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A tutorial to build a web scraper by using beautifulsoup and selenium.

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QS Ranking Crawler

A note to build a web scraper by using beautifulsoup and selenium. This program crawls QS Rankings to discover the top universities from all over the world. Uni name, ranking and location are fetched from the table and stored as a csv file. Jupyter notebook is available as well through this link.

Import packages

Download chrome web dirver first. [Click here]

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import bs4
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from selenium.common.exceptions import *
from selenium import webdriver
%matplotlib inline

Main code

Only 25 universities are listed on the table per page, so I have to set the number of page I want to crawl. (max page: 40)

  1. Open the html via chrome driver. (make sure webdriver.exe is in the same directory)
  2. Parse the html using BeautifulSoup.
  3. Create a loop to crawl all the elements (ranking, uni name, location) in each row.
  4. Click to the next page and start over the loop in step three.
  5. Stop fetching the data until all pages are done.
def get_uni_information(year=2020, unilist, page=40):
    url = r"{}".format(year)
    # Open url and get the QS Ranking html page
    driver_path = r"C:\Users\YangWang\Desktop\machineLearning\indiaNewsClassification\chromedriver.exe"
    driver = webdriver.Chrome(driver_path)
    # Crawl all the pages (max page is 40)
    if page <= 40: 
        for _ in range(int(page)):
            # Use BeautifulSoup to parse every page
            soup = BeautifulSoup(driver.page_source, "html.parser")
            # Find the table which contains the information I want
            x = soup.find(name="table", attrs={"class": "dataTable no-footer"})
            # Use 'for' loop to catch every rows in the table, and append the rows into the list
            for tr in x.find(name="tbody"):
                    tds = tr('td')
                    if tds[0].find(name="span") is not None:
                        rank = tds[0].find(name="span").string
                        rank = None
                    if tds[1].find(name="a") is not None:
                        uni = tds[1].find(name="a").string
                        uni = None
                    if tds[2].find(attrs={"class": "td-wrap"}) is not None:
                        location = tds[2].find(attrs={"class": "td-wrap"}).string
                        location = None
                except (RuntimeError, TypeError, NameError):
                unilist.append([rank, uni, location])
            # Click next page button
            element = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="qs-rankings_next"]')
            driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", element)
        print("Max page is 40.")
    return unilist

Get the dataframe

Using get_uni_information function to crawl the information and then store them into a dataframe. Also do some dataframe preprocessing in order to make sure every columns are in right data types.

def get_qs_ranking_dataframe(year=2020, page=40):
    unilist = []
    unilist = get_uni_information(year, unilist, page)
    df = pd.DataFrame(unilist)
    df.columns = ["ranking", "uni", "location"]
    # Dataframe preprocessing
    df["ranking"] = [int(x)+1 for x in range(len(df))]
    df["uni"] = df["uni"].map(str)
    df["location"] = df["location"].map(str)
    return df

Take a look at the dataframe

qs_2020 = get_qs_ranking_dataframe(year=2020, page=40)
qs_2020[(qs_2020["location"] == "Japan") & (qs_2020["ranking"] <= 100)]
ranking uni location
23 The University of Tokyo Japan
34 Kyoto University Japan
59 Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) Japan
71 Osaka University Japan
82 Tohoku University Japan

Visualise top universities

Visualise top top_ranking universities and show top num countries in the image of the certain year.

def visualise_qs_ranking(df, year, top_ranking, num):
    df: dataframe
    year: year of the qs ranking
    top_ranking: top # of universities to be selected
    num: # of countries to be visaulised
    top = df.iloc[0:top_ranking]
    ax = (top['location'].value_counts().head(num).plot(
        figsize=(20, 10), 
        title="Number of Top {} Universities in QS Ranking {}".format(len(top['location']), str(year))))
    ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, top['location'].value_counts()[0]+2, 1))


A tutorial to build a web scraper by using beautifulsoup and selenium.






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