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zoffixznet committed Mar 30, 2018
1 parent f0d6e49 commit 7dbc84c
Showing 1 changed file with 135 additions and 78 deletions.
213 changes: 135 additions & 78 deletions packages/Test/
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,39 @@ sub is-deeply-junction (
is-deeply junction-guts($got), junction-guts($expected), $desc;

multi test-iter-opt (Iterator:D \iter, @data is raw, Str:D $desc) is export {
TEST-ITER-OPT iter, @data, +@data, $desc;
multi test-iter-opt (Iterator:D \iter, UInt:D \items, Str:D $desc) is export {
TEST-ITER-OPT iter, Nil, items, $desc;
sub TEST-ITER-OPT (\iter, \data, \n, $desc,) {
subtest $desc => {
plan 5 + 2*n + ($_ with data);
sub count (\v, $desc) {
?? is-deeply iter.count-only, v, "count ($desc)"
!! skip "iterator does not support .count-only ($desc)";
sub bool (\v, $desc) {
?? is-deeply iter.bool-only, v, "bool ($desc)"
!! skip "iterator does not support .bool-only ($desc)";
for ^n -> $i {
count n-$i, "before pull $i";
bool ?(n-$i), "before pull $i";
data andthen is-deeply iter.pull-one, data[$i], "pulled (pull $i)"
orelse iter.pull-one;
count 0, 'after last pull';
bool ?0, 'after last pull';
ok iter.pull-one =:= IterationEnd, 'one more pull gives IterationEnd';
count 0, 'after IterationEnd';
bool ?0, 'after IterationEnd';

multi sub is-eqv(Seq:D $got, Seq:D $expected, Str:D $desc) is export {
$got.cache; $expected.cache;
_is-eqv $got, $expected, $desc;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,7 +159,7 @@ our sub run( Str $code, Str $input = '', *%o) {

sub get_out( Str $code, Str $input?, :@args, :@compiler-args) is export {
my $fnbase = 'getout';
my $fnbase = $*TMPDIR.add('getout').absolute;
$fnbase ~= '-' ~ $*PID if defined $*PID;
$fnbase ~= '-' ~ 1_000_000.rand.Int;

Expand All @@ -152,7 +185,7 @@ sub get_out( Str $code, Str $input?, :@args, :@compiler-args) is export {
$clobber( "$", $input );
$clobber( "$fnbase.code", $code ) if defined $code;

my $cmd = $*EXECUTABLE ~ ' ';
my $cmd = $*EXECUTABLE.absolute ~ ' ';
$cmd ~= @compiler-args.join(' ') ~ ' ' if @compiler-args;
$cmd ~= $fnbase ~ '.code' if $code.defined;
$cmd ~= " @actual_args.join(' ') < $ > $fnbase.out 2> $fnbase.err";
Expand All @@ -177,43 +210,18 @@ sub get_out( Str $code, Str $input?, :@args, :@compiler-args) is export {
return %out;

sub is_run_repl ($code, $desc, :$out, :$err) is export {
my $proc = &CORE::run( $*EXECUTABLE, :in, :out, :err );
$ $code;
subtest {
plan +($out, $err).grep: *.defined;
with $out {
my $output = $proc.out.slurp;
my $test-name = 'stdout is correct';
when Str { is $output, $_, $test-name; }
when Regex { like $output, $_, $test-name; }
when Callable { ok $_($output), $test-name; }

die "Don't know how to handle :out of type $_.^name()";

with $err {
my $output = $proc.err.slurp;
my $test-name = 'stderr is correct';
when Str { is $output, $_, $test-name; }
when Regex { like $output, $_, $test-name; }
when Callable { ok $_($output), $test-name; }

die "Don't know how to handle :err of type $_.^name()";
}, $desc;

multi doesn't-hang (Str $args, $desc, :$in, :$wait = 1.5, :$out, :$err)
multi doesn't-hang (Str $args, $desc, :$in, :$wait = 5, :$out, :$err)
is export {
doesn't-hang \($*EXECUTABLE, '-e', $args), $desc,
doesn't-hang \($*EXECUTABLE.absolute, '-e', $args), $desc,
:$in, :$wait, :$out, :$err;

