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156 lines (104 loc) · 4.4 KB

File metadata and controls

156 lines (104 loc) · 4.4 KB

Technical Readme

  • so this will eventually be a kind of a code review

Features and Functionality

Results from Fetch API

  • able to get 12 random s with latin charset only
  • able to extract basic info for each
    • display as an directory
    • in grid layout

modal window

  • in modal window, main directory is inactive
  • appropriate letters capitalized!
  • DOB date parsed and displayed in mm/dd/yyyy format
  • can close and open to show each 's detail info

hover, active state on s in main directory

  • customized focus outline
  • black border and right, bottom shading with grey background
  • all buttons and userBox's have same styling active and hover state

structure and style

  • matches mock up
    • see employee_directory_v1 for samples
  • organized css styling
    • styles.css - main directory
    • modalStyles.css - modal window
    • media query styling for modal window
    • tested on windows 10: chrome and edge
    • tested on macOS, chrome and safari

search filter displays results

  • using click event
  • when entering text in input field and clicking search button

live search filter ...

  • displays search results as user types in input field using keyup event

move back and forth between employees in modal window

  • using click event
  • can display prev or next employee detail info in modal window

PHASE 1: Project Prep:

Download the sample layouts:

  • employee_directory.png

    • an example of what the main directory should look like
  • employee_overlay.png

    • an example of the overlay providing more detail
  • will need to create the entire web layout; HTML, CSS

    • in addition to JS for this project.

Review the Random User Generator documentation.

  • Grab the example they provide

    • and console.log the data
    • so you can see what information you’ll receive
    • start to think about how you’ll access the correct information
    • and how to display it on the page.
  • from employee_directory_v1/layoutSample

    • adapted layout using html and css to match samples
    • setup html templates
    • integrate html templates
  • from ~/employee_directory_v1/fetchSample

    • use the modular pattern
    • fetch 12 results from
    • store results from fetch in a fetchResults array
    • store the 12 random users in a "employee" array
    • reloading page fetch 12 completely different random persons

PHASE 2: Basic Features and Functionality

Get and display 12 random users

  • Using information provided from the random user generator api, display 12 users,

  • along with some basic information for each:

    • Image
    • First and Last Name
    • Email
    • City or location
  • test that the fetch api code works with no bugs

Use a Modal window

  • When any part of an employee item in the directory is clicked,

    • a modal window should pop up with the following details
      • Image of person
      • Name
      • Email
      • City or location
      • Cell Number
      • Detailed Address,
        • including street name and number, state or country, and post code.
        • Birthday
  • Make sure there’s a way to close the modal window

  • make sure there are no bugs

Structure and style

  • all ui presentation and visual affects done by css

  • only functionality needed to get, display and search data is done via javascript

  • The user directory and modal pop up window should:

    • roughly match the provided mockups.
    • Display the users in a grid or table layout
  • implement and test UI with:

    • Employee directory.
    • layout for modal window
    • add a hover state to the employee items
  • again, make sure there are no bugs

PHASE 3: Advanced Features

filter the directory by name or employee name.

  • To do this, you’ll need to request a random user nationality

  • that will only return data in the English alphabet.

  • Only data in the English alphabet, or latin charset, should be returned by the api call

  • Note: you don't have to rely on the API to return search results.

  • You'll need to write functionality that ...

  • filters results once they already on the page.

  • again, test and fix all bugs

browse details with-in the modal window.

  • browse employee details while still in the modal window is open.

  • test and fix all bugs