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UNH thesis LaTeX template

This repository contains unofficial files for writing a UNH thesis using LaTeX. The unhthesis class was originally based on the umassthesis class.


To compile the document from a terminal, first ensure the following is in ~/.latexmkrc [ref]:

# Custom dependency and function for nomencl package
add_cus_dep( 'nlo', 'nls', 0, 'makenlo2nls' );
sub makenlo2nls {
system( "makeindex -s -o \"$_[0].nls\" \"$_[0].nlo\"" );

then run

latexmk -pdf thesis.tex

If using a LaTeX IDE such as TeXstudio, either set the default compiler to latexmk, i.e., txs:///latexmk, or use the following as the "quick build command":

pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex | pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex | makeindex %.nlo -s -o %.nls | pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex

Notes and tips

All dissertations must include an acknowledgement of funding sources used to support the research that is reported, including both University awards (e.g., a Graduate School Dissertation Fellowship) and external grants and contracts.


Figures placed in the ./figures directory will be found automatically. This is defined in preamble.tex with the \graphicspath command.


For a UNH Thesis, the margins are 1.5" on the left, 1" at the bottom and right. The first page of a chapter or major section has a top margin of 1.5". On all other pages, the top margin is 1".

The parameters for the unhthesis document style are set to meet the above requirements. However, exact placement of the text on the page can vary from printer to printer, or even from week to week on the same printer. To compensate for this, two parameters can be used to shift the entire text 'box' left to right and top to bottom:

                                    |<-->| \hoffset
                                    |    |
                                    |    |
              +--------------------------+ --------
              |                          |       ^
              |                          |       |  \voffset
              |                          |       v
              |    +----------------+    | --------
              |    |              xx|    |
              |    |                |    |
              |    |  xx xxxxxxx xxx|    |
              |    |xxxx xx x xxx xx|    |
              |    |xxx xxx x xxxx x|    |
              |    |x xxx xxx x xxxx|    |
              |    |xxx xxx xxxx xxx|    |
              |    |x xx xxxx.      |    |
              |    +----------------+    |
              |                          |
              |                          |

Negative values for \hoffset shift the text left on the page. Negative values for \voffset shift the text up on the page. To change the size of the text box look at page layout section in unhthesis.cls.

Including code

Note that rather than including as appendices, it may be more useful to readers if long blocks of code, e.g., full programs, are placed online in a version control repository, e.g., on GitHub, then archived with a service that mints DOIs, such as figshare or Zenodo. This way, the version of the code used can be cited in the text.


  1. Obtain mcode.sty and place in this directory.
  2. Add \usepackage[autolinebreaks]{mcode} to preamble.tex
  3. Use the command \lstinputlisting{code/hello_world.m} where
    code/hello_world.m, is the path to the code to include.


Unofficial UNH LaTeX thesis template.







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