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491 lines (317 loc) · 15.1 KB

File metadata and controls

491 lines (317 loc) · 15.1 KB

Developer Notes

Before Starting to code:

Step 1:

  • studied the project files
  • and copied these to the root of my project folder.
  • So I have a copy to modify and the original.
  '->   /src
        '->   /src

Step 2:

  • Verified that I had the latest MongoDB installed.
  • Learn mongodb inport and db setup, cli syntax before trying next step

Step 3:

  • Since the initial work of this project, new verson of mongodb released and syntax may be different

With mongod running, seeded my MongoDB database with data.

terminal$ mongoimport --db course-api --collection courses --type=json --jsonArray --file courses.json

terminal$ terminal$ mongoimport --db course-api --collection users --type=json --jsonArray --file users.json

terminal$ mongoimport --db course-api --collection reviews --type=json --jsonArray --file reviews.json

Step 4:

I checked my development environment

  • Chrome Dev Tools and the npm package.json and npm environment

  • I added --inspect to the npm start nodemon command,

    • so I can also use Chrome's node.js dev-tools.
  • If you add the --inspect flag after running npm install...

    • you get a real neat console message...
  • Later ended up removing nodemon due to vulnerability issues

Oops, missed npm dependency somewhere ...

throw err;
Error: Cannot find module '../lib/cli'
  • I needed to rm -rf node_modules and do npm install again

Use 2 terminals from the same project root folder

  • On first terminal, run npm install,

  • Second terminal, from same folder, start/restart mongod

  • then in the first terminal, run npm start

  • then I browse to http://localhost:5000 in Chrome browser

  • able to check out the src/index.js in the Node.js Dev-Tools

Step 5

Step 6:

  • import CourseAPI.postman_collection.jso

    • which is the collection of connection request urls
  • at the beginning could only test the / (root) url req,

    • but it worked... so I was good to go.. =).

Setting Up Database Connection:

Modular Mongoose db connection method:

./startMongo.js methods, startdb(), onErr(), onceConnected()

NPM package.json changes:

added prestart, and downMongod script cmds to npm package.json

making mongod process start as part of npm start

Added { useNewUrlParser: true } to mongoose.connection

(node:93931) DeprecationWarning:

current URL string parser is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version.

To use the new parser, pass option { useNewUrlParser: true } to MongoClient.connect.

important mongod connection note: dont forget your dbName...

var port = 27017;
var dbName;


// a connection to the localhost will be made
// should be 'var dbName = yourDBNameHere'
// otherwise, if will not connect to a your db

Setup Schemas and compiled Models:

Setup schema for Users, Courses and Reviews

  • Will try to add as much validation to schema layer as possible

In the Courses model schema ...

  • Populate and Reviews is set when adding data to model

  • fieldName: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'modelToGetFieldNameValuefrom' }

  • then need to use populate(fieldname).exec(function()) to fill in the values...

  • when? I think, when a req comes in to run query on a course??

Setup and test routes

  • when a route actually tried to access a mongoose db :

    • (node:28756) DeprecationWarning: collection.ensureIndex is deprecated. Use createIndexes instead.
  • to git rid of the warning at the beginning of each js defining a schema ...

    • or in the beginning of routes.js accessing the docs generated from that schema
    • mongoose.set('useCreateIndex', true)

DB connection, db access error:

insertData.js is not working at present, will have to fix later

  • resigned myself to going back to mongoimport ....

  • and figuring out why I could not access course-api db

I took a second look at my mongoClient.js connect method....

  • it was because I was somehow missing the dbName is my mongoClient.js

  • for now am accessing course-api data and moving on...

  • mongoClient.js fixed

  • insertData.js not fixed yet - but not using it for now

Writing code and working through bugs

module exports Schema detour:

note on defining schema in a separate js files:

  • make sure to use the correct syntax for the module.exports and then when importing use the same syntax

  • other wise your code may not throw an error but your schema won’t get properly imported

the only indication of a problem was...

  • when I tried to add a new user or a new course,
  • only the id for the course/user was created and the other fields were ignored ?????
  • no errors thrown….no validation errors either ????
  • just blank course/user with only an id, v fields ????

troubleshooting and fixing the schema issue

  • using Chrome dev-tools, I set up breakpoints where the new user and new course were passed to the callback functions

  • after testing both...

