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PentesterHelper is a great tool for pentesters who are looking to find static website vulnerabilities. It provides an easy-to-use interface that allows users to quickly identify potential security flaws in websites. The main feature of PentesterHelper is its automated scanning capability, which checks the entire website and looks for any known vulnerabilities or weaknesses. This can save time and effort when compared to manual testing methods, as it eliminates the need for manually entering each URL into a web browser or other tools.

Another great thing about PentesterHelper is that it offers detailed reports on identified issues with links back to resources where you can learn more about them and how they may be exploited by hackers. Furthermore, this tool also has features such as email alerts when new threats are detected so you’ll always be aware of what’s going on with your site security status at all times!

Finally, one of the most useful aspects of using PentesterHelper is its ability to generate custom reports based off user inputted criteria like IP address range scans or specific file types searches - making it easier than ever before for pentesters who want targeted results from their vulnerability assessments! All in all, if you're looking for an effective way to identify static website vulnerabilities then look no further than Pentester Helper - giving peace of mind knowing your sites are secure against malicious attacks while saving precious time too!


pip install pentesterhelper==0.0.1

Download Python File:

Uses: cmdArgs
 1.  --all: Finding All Static vulnerability
 2.  --dir: Finding directory and saved CSV file
 3.  --server: Finding Platform/Server Name
 4.  --host: Finding Host Header Vulnerability
 5.  --options: Finding Options Method Enable or not
 6.  --autocomplete: Finding Autocomplete
 7.  --headers: Finding Security Headers and HSTS
 8.  --weakssl: Weak Hash Algorithm


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