# TODO XXX: for some reason shoving this variable inside the routine and
# using `state` instead of `my` results in it having value 0
my $VM-time-scale-multiplier = $* eq 'jvm' ?? 20/3 !! 1;
multi doesn't-hang (
Capture $args, $desc = 'code does not hang',
:$in, :$wait = 1.5, :$out, :$err,
:$in, :$wait = 5, :$out, :$err,
) is export {
my $prog = |$args;
my ($stdout, $stderr) = '', '';
Expand All @@ -225,8 +233,21 @@ multi doesn't-hang (
# await returns and we follow the path that assumes the code we ran hung.
my $promise = $prog.start;
await $prog.write: $in.encode if $in.defined;
await Promise.anyof:$wait * (%*ENV<ROAST_TIMING_SCALE>//1)),

# waiting for the program to hang is broken on the js backend
if $* eq 'js' {
await $promise;
subtest $desc, {
plan(+ ($out, $err).grep(*.defined));
cmp-ok $stdout, '~~', $out, 'STDOUT' if $out.defined;
cmp-ok $stderr, '~~', $err, 'STDERR' if $err.defined;

await Promise.anyof:
$wait * $VM-time-scale-multiplier * (%*ENV<ROAST_TIMING_SCALE>//1)
), $promise;

my $did-not-hang = False;
given $promise.status {
Expand All @@ -236,7 +257,10 @@ multi doesn't-hang (

subtest $desc, {
plan 1 + ( $did-not-hang ?? ($out, $err).grep(*.defined) !! 0 );
ok $did-not-hang, 'program did not hang';
ok $did-not-hang, 'program did not hang'
or diag "\nHang in doesn't-hang() test detected by heuristic.\n"
~ "You can set \%*ENV<ROAST_TIMING_SCALE> to a value higher than 1\n"
~ "to make it wait longer.\n";
if $did-not-hang {
cmp-ok $stdout, '~~', $out, 'STDOUT' if $out.defined;
cmp-ok $stderr, '~~', $err, 'STDERR' if $err.defined;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -286,6 +310,7 @@ END {
unlink @FILES-FOR-make-temp-file;
rmdir @DIRS-FOR-make-temp-dir;
sub make-temp-path(|c) is export { make-temp-file |c }
sub make-temp-file
(:$content where Any:U|Blob|Cool, Int :$chmod --> IO::Path:D) is export
Expand All @@ -301,20 +326,38 @@ sub make-temp-dir (Int $chmod? --> IO::Path:D) is export {

sub fails-like (&test, $ex-type, $reason?, *%matcher) is export {
subtest $reason => sub {
plan 2;
CATCH { default {
with "expected code to fail but it threw {.^name} instead" {
return False;
my $res = test;
isa-ok $res, Failure, 'code returned a Failure';
throws-like { $res.sink }, $ex-type,
'Failure threw when sunk', |%matcher,
multi no-fatal-throws-like (Str:D $test, |c) is export {
throws-like "no fatal; my \$ = do \{ $test }; Nil", |c;
multi no-fatal-throws-like (&test, |c) is export {
throws-like { no fatal; my $ = do { test }; Nil }, |c;

sub run-with-tty (
$code, $desc, :$in = '', :$status = 0, :$out = '', :$err = ''
) is export {
if $* eq 'ubuntu' and $*KERNEL.release ~~ /:i Microsoft/ {
skip 'WSL as of Mar 2018 did not support `script` command for test: roast issue #395';
state $path = make-temp-file.absolute;
# on MacOS, `script` doesn't take the command via `c` arg
state $script = shell(:!out, :!err, 'script -t/dev/null -qc "" /dev/null')
?? script -t/dev/null -qc '"$*EXECUTABLE.absolute()" "$path"' /dev/null
!! shell(:!out, :!err, script -q /dev/null "$*EXECUTABLE.absolute()" -e "")
?? script -q /dev/null "$*EXECUTABLE.absolute()" "$path"
!! do { skip "need `script` command to run test: $desc"; return }

subtest $desc => {
$path.IO.spurt: $code;
given shell :in, :out, :err, $script {
plan 3;
# on MacOS, `script` really wants the ending newline...
.in.spurt: "$in\n", :close;
cmp-ok .out.slurp(:close), '~~', $out, 'STDOUT';
cmp-ok .err.slurp(:close), '~~', $err, 'STDERR';
cmp-ok .exitcode, '~~', $status, 'exit code';