    • I saw in chrome dev-tools both the new user and new course object, of course were blank other than the id and v fields
    • but there was an odd property, wait for it... schema: undefined ????
  • I traced back into my code

    • and saw the my module.exports syntax was different from how I was importing into my users routes js file !!!!
  • once fixed, wala!

    • perfectly formatted new user and new course, complete with all the fields required
    • that’s once mistake I won’t make again

modularize mongoose db document methods:

after importing mongoose ...

  • methods basically does what the the mongoose method does
  • Only wrapped in new Promise

takes at least 2 parameters:

  • documentFromModel (document compiled from a model)
  • searchQueryObject, a.k.a ... {propertyName: 'string or value', }

then, setting a new promise to be able use Promise#then syntax

  • findQuery(documentToDoQuery, searchQueryObject).then().catch()

  • createNew(documentToDoCreate, objectDataValues).then().catch()

  • updateDoc(documentToDoUpdate, docId, updateDataObject).then().catch()

this will simplify the code in users and courses routes

  • will be creating a separate .js the documentMethods folder

  • then exporting from documentMethods/index.js

    • for each mongoose db method needed
  • then can re-use with no-modifiction on different models

    • can then add features to fit various queries, model property types, etc...
    • ... and other scenarios not yet accounted for

documentMethods working with:

  • using findQuery, createNew, updateDoc document methods for..

    • get /api/users and post /api/users documents
    • even getting a email unique validation error, when using dup email
  • get /api/courses, get /api/courses/:id

  • post /api/courses (creating new) and put /api/courses (updating existing)

    • post /api/courses/:id/reviews for creating a new course review

Data Validation:

  • schema validation working !!!
    • errors sent to global error handler and json formatted error sent to user

Storing encrypted passwords:

  • added pre-save hook method on user model that hashes user.password the calls next() so user.create will store it

  • note: 'this' in the pre-save hook refers to the model, which has the data properties that will be used by user.create to create the new user

  • reference for info in bcyrpt:

Static authenticate method and middleware:

  • added static authenticate method on the user schema

  • utils/permsCheck middleware calls user.authenticate

  • uses user.find then async bcrypt to compare

  • not using my modular document methods here, since this is at the schema level

  • if no email matches or password does not match then returns callback(err)

  • if authenticated, returns callback(null, user)

Requiring auth on get /api/user and course put and post routes:

post /api/user

  • now able to create a new user
  • validate name, email and hash password then store in user db

get /api/user

  • once logged in
  • able to check creds on http req auth header
  • then return json of details of auth'ed user

post and put /api/courses routes

  • need modification now that auth is ready and working

  • for new Course, new Review: parse req.body and req.user into 1 object

  • for update Course : new util to take from req.body only needed data to to update

Update failing, New pre update prep Util

  • this was inspired by course update failing after adding the auth and permsCheck
  • update was failing since was now present and can not be updated...

solution : custom utils/preUpdatePrep

  • this is NOT for validation

    • this is simply to take out of the request body only the info needed
  • req.body is parsed by preUpdatePrep,

    • updateCourseData is passed to updateDoc documentMethod
    • this uses ... findOneandUpdate({title:updateCourseData.title}, {$set:updateCourseData})
    • before actual update, validation occurs, if no errors...
    • course is updated
  • in current version of course-api,

    • for updating a document compiled from course or user schema models
    • reviews dont get updated
  • for future version...

    • parsing for userSchema is ready
    • user docs may have email address updated and/or password reset
  • may make this a pre-update hook of some-kind

Routes with Auth, Perms and Validation:

  • all routes tested again
    • everything is working!!

documentMethods module bugs:

  • in my documentMethods module, found that there is some scope issue

    • property refs to other models don't work, so popluate methods not working
    • also .select does not works, aka: find({field:value}, selectOption, callback())
  • when using mongoose directly, not in my promise wrapped documentMethods...

