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Clojure Course

This course is inspired by and borrows from the excellent Clojure Mooc by the by the CS department of University of Helsinki.

Focuses on:

  • use the repl for fast learning feedback.
  • writing human friendly code from the start
  • avoiding clojure's pain points
  • uses familiar problem domains


  • Join Clojurians on Slack. (most important step - google then ask on beginners if you get stuck at any point)

  • Get Git

  • get the repo: git clone

  • Get Leiningen

Editors - the instructions in the chapters assume cursive but if you prefer another and know how to repl already use whatever you want

Shortcuts - Learn or change 2 shortcuts in Intellij for REPL happiness

  • Load File in REPL
  • Send Form Before Caret to REPL

Starting a REPL Open clojure-course in intellij as a project Right click on project.clj and select + Add as leiningen project wait for intellij to finish syncronising Right click on project.clj and select Run REPL for ... Open src/thread_the_needle.clj Use your shortcut to Load File in REPL

Common Repl Error messages and what they mean:

Error: :namespace-not-found -> you need to Load File in REPL

CompilerException java.lang.ClassCastException: class XXX cannot be cast to class clojure.lang.IFn -> "This XXX cannot be turned into a Function" -> the first form inside a brackets always needs to be a function i.e. (1) errors while (inc 0) is fine

CompilerException clojure.lang.ArityException: Wrong number of args (0) passed to: core/inc--inliner--5258 -> (inc) errors as inc expects exactly one arg

IllegalArgumentException Don't know how to create ISeq from: XXX -> "this XXX cannot be turned into a sequence" -> collection functions expect the collection as the last arg e.g. (map inc [1 2 3]) not (map [1 2 3] inc)

CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: EOF while reading -> you are missing a closing bracket somewhere

Recommended Order for Exercises:

  • src/thread-the-needle.clj
  • src/p-p-p-pokerface.clj

Then do rest of the Mooc


  • src/specter-gadget.clj
  • src/composing-transducers.clj