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This is a scss-powered icon font for our beloved Scoville application, it has been designed to reduce the pain of rendering vector-based icons by using simple html classes, scss functions and mixins.


Add this to line to your package.json file:

"scoville-font": ""


If you're using libsass you may want to include the font scss using the includePaths option:

includePaths: ['node_modules/scoville-font/scss/']

Finally you can load the font styles into your scss tree:

@import 'scoville-font';

By default the scss file is providing the entire toolkit, If you want a granular control on the imports, no problem, you can still include them on a per-feature basis:

@import 'scoville-font/core';
@import 'scoville-font/mixins';
@import 'scoville-font/larger';
@import 'scoville-font/stacked';
@import 'scoville-font/flipped';
@import 'scoville-font/rotated';

.eot, .ttf, .woff and .woff2 fonts

The font files are availables into the node_modules/scoville-font/fonts/ directory, you just need to refer them into your favorite asset pipeline.


Please look at scss/scoville-font/_settings.scss file.


Every icon is registed as a mod class, so if the targeted icon is named download rendering it will looks like :

<i class="icon -download"></i>

Mixins & functions

The same goal can be achieved by using the icon mixin: + i {
  @include icon;

  &:before {
    content: glyph('download');

Larger icons

Larger version of icons can be rendered using -large-2x, -large-3x, -large-4x and -large-5x classes:

<i class="icon -download -large-2x"></i>
<i class="icon -download -large-3x"></i>
<i class="icon -download -large-4x"></i>
<i class="icon -download -large-5x"></i>

Stacked icons

Icons can also be stacked on each other throught the stack and -stack-* classes:

<span class="stack -lg">
  <i class="icon -first-icon -stack-2x"></i>
  <i class="icon -second-icon -stack-1x"></i>

Flipped icons

What's an icon font without the flip feature ?

<i class="icon -download -flip-vertical"></i>
<i class="icon -download -flip-horizontal"></i>

Rotated icons

You can easily rotate any icons by using -rotate-* classes:

<i class="icon -download -rotate-90"></i>
<i class="icon -download -rotate-180"></i>
<i class="icon -download -rotate-270"></i>

Hacking on the font

I want to add a new icon to the font

Adding a file to the icons folder will do the job, the icon file must be a .svg file. Please note that your file name will be used as a reference for the generated class name.

If you're using Adobe Illustrator, please save your file as SVG with the following settings:

  • SVG Profiles: SVG 1.1
  • Fonts Type: SVG
  • Fonts Subsetting: None
  • Options Image Location: Embed
  • Advanced Options
    • CSS Properties: Presentation Attributes
    • Decimal Places: 2
    • Encoding: UTF-8
    • Output fewer elements: check

Leave the rest unchecked.

I want to build the font on my computer

First, clone this repository then install dependencies:

npm install

You must also install ttfautohint:

brew install ttfautohint

This project is extensively using gulp for generating the font, let's install & run it:

npm install -g gulp

That's it, have fun!


Apache 2 license for code and assets, please see LICENSE file.