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Changed in Percona Server 5.6

|Percona Server| 5.6 is based on |MySQL| 5.6 and incorporates many of the improvements found in |Percona Server| 5.5.

Features removed from |Percona Server| 5.6 that were available in |Percona Server| 5.5

Some features that were present in |Percona Server| 5.5 have been removed in |Percona Server| 5.6. These are:

Replaced features that were present in |Percona Server| 5.5

Some features that were present in |Percona Server| 5.5 have been replaced by a different implementation of the same/similar functionality in |Percona Server| 5.6. These are:

Features available in |Percona Server| 5.5 that have been replaced with |MySQL| 5.6 features

Some |Percona Server| 5.5 features have been replaced by similar or equivalent |MySQL| 5.6 features, so we now keep the |MySQL| 5.6 implementations in |Percona Server| 5.6. These are:

Features ported from |Percona Server| 5.5 to |Percona Server| 5.6

Following features were ported from |Percona Server| 5.5 to |Percona Server| 5.6:

Feature Ported Version
:ref:`threadpool` :rn:`5.6.10-60.2`
:ref:`atomic_fio` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`innodb_io_page` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`innodb_numa_support` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`log_warning_suppress` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`improved_memory_engine` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`maximum_binlog_files` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`log_connection_error` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`error_pad` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`show_slave_status_nolock` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`udf_percona_toolkit` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`innodb_fake_changes_page` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`innodb_kill_idle_trx` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`enforce_engine` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`psaas_utility_user` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`secure_file_priv_extended` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`expanded_option_modifiers` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`changed_page_tracking` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`pam_plugin` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`user_stats` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`slow_extended` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`innodb_show_status` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`innodb_deadlocks_page` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`mysql_syslog` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`show_engines` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`thread_based_profiling` :rn:`5.6.11-60.3`
:ref:`buff_read_ahead_area` :rn:`5.6.13-60.5`
:ref:`innodb_split_buf_pool_mutex` :rn:`5.6.13-60.6`
:ref:`innodb_adaptive_hash_index_partitions_page` :rn:`5.6.13-60.6`
:ref:`handlersocket_page` :rn:`5.6.17-66.0`
:ref:`response_time_distribution` :rn:`5.6.21-69.0`

List of status variables that are no longer available in |Percona Server| 5.6

Following status variables available in |Percona Server| 5.5 are no longer present in |Percona Server| 5.6:

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{8cm}|p{7.5cm}|

Status Variables Replaced by
Com_show_temporary_tables This variable has been removed together with the "SHOW [GLOBAL] TEMPORARY TABLES" statement, whose call number it was counting. The information about temporary tables is available via the INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables :table:`TEMPORARY_TABLES` and :table:`GLOBAL_TEMPORARY_TABLES`
Flashcache_enabled information if the Flashcache support has been enabled has not been ported to |Percona Server| 5.6
Innodb_adaptive_hash_cells this variable has not been ported to |Percona Server| 5.6
Innodb_adaptive_hash_heap_buffers this variable has not been ported to |Percona Server| 5.6
Innodb_adaptive_hash_hash_searches replaced by adaptive_hash_searches counter in INFORMATION_SCHEMA INNODB_METRICS table
Innodb_adaptive_hash_non_hash_searches replaced by adaptive_hash_searches_btree counter in INFORMATION_SCHEMA INNODB_METRICS table
Innodb_checkpoint_target_age replaced by MySQL 5.6 flushing implementation
Innodb_dict_tables :ref:`InnoDB Data Dictionary Size Limit <ps55:innodb_dict_size_limit_page>` feature has been replaced by the new MySQL 5.6 table_definition_cache implementation
Innodb_master_thread_1_second_loops new |InnoDB| master thread behavior makes this variable redundant
Innodb_master_thread_10_second_loops new |InnoDB| master thread behavior makes this variable redundant
Innodb_master_thread_background_loops new |InnoDB| master thread behavior makes this variable redundant
Innodb_master_thread_main_flush_loops new |InnoDB| master thread behavior makes this variable redundant
Innodb_master_thread_sleeps replaced by innodb_master_thread_sleeps counter in INFORMATION_SCHEMA INNODB_METRICS table
binlog_commits :ref:`Binary Log Group Commit <ps55:binary_group_commit>` feature has been replaced with the |MySQL| 5.6 implementation that doesn't have this status variable.
binlog_group_commits :ref:`Binary Log Group Commit <ps55:binary_group_commit>` feature has been replaced with the |MySQL| 5.6 implementation that doesn't have this status variable.

