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feat: get security group name from PhysicalResourceId using SDK
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Unerty committed Jan 17, 2022
1 parent 2bb627f commit 93e6320
Showing 1 changed file with 159 additions and 0 deletions.
159 changes: 159 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
# API Reference <a name="API Reference" id="api-reference"></a>

## Constructs <a name="Constructs" id="constructs"></a>

### SecurityGroup <a name="@pepperize/cdk-security-group.SecurityGroup" id="pepperizecdksecuritygroupsecuritygroup"></a>

#### Initializers <a name="@pepperize/cdk-security-group.SecurityGroup.Initializer" id="pepperizecdksecuritygroupsecuritygroupinitializer"></a>

import { SecurityGroup } from '@pepperize/cdk-security-group'

new SecurityGroup(scope: Construct, id: string, props: SecurityGroupProps)

| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`scope`](#pepperizecdksecuritygroupsecuritygroupparameterscope)<span title="Required">*</span> | [`@aws-cdk/core.Construct`](#@aws-cdk/core.Construct) | *No description.* |
| [`id`](#pepperizecdksecuritygroupsecuritygroupparameterid)<span title="Required">*</span> | `string` | *No description.* |
| [`props`](#pepperizecdksecuritygroupsecuritygroupparameterprops)<span title="Required">*</span> | [`@pepperize/cdk-security-group.SecurityGroupProps`](#@pepperize/cdk-security-group.SecurityGroupProps) | *No description.* |


##### `scope`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="@pepperize/cdk-security-group.SecurityGroup.parameter.scope" id="pepperizecdksecuritygroupsecuritygroupparameterscope"></a>

- *Type:* [`@aws-cdk/core.Construct`](#@aws-cdk/core.Construct)


##### `id`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="@pepperize/" id="pepperizecdksecuritygroupsecuritygroupparameterid"></a>

- *Type:* `string`


##### `props`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="@pepperize/cdk-security-group.SecurityGroup.parameter.props" id="pepperizecdksecuritygroupsecuritygroupparameterprops"></a>

- *Type:* [`@pepperize/cdk-security-group.SecurityGroupProps`](#@pepperize/cdk-security-group.SecurityGroupProps)


#### Properties <a name="Properties" id="properties"></a>

| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`securityGroupName`](#pepperizecdksecuritygroupsecuritygrouppropertysecuritygroupname)<span title="Required">*</span> | `string` | An attribute that represents the security group name. |


##### `securityGroupName`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="@pepperize/" id="pepperizecdksecuritygroupsecuritygrouppropertysecuritygroupname"></a>

public readonly securityGroupName: string;

- *Type:* `string`

An attribute that represents the security group name.


## Structs <a name="Structs" id="structs"></a>

### SecurityGroupProps <a name="@pepperize/cdk-security-group.SecurityGroupProps" id="pepperizecdksecuritygroupsecuritygroupprops"></a>

#### Initializer <a name="[object Object].Initializer" id="object-objectinitializer"></a>

import { SecurityGroupProps } from '@pepperize/cdk-security-group'

const securityGroupProps: SecurityGroupProps = { ... }

#### Properties <a name="Properties" id="properties"></a>

| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`vpc`](#pepperizecdksecuritygroupsecuritygrouppropspropertyvpc)<span title="Required">*</span> | [`@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.IVpc`](#@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.IVpc) | The VPC in which to create the security group. |
| [`allowAllOutbound`](#pepperizecdksecuritygroupsecuritygrouppropspropertyallowalloutbound) | `boolean` | Whether to allow all outbound traffic by default. |
| [`description`](#pepperizecdksecuritygroupsecuritygrouppropspropertydescription) | `string` | A description of the security group. |
| [`disableInlineRules`](#pepperizecdksecuritygroupsecuritygrouppropspropertydisableinlinerules) | `boolean` | Whether to disable inline ingress and egress rule optimization. |
| [`securityGroupName`](#pepperizecdksecuritygroupsecuritygrouppropspropertysecuritygroupname) | `string` | The name of the security group. |


##### `vpc`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="@pepperize/" id="pepperizecdksecuritygroupsecuritygrouppropspropertyvpc"></a>

public readonly vpc: IVpc;

- *Type:* [`@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.IVpc`](#@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.IVpc)

The VPC in which to create the security group.


##### `allowAllOutbound`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="@pepperize/" id="pepperizecdksecuritygroupsecuritygrouppropspropertyallowalloutbound"></a>

public readonly allowAllOutbound: boolean;

- *Type:* `boolean`
- *Default:* true

Whether to allow all outbound traffic by default.

If this is set to true, there will only be a single egress rule which allows all outbound traffic. If this is set to false, no outbound traffic will be allowed by default and all egress traffic must be explicitly authorized.


##### `description`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="@pepperize/" id="pepperizecdksecuritygroupsecuritygrouppropspropertydescription"></a>

public readonly description: string;

- *Type:* `string`
- *Default:* The default name will be the construct's CDK path.

A description of the security group.


##### `disableInlineRules`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="@pepperize/" id="pepperizecdksecuritygroupsecuritygrouppropspropertydisableinlinerules"></a>

public readonly disableInlineRules: boolean;

- *Type:* `boolean`
- *Default:* false

Whether to disable inline ingress and egress rule optimization.

If this is set to true, ingress and egress rules will not be declared under the SecurityGroup in cloudformation, but will be separate elements. Inlining rules is an optimization for producing smaller stack templates. Sometimes this is not desirable, for example when security group access is managed via tags. The default value can be overriden globally by setting the context variable '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.securityGroupDisableInlineRules'.


##### `securityGroupName`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="@pepperize/" id="pepperizecdksecuritygroupsecuritygrouppropspropertysecuritygroupname"></a>

public readonly securityGroupName: string;

- *Type:* `string`
- *Default:* If you don't specify a GroupName, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the group name.

The name of the security group.

For valid values, see the GroupName parameter of the CreateSecurityGroup action in the Amazon EC2 API Reference. It is not recommended to use an explicit group name.


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