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Renaming presentation to Minimizing Library Dependencies. Structuring…
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… a basic short presentation with a lot of notes. A few slides are incomplete.
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Peter Marklund committed Oct 19, 2010
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TODO: Rename to "Minimizing Library Dependencies" These are my slides for a presentation held at the Rails Meetup in Stockholm on October 25:th
Using ~>: 2010, see:

"In the world of software management there exists a dread place called "dependency hell." The bigger your system grows and the more packages you integrate into your software, the more likely you are to find yourself, one day, in this pit of despair."

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* Library Creep h1. Weighing In At

TODO: Rename to minimizing library dependencies
Russian dolls. Libraries that wrap other libraries (TinyMCE, Sunspot, etc.)
60 libraries in one project!
The magplus story - brought number of libraries down to 0, then upgraded to Rails 3
The Ruby 1.9.2 test.
The s3_swf_upload story. Forked first to get rid of aws-s3 dependency. Then ripped out only the one file needed from the library. Mostly a generator.
Types of libraries - generators, etc.
FasterCSV example - not needed in Ruby 1.9.2!
Fundamental problem - conflicting dependencies
Patches of Ruby classes in the standard library (example 32 bit Integer shift in s3_swf_upload gem)
Uses global variables (s3_swf_upload, logworm_amqp)
How many different XML, JSON, etc. parsers do you end up with?
Review your libraries and understand them! Libraries cannot be treated as a black box. They are too tightly coupled with the rest of your system.

Example: carrierwave
peter@flygarn ~/service-plus]$ sudo gem install carrierwave
Successfully installed carrierwave-0.5.0
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for carrierwave-0.5.0...
Installing RDoc documentation for carrierwave-0.5.0...
peter@flygarn ~/service-plus]$
peter@flygarn ~/service-plus]$
peter@flygarn ~/service-plus]$
peter@flygarn ~/service-plus]$ sudo gem install fog
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Successfully installed excon-0.2.4
Successfully installed formatador-0.0.15
Successfully installed net-ssh-2.0.23
Successfully installed nokogiri-
Successfully installed fog-0.3.8

Alternative to carrierwave:
@brand.bucket.put("test-thumb.png", params[:thumb_image].open)

MiniMagick is a light weight alternative to RMagick. Here is a light weight alternative to MiniMagick:
identify mag-plus/popular-photo/thumb_com.bonnier.magplus.PPHiTune001D.PPH1110D.20101014-20.png
mag-plus/popular-photo/thumb_com.bonnier.magplus.PPHiTune001D.PPH1110D.20101014-20.png PNG 80x80 80x80+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 13.5kb

Start by learning the underlying technology rather than the wrapping technology, the fundamentals. Lives longer.

Ruby developers over optimize for pretty DSLs. You can have pretty DSLs without libraries. Underrated: writing your own application DSL.

Ruby developers are in the mindset of minimizing lines of code. For some reason they tend to only apply this to their own code, not to the code of the libraries they install. Ruby developers are in the mindset of minimizing lines of code. For some reason they tend to only apply this to their own code, not to the code of the libraries they install.

Advantage: you run the tests. You understand the code. You have less code because you only write code you need.

Look at all the libs I'm not installing

Pretty dsls overrated



Rails Library Creep. A cousin of Feature Creep and Software Bloat. Ironic. Aren't we supposed to be lean? Rails Library Creep. A cousin of Feature Creep and Software Bloat. Ironic. Aren't we supposed to be lean?

Vendor Lockin


* "Feature creep":
* "Software bloat":

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ temporary notes below, unstructured ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

*** Rails Library Dependencies (Det finns en röd tråd, jag lovar!)
- I am going to be honest with you upfront: "I HATE RUBY ON RAILS PLUGIN AND GEM DEPENDENCIES!" PITA
"warning: HTTParty depends on version 0.1.7 of crack, not 0.1.6"
"can't activate , already activated gherkin-2.2.0"

- A lot of Ruby on Rails libraries are driven for the desire for beautiful DSL wrappers. Examples: httparty, whenever.
- The other type of library delivers gives you application level functionality (engines). Example: devise.
- Third type is infrastructure/API level outside the scope of Rails. Most legitimate IMHO.

Libraries with functionality that you don't really need, that are overkill. Example: capistrano-ext

Example LOC from Newsdesk with library counts and LOC
The httparty/clicky story
Rational Version policy

Managing complexity.

We Ruby developers are supposed to be lean and simple. Less is more, right? We Ruby developers are supposed to be lean and simple. Less is more, right?
Libraries Accumulate and Quickly Become a Liability Over Time

- Intertwining, when everybody talks to everybody. h1. Library Smells

academic earth!

<!-- * "Promoting Code Quality":promoting-quality.html
* "Measuring Code Quality":measuring-quality.html
* "Rails Library Dependencies":library-dependencies.html -->

Choose Your Dependencies Wisely

Not very Rails-esque. Choices, choices, choices. This library or that library? Lack of conventions and consensus. Rapidly changing landscape. The rug being swept away under your feet.

