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Repro for the bloat and performance regression between the AWS Javascript V3 SDK 3.575 and 3.577

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AWS Javascript SDK v3.575 vs v3.577.0 Benchmark

This is to repro the size and coldstart performance difference between the AWS JavaScript SDK v3.575.0 and v3.577.0

Code notes

The lambda function does a simple ListTables call to dynamodb and logs some metadata src/handler.mjs. It is frontend by a Lambda Function url.

The CDK stack uses esbuild to bundle the function and marks a few unnecessary packages as external per my previous investigation on the credentials providers. It doesn't do any minification. lib/sdk-577-thiccc-stack.mjs Enable the metafile option if you want to analyze the bundle which is output in cdk.out/asset.<xxxxx>/index.meta.json when you do a npx cdk synth.


I was seeing a larger difference in coldstarts in my app but I was using client-sts, client-iam, client-dynamodb and lib-dynamodb. This output shows a 24 ms increase in coldstart time and a 146435 byte increase in bundle size between 575 and 577. This is a small sample size of 3 runs, but you should be able to replicate this in your own account.

aws sdk node version avg(@initDuration) bundleSize # runs
3.575.0 v20.13.1 246.79 316588 3
3.577.0 v20.13.1 270.0433 463023 3

Update 6/6/2024

I am now including client-sts, client-iam, client-dynamodb and lib-dynamodb in the benchmark. Version 3.592 is close in performance to 3.575, but is almost 50 ms slower when you include more clients.

aws sdk node version avg(@initDuration) bundleSize # runs
3.568.0 v20.13.1 213.5387 496644 8
3.575.0 v20.13.1 269.3038 504269 8
3.592.0 v20.13.1 265.4675 504954 8

Switching between AWS SDK versions


npm install @aws-sdk/client-dynamodb@3.568.0 @aws-sdk/client-sts@3.568.0 @aws-sdk/client-iam@3.568.0 @aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb@3.568.0 --save-exact && npm update && npm ci && npx cdk deploy;


npm install @aws-sdk/client-dynamodb@3.575.0 @aws-sdk/client-sts@3.575.0 @aws-sdk/client-iam@3.575.0 @aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb@3.575.0 --save-exact && npm update && npm ci && npx cdk deploy;


npm install @aws-sdk/client-dynamodb@3.592.0 @aws-sdk/client-sts@3.592.0 @aws-sdk/client-iam@3.592.0 @aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb@3.592.0 --save-exact && npm update && npm ci && npx cdk deploy;

Triggering a coldstart

Once you've deployed the stack you can trigger a coldstart by hitting the url in the stack output. You need to switch between versions and hit the url to force a coldstart, multiple invocations of the same version won't necessarily trigger a coldstart.

Collating the results

Run the following CloudWatch Insights Query on /aws/lambda/ThicccBenchmark to collate the results:

filter @message like /(Init Duration|"coldstart":true)/
| stats max(@initDuration) as `initDuration`, sortsfirst(sdkVersion) as @awsSdk, sortsFirst(size) as @bundleSize, sortsFirst(runtime), sortsFirst(node) as @node by coalesce(@requestId,requestId)
| display `initDuration`, `@awsSdk`, `@bundleSize`, @node
| stats avg(`initDuration`), max(`@bundleSize`), count(*) as runs by @awsSdk, @node 
| order by `@awsSdk` asc

Or log into the console and hit this url and change the region as appropriate.

Cleaning up

npx cdk destroy

Running locally

Start docker then:

sam local invoke -t ./cdk.out/Sdk577ThicccStack.template.json Sdk577ThicccFunction

Useful commands

  • npx cdk deploy deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region
  • npx cdk diff compare deployed stack with current state
  • npx cdk synth emits the synthesized CloudFormation template


Repro for the bloat and performance regression between the AWS Javascript V3 SDK 3.575 and 3.577






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