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Generation Effect

The "generation effect" refers to a psychological phenomenon where actively creating or generating information, as opposed to passively consuming it, enhances learning and retention. It's a cognitive principle that highlights the idea that when individuals engage in the process of generating information, they are more likely to remember and understand it better.

Table of Contents

  1. How it works
  2. Rules
  3. Requirements
  4. How to run

How it works:

  • Active Engagement: Instead of simply reading or listening to information, the generation effect encourages individuals to actively engage with the material. This can involve tasks such as summarizing, explaining, or teaching the content to someone else.

  • Mental Processing: When you actively generate information, your brain is forced to process and organize the material in a meaningful way. This deepens your understanding and memory of the subject matter.

  • Retrieval Practice: Actively generating information requires you to retrieve it from your memory, reinforcing the neural pathways associated with that knowledge. This retrieval practice makes the information easier to recall in the future.

  • Enhanced Learning: Studies have shown that actively generating information leads to improved learning outcomes compared to passive learning methods. It can boost memory retention, comprehension, and problem-solving abilities.


Daily Goal

  • Pick a daily goal.


  • Enter a sentence or paragraph.

Choose Difficulty:

  • Select easy, medium, or hard mode.


  • Create a modified version of the text based on the chosen difficulty.


  • Try to decipher and understand the modified text.

Guess Words:

  • Attempt to guess the number of words corresponding to your chosen daily goal.


How to run

Clone the project and navigate to it:

git clone
cd /generation-effect

Install the dependencies:

npm install

Run the app in development mode:

npm run dev