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Welcome to the repository for, a site dedicated to performance hacking and optimization techniques.

About is a community-driven platform where enthusiasts and professionals share their insights and tips on how to enhance performance in various domains. For more information about our mission and the team, visit our About page.

Write for Us

Are you passionate about performance optimization? Do you have unique insights or tips that you'd like to share with a broader audience? We're always looking for new contributors to bring fresh perspectives to our community.

How to Contribute:

  1. Contact Us: Before you start writing, reach out to us via email at with your article proposal. We'd love to hear about your ideas and discuss how they can fit into our content roadmap.

  2. GitHub Account: All article submissions are handled through GitHub. If you don't already have a GitHub account, please sign up for one. This will be necessary for the next steps.

  3. Markdown Proficiency: Your article should be written in Markdown. If you're not familiar with Markdown, please take some time to learn the basics. Here's a guide to get you started.

  4. Submitting Your Article: Once your proposal is accepted, and your article is ready, you'll need to submit it as a pull request (PR) to our repository. This process allows for community feedback and editorial review.


  • Ensure your article is well-researched, original, and provides value to our readers.
  • Follow our style and formatting guidelines, which will be provided upon acceptance of your proposal.
  • Include relevant images, graphs, or code snippets that enhance the understanding of the content.

We look forward to your contribution and to sharing your expertise with our audience!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.


  • Thanks to all the contributors who have invested their time into sharing their knowledge.
  • Our readers, for continually seeking to improve and pushing the boundaries of performance.