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TSV4RDF: A TSV (tab-separated values) to TriG (serialization format for RDF) PHP parser

The package processes tabular data in the TSV format and converts it to RDF in the TriG serialization according to the user specifications.


  • PHP => 5.3.2
  • Composer => 1.6.*
  • ext-curl => *


Pull this package in through Composer.

    "require": {
        "pensoft/tsv4rdf": "*"

or run in terminal: composer require pensoft/tsv4rdf

Laravel 5.x integration

Add the service provider to your config/app.php file:

'providers'     => array(



Add the facade to your config/app.php file:

'aliases' => array(

    'TSV4RDF' => Pensoft\TSV4RDF\Facades\TSV4RDF::class,



Example tsv file presented like a table.

TSV is a file extension for a tab-delimited file

city city_ascii lat lng pop country iso2 iso3 province
Qal eh-ye Now Qal eh-ye 34.98300013 63.13329964 2997 Afghanistan AF AFG Badghis
Chaghcharan Chaghcharan 34.5167011 65.25000063 15000 Afghanistan AF AFG Ghor
Lashkar Gah Lashkar Gah 31.58299802 64.35999955 201546 Afghanistan AF AFG Hilmand

Initialize TSV4RDF package

Via Laravel 5.4

use Pensoft\TSV4RDF\TSV4RDF;

$tsv4rdf = new TSV4RDF();

Load (.tsv) file


Load (.csv) file


This package can stream and csv files but must to set comma separator

Include namespaces

$tsv4rdf->setNamespace('geo', '');


$tsv4rdf->setNamespaces( array('geo' => '', 'geo2' => '') );

Set base prefix to triples

$tsv4rdf->setBasePrefix ('geo');

by default is NULL

If is not set base prefix by default before to start stream data takes from namespace the first and applies it.

How to predefine predicates

$tsv4rdf->setPredefinedPredicates( array('city' => 'geo2:city') );

Exclude from input file columns

$tsv4rdf->setPredefinedPredicates( array('city_ascii' => '!') );

Dispatch actions

Actions helps to change or involke triples and namespaces during in stream the turtles.

actionInitialize(function($row, $class){ })

This action is dispatch only once time before to load triples and namespace. The param $class is tsv4rdf and can involke all public functions

All actions

actionBeforeTriples(function($row, $class){ })
The action actionBeforeTriples is involked before build all triples from csv.

actionAfterTriples(function($row, $class){ })
The action actionBeforeTriples is involked after build all triples from csv.

actionBeforeNamespaces(function($row, $class){ })
Adds prefixes before build namespaces in turtle.

actionAfterNamespaces(function($row, $class){ }) Adds prefixes after build all exists namespaces in turtle..

Available methods in actions


Renders triple only one time

actionInitialize(function($row, $object){
  $object->setOneTimeTriple($subject = '<>', 
  $predicate = 'a', 
  $object = 'fabio:Label', 
  $is_object = true


Stores triple in stock of triples

actionInitialize(function($row, $object){
    $subject = '<>',
    $predicate = 'a', 
    $object = 'openbiodiv:Label', 
    $is_object = true


The setSubjectsSuffix function adds to the main subject suffix.

actionInitialize(function($row, $object){
  echo $object->getSubject();


The removeRowField skips a value from tsv resource.

actionInitialize(function($row, $object){
  $object->removeRowField('country', $row);


The removeSubjectsSuffix removes a suffix from subject.

actionInitialize(function($row, $object){
  echo $object->getSubject();


The getSubject returns a value with some suffix and prefix. By default $suffix and $prefix are empty.

actionInitialize(function($row, $object){
    $suffix = '',
    $prefix = '';


The getPredicate returns a value from some resource column name. The parameter can be a number or name of column.

actionInitialize(function($row, $object){


The getObject returns a value from some column. The parameter can be a number or name of column.

actionInitialize(function($row, $object){
  $object->getObject($row, 'country', $default = null);


The setNamespace records prefix and resource in an array of namespaces.

actionInitialize(function($row, $object){
    $prefix = '',
    $resource = ''

Limit input streaming

$tsv4rdf->setLimit( 1000 );

by default limit is set to 0 and read all input data

Output data

$tsv4rdf->toFile( 'cities.trig' );

The output data is appended to singular file and could be set with various extensions

$tsv4rdf->toFiles( 'cities_$1.trig', $1, 1000 );

The output data is splitted by files with 1000 rows from input data

$tsv4rdf->toAPI ($endpoint, $method = 'GET', $options = array(), $headers = array())

$endpoint - URL
$method - 'GET','POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH' and etc. $options - see curl_setopt
$headers - see CURLOPT_HEADEROPT link

$tsv4rdf->toString ()

Desplay output data

Work example


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