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Test P5 named captures
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zoffixznet committed Dec 26, 2017
1 parent dcb982a commit fe86784
Showing 1 changed file with 59 additions and 0 deletions.
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions S05-modifier/perl5_10.t
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
use v6;
use Test;

plan 1;

unless "a" ~~ rx:P5/a/ {
skip-rest "skipped tests - P5 regex support appears to be missing";

subtest 'named captures' => { plan 7;
sub test-cap (\c, \v, $desc) {
subtest $desc => { plan 2;
isa-ok c, Capture, 'correct type';
is c, v, 'correct value';

subtest 'one named (?<>) capture' => { plan 2;
ok 'foo' ~~ m:P5/(?<meow>.+)/, 'matched';
test-cap $<meow>, 'foo', 'named capture';
subtest 'two named (?<>) captures' => { plan 3;
ok 'fooBAR' ~~ m:P5/(?<meow>[a-z]+)(?<moo>[A-Z]+)/, 'matched';
test-cap $<meow>, 'foo', 'first named capture';
test-cap $<moo>, 'BAR', 'second named capture';
subtest 'two named (?<>) + one positional captures' => { plan 4;
ok 'foo42BAR' ~~ m:P5/(?<meow>[a-z]+)(\d+)(?<moo>[A-Z]+)/, 'matched';
test-cap $/[0], '42', 'positional capture';
test-cap $<meow>, 'foo', 'first named capture';
test-cap $<moo>, 'BAR', 'second named capture';

subtest one named (?'') capture => { plan 2;
ok 'foo' ~~ m:P5/(?'meow'.+)/, 'matched';
test-cap $<meow>, 'foo', 'named capture';
subtest two named (?'') captures => { plan 3;
ok 'fooBAR' ~~ m:P5/(?'meow'[a-z]+)(?'moo'[A-Z]+)/, 'matched';
test-cap $<meow>, 'foo', 'first named capture';
test-cap $<moo>, 'BAR', 'second named capture';
subtest two named (?'') + one positional captures => { plan 4;
ok 'foo42BAR' ~~ m:P5/(?'meow'[a-z]+)(\d+)(?'moo'[A-Z]+)/, 'matched';
test-cap $/[0], '42', 'positional capture';
test-cap $<meow>, 'foo', 'first named capture';
test-cap $<moo>, 'BAR', 'second named capture';

subtest named (?'') + named (?<>) + one positional captures => { plan 4;
ok 'foo42BAR' ~~ m:P5/(?<meow>[a-z]+)(\d+)(?'moo'[A-Z]+)/, 'matched';
test-cap $/[0], '42', 'positional capture';
test-cap $<meow>, 'foo', 'first named (?<>) capture';
test-cap $<moo>, 'BAR', second named (?'') capture;

# vim: ft=perl6

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