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Setup Guide

peonso edited this page Sep 15, 2016 · 1 revision

Setup guide for Tibia Legacy Server

  1. How to play in a TLS server with Tibia 7.72 client

First you need Tibia Client version 7.72, you can download it HERE, HERE or HERE. I'm not responsible for those links, so you better googling it. We also need a IP changer application, I suggest OtLand ip changer (, you can found it HERE.

Then find a server website, create an account there and search for the server ip adress. Open both Tibia 7.72 client and ip changer, enter server IP at IP and apply. Log in with the account you created.

  1. How to setup your TLS server

2.1 - What we will do and what we need.

To run an OpenTibia server you will need a group of programs that manage not only the server, but the database of players, accounts and other informations, and the website used by server users to create the accounts and such things.

The server itself will be OTHire 0.0.2 for protocol 7.72, a work of TwistedScorpio, based on OpenTibia CVS, sources are avaible here, you can also see some discussion about OTHire here, the OtLand forum thread. Guilcera is our map, the files are inside server data folder.

As website we will use ZnoteAAC 1.5, already edited by me, since the original one is not correctly setup to work with OTHire, but The Forgotten Server, you can see more about ZnoteAAC here. It's a web based account creator for OpenTibia servers that work through PHP.

To manage the server MySQL database, and also put our web account creator online we will use Uniform Server, official website.

And last but not least, we will need a URL Redirect service, and port foward all the ports used.

2.2 - Downloads

So, we will need (versions used while I wrote this guide, june 2014)

  • Lastest Guilcera data folder (4.04) + OTHire 0.0.2, HERE.
  • Uniform Server (8.9.2 Coral), get the lastest version at official website HERE.
  • ZnoteAAC for Guilcera, HERE.

2.3 - URL Redirect service

You need a URL adress for your server, is the standard one used for otservers. Create an account and after logging in click on Add a Host. Choose a hostname (for this guide I will use as exemple), select DNS Host (A) and click on Add Host below (make sure the IP Adress field contains your current IP).

After that you need to download the Dynamic Update Client in the left row. It will update your IP adress even if it changes, so you don't need to change it manualy everytime it happens. Install it. After it installed, run the thing, log in with your noip account, click on Edit Hosts, select the one you created and save. Job done here.

2.4 - Port Fowarding

We need free acess to ports 7171 (TCP/UDP), 7172 (TCP/UDP) and 80 (TCP/UDP). It's depends on each case, since the process depends on you router model or network setup. Try to find a guide at Also notes that some softwares like anti-viruses and firewalls can denie access to some ports.

2.5 - The server

Extract the guilcera folder (that's where the server will be located), there should be located othire.exe, all dll files, config.lua and data folder.

2.6 - Server database

Extract Uniform Server (better if you do at C:) and run it as service, once it starts it will ask you to setup a MySQL password, do it. Than start MySQL and Apache. Now we need to setup ou MySQL database, click on phpMyAdmin, a page will open in your browser, search for Users tab, and let's create a new one. As user name select guilcera, select local as host, and the password of you preference, also check te buttom below to create a database with the same name and grant all privileges, and add the user. After that click on guilcera that should had appeared in the left row, and then in the import tab (above in the middle), search for a file in your computer, we need mysql_schema.sql that is located in docs folder of guilcera. Last thing to do is open server config.lua and enter the database info, so the otserv actually knows how to conect to the database. Config.lua is located on server folder, with othire.exe, data folder and dll files, open it and search for sql_pass = "passsample" field, fills it with the password you choose sooner, if you didn't use guilcera as user name or database name the fields are near and should be filled with the correct ones.

2.7 - Web account creator

ZnoteACC will do the job, at Uniform Server folder there is a folder named www, delete all files inside and paste www folder you got from GitHub. Go to and follow the instructions. Make sure that while you are setting up config.php you add your admin account number to $config['page_admin_access'] = array().

2.8 - Running the server

The last bit of configuration we need to do is to setup your IP adress at config.lua, located in data folder. Search for ip = "", enter the hostname we created in 2.3 ( was the exemple). Now everything is ready. Run othire.exe from server folder and people can start to log in using the hostname you created as ip adress. To create accounts they should access (actually the one you created at

So to run the server you need Dynamic Update Client (to redirect you hostname to your current IP), Uniform Server running both Apache and MySQL, and your server himselft othire.exe running.

2.9 - Creating a gamemaster character

We don't create a gamemaster from scratch, we will turn an existing one into a gamemaster. Access, enter the name of the character we will turn into a gamemaster at Set character name to position: (you have to create an account - the one from step 2.7 - and a character beforehand). Set it to group gamemaster when asked, it now will have gamemaster powers. I like to run my gamemasters with gamemaster outfit, level 2, no vocation and the GM tag, as real Tibia used to do, to change that, we will need to access the database, open Uniform Server as program and click on phpMyAdmin. Click on guilcera in the left row (or any other name you picked for your database), search for players tables and click on it. You can change the values by double click each one, add the GM tag to the name, change vocation to 0, experience to 100, level to 2, looktype to 75, and we are done, your gamemaster is ready.

2.10 - Sources

  1. How to edit your Guilcera server

3.1 - Remere's Map Editor

You can edit guilcera map with [Remere's Map Editor version 2.2] (

Run the instaler, and open the it and it will ask for tibia 9.6 files, just ignore and close all windows that appear. Hit file at upper left, then preferences, Client Version tab, set default client version to 7.6, on Version 7.6 search path select your Tibia Client 7.6 folder. You can also take a look on the other options and see if you want to change anything. Both default items.otb and items.xml for version 7.6 from RME are not optimized and also items.otb and clients.xml do not work with current distribution OTHire, and can broke our map, download revised versions HERE. Go to RME folder (...\Remere's Map Editor\data) and replace those files.

3.2 - otitemeditor.exe

If you find an error in a item description or stats, or just want to change it you will need otitemeditor, the tool was developed by OpenTibia team and you can download version 0.2.2 that works perfectly for us HERE. You can extract it directly at you Tibia Client folder, or copy Tibia.dat and Tibia.spr from you client folder and paste it at otitemeditor folder, as the application use both files as library.

  1. Disclaimer

As you noticied, guilcera works for tibia 7.72, an old protocol, not only for tibia but for otserv also, so a lot of nowadays applications won't work with it, and a lot of adaptations need to be done so it work properly with some new applications. Otitemeditor for exemple, you need version 2.2.0 to work, since newer versions are not suited to protocol 7.72. Our web application is based on ZnoteACC, but totally revamped. We need a revised items.otb file to work with RME, since files for older protocols are not really functional. I (peonso) am not versed at any computer language or anything computer related, so a lot of solutions I came up with are not really efficient (like lua, php, or html scripts).