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Kristjan Kirpu edited this page Feb 26, 2016 · 13 revisions


There are some examples available in the examples directory.

Steam Market Manager

SteamMarketManager is the root object that node-steam-market-manager exports. You'll need to instantiate it.


var SteamMarketManager = require('steam-market-manager');
var market = new SteamMarketManager({
    "appID": 730


  • options - Optional. An object containing any or all of the following options:
    • appID - Optional. Will define the default application id when fetching market prices.
    • currency - Optional. Specifies in which currency the values should be. Defaults to EUR, you can see all the available currencies here.
    • keepCurrencySymbols - Optional. Steam by default returns currency symbols too (ex. 12,99€). This defaults to false and will remove the symbols.
    • enableWebApi - Optional. Defaults to false, if true then it will enable the WebApi using Express.
    • webApiPort - Optional. Defaults to 1337. This is the port the WebApi will be listening on.
    • webApiSeperator - Optional. Defaults to !N!. This seperates the items when calling /items/:names.
    • cache - Optional. Defaults to false. Sets the time in seconds for how long to cache the item. Creates a cache.json file with all the items queried.
      • A good idea would be to set the cache time to 3600 seconds (1 hour) and call getAllItems() method.


getItem(options, callback)

  • name - Required. The market_hash_name for the item. (Ex. "StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | The Fuschia Is Now (Well-Worn)" without quotes)
  • currency - Optional. Will default to Constructor's value if not set.
  • appID - Optional. Will default to Constructor's value if not set. Required if you did not set the value in Constructor.
  • callback - Required.
    • err - null on success.
    • item - Steam JSON response.

getItems(options, callback)

  • names - Required. Object populated with item market_hash_name's
  • currency - Optional. Will default to Constructor's value if not set.
  • appID - Optional. Will default to Constructor's value if not set. Required if you did not set the value in Constructor.
  • callback - Required.
    • err - null on success.
    • items - Steam JSON responses.

getAllItems(options, callback)

All returned values are in USD. If you wish to get EUR values etc.. you'll have to figure out that by yourself.

  • format - Optional. Will default to JSON.
  • appID - Optional. Will default to Constructor's value if not set. Required if you did not set the value in Constructor.
  • callback - Required.
    • err - null on success.
    • items - response.

getInventory(options, callback)

Gets the user inventory using node-steamcommunity and adds the option to append priceData to the inventory items.

  • steamid - Required. Steam2 rendered ID, a Steam3 rendered ID or a SteamID64.
  • contextID - Required. Context within the app you want to load.
  • appID - Optional. Will default to Constructor's value if not set. Required if you did not set the value in Constructor.
  • tradableOnly - Optional. Defaults to false. Fetches only the items that can be traded.
  • getWithPrices - Optional. Defaults to false. Adds prices to items.
    • When dealing with large inventories (20+ items) I suggest you to use getAllItems before fetching with prices. Steam has an API limit for priceoverview.
  • callback - Required.
    • err - null on success. Returns an Error object according to node-steamcommunity Wiki.
    • inventory - An array containing CEconItem objects for the user's inventory items



Fetches item's price from Market using getItem method. Uses the default constructor values.


Fetches multiple items prices from Market using getItems method. Uses the default constructor values.


Fetches all items and their prices from using getAllItems method. Uses the default constructor values.

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