removed. This was a remnant from pre-zerocoin "CoinJoin" mixing.

  • getinfo
    The zerocoinbalance JSON return entry and the zPGOsupply return JSON object have been removed due to zerocoin deprecation.
    The balance JSON return entry is now all inclusive (the sum of all transparent and shield PGO)
    The moneysupply JSON return entry is the total PGO supply (the sum of all transparent and shield PGO)
    A new JSON return entry (transparentsupply) has been added to return the sum of the value of all unspent outputs when the chainstate was last flushed to disk.
    A new JSON return entry (shieldsupply) has been added to return the shield supply at the chain tip.
    Integrators should switch to the newly added getsupplyinfo RPC command for the purpose of obtaining supply information as it is more robust and does not rely on information caching.

  • validateaddress
    The account JSON return entry has been removed due to the removal of the internal accounting system. The label entry was it's replacement.

  • getrawtransaction
    A new JSON return entry (type) has been added which indicates via a numeric value the type of transaction (currently not fully implemented).
    A new JSON return array (shield_addresses) has been added which will contain a list of shield address strings involved in the transaction (if that information is available to the local client).
    Two new JSON return entries (extraPayloadSize and extraPayload) have been added pre-emptively to support future implementation of "special" transactions (currently NYI).

  • getrawtransaction and decoderawtransaction
    New JSON output entries have been added to both these commands to detail sapling input/output information after the vout array in the following format:

    "valueBalance": n,          (numeric) The net value of spend transfers minus output transfers
    "valueBalanceSat": n,       (numeric) `valueBalance` in sats
    "vShieldSpend": [               (array of json objects)
         "cv": "hex",         (string) A value commitment to the value of the input note
         "anchor": hex,         (string) A Merkle root of the Sapling note commitment tree at some block height in the past
         "nullifier": hex,       (string) The nullifier of the input note
         "rk": hex,              (string) The randomized public key for spendAuthSig
         "proof": hex,           (string) A zero-knowledge proof using the spend circuit
         "spendAuthSig": hex,    (string) A signature authorizing this spend
    "vShieldOutput": [             (array of json objects)
         "cv": hex,                  (string) A value commitment to the value of the output note
         "cmu": hex,                 (string) The u-coordinate of the note commitment for the output note
         "ephemeralKey": hex,         (string) A Jubjub public key
         "encCiphertext": hex,       (string) A ciphertext component for the encrypted output note
         "outCiphertext": hex,       (string) A ciphertext component for the encrypted output note
         "proof": hex,               (string) A zero-knowledge proof using the output circuit
    "bindingSig": hex,       (string) Prove consistency of valueBalance with the value commitments in spend descriptions and output descriptions, and proves knowledge of the randomness used for the spend and output value commitments
  • getbalance
    The account input argument has been removed due to the removal of the internal accounting system.
    A new optional input argument (includeShield) has been added to include shield balance. Default is true.

  • getcoldstakingbalance and getdelegatedbalance
    The optional account input argument has been removed due to the removal of the internal accounting system.

  • listreceivedbyaddress, listreceivedbylabel, listsinceblock, and gettransaction
    The JSON return entry account has been removed due to the removal of the internal accounting system.
    The JSON return entry bcconfirmations has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in the future.

  • listunspent
    The JSON return entry account has been removed due to the removal of the internal accounting system.
    A new JSON entry (generated) has been added to indicate if the txout is a coinstake transaction.

Removed RPC Commands

The table below details RPC commands that have now been fully removed. These commands had previously been deprecated or otherwise marked for removal with the v5.0 release:

Command Name Previous Purpose Reason for removal
findserial Searches the zerocoin database for a zerocoin spend transaction that contains the specified serial Zerocoin deprecation
getserials Look at the inputs of any tx in a range of blocks and returns the serial numbers for any coinspend Zerocoin deprecation
getaccountaddress Returned the current PengolinCoin address associated with an internal account Account system removal
setaccount Associate a PengolinCoin address with an internal account name Account system removal
getaccount Returned the internal account associated with a given PengolinCoin address Account system removal
getaddressesbyaccount Returned a list of PengolinCoin addresses associated with an internal account Account system removal
sendtoaddressix Send an amount to a given address using SwiftX SwiftX disabled
getreceivedbyaccount Returned the total amount received by addresses associated with an internal account Account system removal
move Move funds from one internal account to another internal account Account system removal
sendfrom Send an amount from an internal account to a PengolinCoin address Account system removal
listreceivedbyaccount List received transactions by account Account system removal
listaccounts List internal account names and balances Account system removal
multisend Configure sending a portion of stake rewards to a PengolinCoin address Pending a full rewrite
getzerocoinbalance Returned the wallet's total zPGO balance Zerocoin deprecation
listmintedzerocoins List all zPGO mints in the wallet Zerocoin deprecation
listzerocoinamounts List information about your zerocoin amounts Zerocoin deprecation
listspentzerocoins List all the spent zPGO mints in the wallet Zerocoin deprecation
mintzerocoin Mint the specified zPGO amount Zerocoin deprecation
spendzerocoin Spend zPGO to a PGO address Zerocoin deprecation
spendzerocoinmints Spend specific zPGO mints to a PGO address Zerocoin deprecation
resetmintzerocoin Scan the chain for zerocoin mints held in the wallet DB and refresh their status Zerocoin deprecation
resetspentzerocoin Scan the chain for all zerocoin spends held in the wallet DB and refresh their status Zerocoin deprecation
getarchivedzerocoin Display zerocoins that were archived because they were believed to be orphans Zerocoin deprecation
exportzerocoins Export zerocoin mints that are held in the wallet DB Zerocoin deprecation
importzerocoins Import zerocoin mints Zerocoin deprecation
reconsiderzerocoins Check archived zPGOs to see if any mints were added to the chain Zerocoin deprecation
setzpgoseed Set the wallet's deterministic zPGO seed to a specific value Zerocoin deprecation
getzpgoseed Return the current deterministic zPGO seed Zerocoin deprecation
generatemintlist Show mints that are derived from the deterministic zPGO seed Zerocoin deprecation
dzpgostate Show the current state of the mintpool of the wallet Zerocoin deprecation
searchdzpgo Do a search for deterministically generated zPGO that have not yet added to the wallet Zerocoin deprecation
spendrawzerocoin Create and broadcast a TX spending the provided zericoin Zerocoin deprecation