List of system variables that are no longer available in |Percona Server| 5.6

Following system variables available in |Percona Server| 5.5 are no longer present in |Percona Server| 5.6:


|Percona Server| 5.6 won't be able to start if some of these variables are set in the server's configuration file.

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{8cm}|p{7.5cm}|

System Variables Feature Comment
:variable:`fast_index_creation` replaced by using MySQL's ALGORITHM option
:variable:`have_flashcache` Information if the server has been compiled with the Flashcache support has not been ported to |Percona Server| 5.6
:variable:`have_response_time_distribution` :ref:`Response Time Distribution <ps55:response_time_distribution>` feature has been ported to |Percona Server| 5.6 without this variable
:variable:`innodb_adaptive_flushing_method` replaced by MySQL 5.6 flushing implementation
:variable:`innodb_blocking_buffer_pool_restore` variable doesn't have direct replacement in |MySQL| 5.6. Feature will be implemented in a future |Percona Server| 5.6 release
:variable:`innodb_buffer_pool_restore_at_startup` replaced by innodb_buffer_pool_load_at_startup
:variable:`innodb_buffer_pool_shm_checksum` variable has been deprecated and removed in |Percona Server| 5.5
:variable:`innodb_buffer_pool_shm_key` variable has been deprecated and removed in |Percona Server| 5.5
:variable:`innodb_checkpoint_age_target` replaced by MySQL 5.6 flushing implementation
:variable:`innodb_dict_size_limit` replaced by |MySQL| 5.6 new table_definition_cache implementation
:variable:`innodb_doublewrite_file` :ref:`Configuration of the Doublewrite Buffer <ps55:innodb_doublewrite_path>` feature containing this variable has not been ported to |Percona Server| 5.6
:variable:`innodb_fast_checksum` replaced by innodb_checksum_algorithm
:variable:`innodb_flush_neighbor_pages` replaced by innodb_flush_neighbors
:variable:`innodb_ibuf_accel_rate` :ref:`Configurable Insert Buffer <ps55:innodb_insert_buffer>` feature containing this variable has not been ported to |Percona Server| 5.6
:variable:`innodb_ibuf_active_contract` :ref:`Configurable Insert Buffer <ps55:innodb_insert_buffer>` feature containing this variable has not been ported to |Percona Server| 5.6
:variable:`innodb_ibuf_max_size` :ref:`Configurable Insert Buffer <ps55:innodb_insert_buffer>` feature containing this variable has not been ported to |Percona Server| 5.6
:variable:`innodb_import_table_from_xtrabackup` replaced by MySQL transportable tablespaces
:variable:`innodb_lazy_drop_table` variable has been deprecated and removed in |Percona Server| 5.5
:variable:`innodb_merge_sort_block_size` replaced by innodb_sort_buffer_size
:variable:`innodb_page_size` replaced by innodb_page_size
:variable:`innodb_read_ahead` replaced by MySQL Read-Ahead Algorithm implementation, innodb_random_read_ahead
:variable:`innodb_recovery_stats` :ref:`InnoDB Recovery Stats <ps55:innodb_recovery_patches>` feature containing this variable has not been ported to |Percona Server| 5.6
:variable:`innodb_recovery_update_relay_log` replaced by relay-log-recovery
:variable:`innodb_stats_auto_update` replaced by innodb_stats_auto_recalc
:variable:`innodb_stats_update_need_lock` variable has not been ported to |Percona Server| 5.6
:variable:`innodb_thread_concurrency_timer_based` :ref:`InnoDB timer-based Concurrency Throttling <ps55:innodb_thread_concurrency_timer_based_page>` feature containing this variable has not been ported to |Percona Server| 5.6
:variable:`innodb_use_sys_stats_table` variable has been replaced by Persistent Optimizer Statistics implementation in |MySQL| 5.6
:variable:`log_slow_admin_statements` the upstream variable has the same functionality
:variable:`log_slow_slave_statements` the upstream variable has the same functionality
:variable:`optimizer_fix` this variable has been deprecated and removed in |Percona Server| 5.5
:variable:`query_response_time_range_base` :ref:`Response Time Distribution <ps55:response_time_distribution>` feature containing this variable has been ported to |Percona Server| 5.6, but requires plugin installation in order to work. More information can be found in :ref:`response_time_distribution` documentation.
:variable:`query_response_time_stats` :ref:`Response Time Distribution <ps55:response_time_distribution>` feature containing this variable has been ported to |Percona Server| 5.6, but requires plugin installation in order to work. More information can be found in :ref:`response_time_distribution` documentation.