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perpetualKid edited this page May 3, 2021 · 6 revisions

GetText.NET Wiki

GetText.NET is a .NET cross-platform implementation of the GNU Gettext library, originally based on NGettext. GetText.NET supports string interpolation and FormattableString.
GetText.NET.Extractor extracts string values from C# source code in GetText.ICatalog method calls to Get*String(), and also Windows.Forms.Control properties showing text, such as .Text, .HeaderText or .ToopTipText. Translations are loaded directly from gettext *.mo files. Multiple translation domains and multiple locales can be loaded in one application instance. There is no need to compile satellite assemblies. GetText.NET supports both little-endian and big-endian MO files, automatic (header-based) encoding detection and (optional) plural form rules parsing.

Getting started with standard scenarions for GetText localization

The GetText catalog interface.

Provides localization support for text properties of Windows Forms controls

GetText.NET.Extractor helps to extract literal string values from C# source code, similar to xgettext from GNU gettext tools.