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Angular 14 - JWT Authentication with Refresh Tokens Example & Tutorial

Working towards a .NET 8 Web API

Last updated

  • 05-05-2024

The Web API was made without the ASP.NET Core Identity using custom JWT middleware

Functionality of the Web App

  • JWT authentication with refresh tokens
  • Refresh token rotation
  • Revoked token reuse detection

Tech used for this Web Client

  • Node.js version 18.19.1
  • Volta for Node Version management
  • Angular 14 is the JS framework for this frontend
  • TypeScript
  • Traditional Webhotel for Hosting
  • VS Code is my developement tool

Tech used for Web API, DB and Hosting

  • .NET 8
  • SQLite for the DB
  • Traditional Webhotel for Hosting
  • VS Code as developement tool


  • Make sure you have a new version of Node installed
  • Download the code by zip or fork
  • Run the command npm install by the command promt

Development server:

  • npm run start

  • You can view the development server at localhost:4200

Production build:

  • npm run build

The production build will be in the folder: dist