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -399,27 +442,6 @@ is_run() will skip() (but it will still execute the code not being tested).
is_run() depends on get_out(), which might die. In that case, it dies
also (this error is not trapped).
=head2 is_run_repl ($code, $desc, :$out, :$err)
is_run_repl "say 42\nexit\n", :err(''), :out(/"42\n"/),
'say 42 works fine';
Fires up the REPL and enters the given C<$code>. Be sure to send correct
newlines, as you would press ENTER key when using the REPL manually.
The C<:$out> and C<:$err> named arguments are optional and corresponding
tests are only run when the arguments are specified. They test REPL's STDOUT
and STDERR respectively. Can take Str, Regex, or Callable, which respectively
causes the test to use C<is>, C<like>, or execute the Callable with the output
as the given argument and use C<ok> on its output.
Will close STDIN (equivalent to sending CTRL+D in REPL) after sending the
input, so you do not have to send explicit C<exit\n>
STDOUT will generally contain all the messages displayed by the REPL at the
=head2 doesn't-hang ( ... )
doesn't-hang 'say "some code"' :out(/'some code'/),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -454,7 +476,9 @@ C<'code does not hang'>
=head3 C<:wait>
B<Optional.> Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for the
executed program to finish. B<Defaults to:> C<1.5>
executed program to finish. B<Defaults to:> C<5>; on JVM backend, an
additional multipler of C<20/3> is used as currently that backend takes
longer to start procs.
=head3 C<:in>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -524,6 +548,10 @@ Creates a semi-random path in C<$*TMPDIR>, optionally setting C<$chmod> and
spurting C<$content> into it. If C<$chmod> is set, but C<$content> isn't,
spurts an empty string. Automatically deletes the file with C<END> phaser.
=head2 make-temp-path(:$content, :$chmod)
Alias for C<make-temp-file>
=head2 make-temp-dir($chmod?)
sub make-temp-dir (Int $chmod? --> IO::Path:D)
Expand All @@ -533,15 +561,44 @@ C<$chmod>, and returns an C<IO::Path> pointing to it. Automatically
C<rmdir>s it with C<END> phaser. It's your responsibility to ensure the
directory is empty at that time.
=head2 fails-like(&test, $ex-type, $reason?, *%matcher)
=head2 run-with-tty
sub run-with-tty (
$code, $desc, :$in = '', :$status = 0, :$out = '', :$err = ''
Puts C<$code> into a file, and runs it with C<$*EXECUTABLE> using C<`script`>
command line utility, if available, or skips the tests if not. Appends C<\n> to
C<$in> (MacOS's C<`script`> seems to require it), and sends it to the program.
Then performs three smartmatch tests against C<$status> (exitcode), C<$out>
(slurped STDOUT content) and C<$err> (slurped STDERR content).
At the time of this writing, on MacOS's STDOUT seems to be prefixed with
STDIN and C<^D\b\b> chars after it when running Rakudo compiler.
Note that some variations of C<script> command might be passing C/dev/null>
as first argument to your code. This is due to current implementation of
this test routine trying to ignore the generation of timing file.
=head2 no-fatal-throws-like
Same as Test.pm6's C<throws-like>, except wraps the given code into
C<no fatal; my $ = do { … }; Nil>. The point of that is if the code merely
does C<fail()> instead of C<throw()>, then the test will detect that and fail.
=head2 C<test-iter-opt>
fails-like(&test, $ex-type, $reason?, *%matcher)
multi test-iter-opt (Iterator:D \iter, @data is raw, Str:D $desc)
multi test-iter-opt (Iterator:D \iter, UInt:D \items, Str:D $desc)
Like C<throws-like> but checks the code C<fail>s (as opposed to C<throw>ing).
Tests the data pulled from C<iter> matches corresponding values in C<@data>,
if provided, and, if they're implemented, tests the values of C<.count-only> and
C<.bool-only> methods before iterating the L<Iterator>, after each pull,
after last pull, and after C<IterationEnd> has been received.
Executes C<&test> and uses C<>'s C<isa-ok> to check the return value is a
C<Failure>, then uses C<>'s <throws-like> to check that C<Failure>
throws the correct exception when sunk.
Instead of providing C<@data>, you can simply provide the number of values
you're expecting. This lets you test iterators for which you cannot predict
the order/content of pulled values.
=end pod

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