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Description v1.0.0 The mono repo contains backend and frontend service for NuSlack Project.

Node Version: 8.9.*

React Version: 16.*

Project Specs



  • Please create a issue first and then attach that issue to the PR, so that every one know what’s the need of the PR. Attaching issues to the PR using github keywords, will close the issues once the PR is merged. More info here.

  • Please follow a common git commit style guide. Somewhat similar to this guide

  • All PRs should be Rebase And Merged

Issue Guidelines

  • Always add label to created Issue. For example, README for readme update Issue, USER-API for Issue related to user api work. More examples : FIX, BUG, HOTFIX labels.

  • Add default project batch-8-NuSlack to each of the Issue, so that it can be tracked in Projects Section. New Issue will be added as Open Issue in project.

Git Branch Guidelines

  • Create your own separate branch to work on new module or issue.
  • Suggested branch name format is username/label/#issue-id/goal-of-branch.
  • Checkout branch from master branch.
  • To update branch from master, update master branch first, then in your branch run git rebase master.

Git Commit Guidelines

Please follow below git commit format:

feat: subject of the commit in max 50 characters

description of the commit

Resolves: #issue-id
  • Note one empty line after subject, and then again after description

Git PR Guidelines

  • Rebase your branch before creating PR.
  • Add label and project to your PR.
  • Add same Label that you tagged in Issue.
  • Follow PR Template, and fill all the details required.
  • Make sure to add issue id in PR to auto resolve the issue.

Development Setup

  • Clone repo
  • cd batch-8-NuSlack
  • Install root packages : yarn
  • Install packages for client and server : yarn setup
  • Start both client and server : yarn start

Unit Testing

  • Testing is not setup yet.


How to run eslint, prettier and commitlint?

These are not configured yet. Will be added in next PR. Once setup, all lintings will run before commiting your code. Commitlint will enforce proper commit format.

Third party libraries

Team Details

Team Name : NuSlack

Team Members