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Nobrac: Enabling Accessible and Streamlined Carbon Credit Transactions

Mission 🧠

Nobrac aims to increase the demand for on-chain carbon credits by creating an accessible and rewarding application. Our mission is to mitigate the effects of climate change by providing a platform that facilitates the process of buying carbon credits and being carbon neutral.

Problem 🔎

An increase in carbon dioxide is supercharging the natural greenhouse effect, causing global temperature to rise.

This is important because that extra heat is...
- driving regional and seasonal temperature extremes
- diminishing snow cover and sea ice
- amplifying heavy rainfall
- devastating habitats for both flora and fauna

Climate change is a pressing issue, and urgent action is needed to mitigate its worst outcomes.

Inspiration 🌟

The process for obtaining carbon credits is often long and tedious. The urgent need to limit temperature rise and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 inspired the creation of Nobrac. We strive to simplify and streamline the carbon credit acquisition process, making it more accessible to a broader audience.

What Nobrac Does 🌱

Nobrac is an application that allows users to buy carbon credits and achieve carbon neutrality. It provides a universal platform for both businesses and individuals to establish themselves as carbon neutral entities.

How It's Built

Technologies Used

Web Development

  • Next.js: Main JavaScript framework for developing the site.
  • Framer Motion: Used for animations.
  • Three.js: WebGL bindings for interactive visuals.


  • Unlimit: Enables USD to cryptocurrency transactions.
  • ZeroDev: Account Abstraction, linking OAuth to a wallet.
  • Ethers.js: Facilitates smart contract interactions.
  • Wagmi: React bindings/hooks for Ethers.
  • ENS (Ethereum Name Service): Associates Ethereum public keys with identities.
  • Celo and Polygon: Used for wallet-to-wallet and fiat-to-crypto transactions.
  • Unlock: Used for NFT creation.
  • Viem: Smart contract interaction.
  • Infura (provider): Used for blockchain interaction.

Other Backend

  • Apollo/GraphQL: Retrieves data for ranking and other functionalities.


  • Docker and Docker Compose: Containerization and orchestration.
  • Nginx: Web proxy.
  • Cloudflare: DNS resolution.


  • Climate Change Overview: Provides a quick overview of climate change and essential statistics.
  • Carbon Credit Transactions: Allows users to transfer cryptocurrency or USD to purchase carbon credits.
  • User Authentication: Enables account creation and anonymous purchase of carbon credits.
  • Carbon Usage Calculator: Educates visitors about their carbon usage through an interactive calculator.
  • Ranking System: Rewards top 10 users with their unique NFTs, promoting engagement and competition.

Website Demo Video

[Nobrack Demo](Link to the demo video]

Slides Deck

Nobrack Slides


To use Nobrac and contribute to fighting climate change:

  1. Visit the Nobrac website.
  2. Explore the features and mission of our platform.
  3. Create an account or proceed anonymously to purchase carbon credits.
  4. Use the carbon usage calculator to understand your carbon footprint.
  5. Engage with the platform, earn rewards, and be a part of the solution to climate change.


  • Ruben Garcia
  • Patrick Zhang
  • Cassy Clemente
  • Roehit Ranganathan
  • Michelle Cai


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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