    • then everything works !!
  • refactored all Course routes to use mongoose db methods directly

    • will have to figure out why later..
    • removed calls to my documentMethods
    • using only in 1 route and User routes
    • post new review route uses my documentMethods
  • retested all routes

    • auth, permission check, validation...
    • and actual CRU db ops working
  • now back to route for Courses and specifying deep pop of specific fields only

Validation for Review Model...

  • additional validation to prevent user who owns course from reviewing that course

  • note : doc._id.equals(otherDoc._id)) works

    • the above example using equals to compare both _id
    • need to be sure comparing values, of the same type
  • however, 2 reasons I found many get inconsistent results

    • 1: some mistakenly comparing the entire ObjectID
      • this will always be false, Doc.ObjectId.equals(otherInstanceOfsameDoc.ObjectId)
    • 2: using == or === compares the instance of the doc not the value
      • Doc._id.equals == otherInstanceOfsameDoc._Id will always be false
  • can test the property's value type using toString()

    • someDoc.ObjectID.toString(), will stringify an object, not desired in this case
    • someDoc._id.toString(), will stringify into desired formated string.. 's1o3mel0on3g9n8m5b2e7r'

Testing User Routes...

will be writing tests for the following scenarios:

  • a request to the GET /api/user route with the correct credentials
    • the corresponding user document is returned
  • a request to the GET /api/user route with the invalid credentials
    • a 401 status error is returned

test framework

  • Mocha/Chai
  • supertest
  • use Postman to generate the auth headers

npm package.json modifications

  • Setup pretest, test, and posttest in package.json
  • the npm test cmd will run among others...
    • tests on User routes as described above
    "scripts": {
      "pretest": "mongod --config etc/mongod.conf",
      "test": "node_modules/.bin/mocha --exit --no-warnings",
      "posttest": "mongo admin --eval 'db.shutdownServer()'",

working through Test errors

  • at the console, when running npm test I got the error...

      throw err;

      Error: Cannot find module './options'
        at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:543:15)
  • I found... mochajs/mocha#2423
  • and just did the following...
    • rm -rf node_modules dir and run npm install
    • then npm test worked fine

basic cli functionality:

  • run cmd, npm test
  • Mocha will run all js files in /test folder
  • result will be std out'ed to console


  • should be able to test all routes and scenarios using this method

Combine Data from separate tables

  • Populate data from Reviews table when getting Course data in the Course Routes..

  • get /api/course/:id popluate course with reviews

  • on GET /api/course/:id

    • populate the course review array of review id's
      • replacing the id's with...
        • the rating and review, plus reviewer's, user, fullname
    • using Mongoose deep population to
      • return only the fullName of the related user on the course model
      • and each rating and the review text
      • all returned with the course model.
      • by default hides other user’s private details,
        • like passwords and emails, from other users.

Using sample data in development mode

  • custom insertData module and cleanDb modules:

  • inserData:

  • uses sample data from original project files

  • if db course-api courses, users, reviews blank inserts data

  • fixed bugs

    • fixed the json syntax
    • for users, using a create in a forEach loop
    • passwords now get hashed
  • new

    • now checks if NODE_ENV is set, else assumes 'development' mode
  • cleanDb:

  • set up as a script in package.json

  • checks if NODE_ENV is set, else assumes 'development' mode

    • deletes all courses, users and reviews
    • logs "to get fresh data inserted, run npm start, with NODE_ENV set to 'development'"

Validating User data:

  • so I changed the users I create in my insertData module

  • the _id's, fullNames, emailAddress ...

    • are from the original project files sample data
  • I had to vary the password some,

    • due to no dups in the user model validation
  • user data found in src/seed-data/more-users.json the first 3 users are inserted by my insertData module

  • other user data samples are included for fun

    • can add these using the POST /api/users request in POSTMAN..
      • using the CourseAPI.postman_collection.json requests

Initial Project Complete:

  • DONE: All Routes retrieving, validating and delivering correct json data

  • DONE: User Auth, Password Validaton, enable and store Password Randomizaton and Encyrption

  • DONE: Adding Course Reviews

  • DONE: Test routes

  • DONE: final code walk-through, no more bugs !!

  • DONE: compile simple for reviewer

  • DONE: Polish off these dev notes