How do you decide if to use a library? How do you evaluate libraries? Like other code, since after all, libraries are code. How do you evaluate code? How do you decide if to use a library? How do you evaluate libraries? Like other code, since after all, libraries are code. How do you evaluate code?

How many different XML, JSON, etc. parsers do you end up with?

Review your libraries and understand them! Libraries cannot be treated as a black box. They are too tightly coupled with the rest of your system.
Software Health - chapter from my Newsdesk presentation Version incompatibility is a message like: "can't activate , already activated gherkin-2.2.0"

"warning: HTTParty depends on version 0.1.7 of crack, not 0.1.6"
Metrics Intertwining, when everybody talks to everybody.

Convetions, Idioms, and Consistency: Always make HTTP requests the same way, Always parse JSON the same way, Always implement state machines the same way, Always do pagination the same way
Model layer independent of the framework (Rails)? Independent of the persistence layer? Why should your business logic depend on Rails? The fewer dependencies your code has, the longer it can live. We are lured by the magic of the libraries and their pretty DSLs. and by short term productivity boosts. Model macros - has_amazing_feature.

Plugins that are intertwined with Rails. restful-authentication example. Code generation with controllers and views. authlogic, now devise.

Libraries that are coupled and have a lot of dependencies don’t age well.

A discussion of when to bring in libraries, and what to require from a library. Pros and cons.

We are lured by the magic of the libraries and their pretty DSLs. and by short term productivity boosts.

Version hell. Picking the right version of rails and the right version of the library.

Prevent you from Ruby upgrades
Rails upgrades
Database upgrades.
Search engine upgrades Search engine upgrades

libraries can give you flying start, quick win

Questions to ask about the library:

- How well does it functionality map your needs? Does it do a lot of stuff that you don’t need? Is there some stuff you need to add or change?
- Does it have good test coverage
- Is it being maintained?
- Is it mature and stable?
- What does it depend on?
- How big is the code base? Can you read the code and readily understand how it works?
- What is the interface of the library?
- How high is the cohesion of the library?
- How high is the coupling of the library?
- What are the code metrics of the library?

Treating libraries as black boxes doesn’t really work so well in Rails land. Treating libraries as black boxes doesn’t really work so well in Rails land.

A typical Rails library is developed quickly (over night) by a single Rails developer in his free time, then further developed and maintained for a couple of months, then mostly abandoned, sometimes forked if it’s popular. A typical library is highly coupled to Rails. The library landscape is messy. A typical Rails library is developed quickly (over night) by a single Rails developer in his free time, then further developed and maintained for a couple of months, then mostly abandoned, sometimes forked if it’s popular. A typical library is highly coupled to Rails. The library landscape is messy.
Example: globalize2 - globalize2_hacked
Can you maintain it?

The Ruby web development landscape has gotten a lot more diversified over the last five years. There used to be only two popular books (AWR and the Pickaxe). Now there are hundreds. There used to be one Ruby interpreter, now there are several. There used to be only one major Rails version, now there are three. There used to be few alternatives to Rails, now there are many other popular frameworks. Everybody used to use RDBMS databases, now NoSQL databases are all the rage. A typical Rails system used to be a single simple app, now service oriented architectures with several apps are popular. The Ruby web development landscape has gotten a lot more diversified over the last five years. There used to be only two popular books (AWR and the Pickaxe). Now there are hundreds. There used to be one Ruby interpreter, now there are several. There used to be only one major Rails version, now there are three. There used to be few alternatives to Rails, now there are many other popular frameworks. Everybody used to use RDBMS databases, now NoSQL databases are all the rage. A typical Rails system used to be a single simple app, now service oriented architectures with several apps are popular.

application code does exactly what you need, no more no less h1. Advantages to Rolling Your Own
you wrote it, so you probably understand it You have less code because you only write code you need.
you have tests for it that you run frequently Model layer independent of the framework (Rails)? Independent of the persistence layer? Why should your business logic depend on Rails?
Libraries that are coupled and have a lot of dependencies don’t age well.
The fewer dependencies your code has, the longer it can live.
Can you install your app anywhere? A dependency is a sort of binding.
Making it more difficult for a new Rails developer to take over and maintain your application.

h1. 1. Application Level Libraries (Engines)
I personally don't like having to look for application level stuff (controllers and views) outside the app.
Which levels in the stack belong in a library and which belong in your application? The engine discussion. Which levels in the stack belong in a library and which belong in your application? The engine discussion.

Using libraries give you a bunch of stuff you don’t need (your needs and the needs of the plugin author are seldom identical). h1. 2. Libraries To Make Your App More DRY

Libraries Accumulate and Quickly Become a Liability Over Time h1. 3. Wrapper Libraries (Ruby DSLs)
Do you understand exactly what the library does and how it’s implemented? Ruby gems, especially Rails gems, tend to come and go like fashion.
Can you maintain it? Learning the underlying API has more lasting value.
Is it tested? Lack of conventions and consensus when it comes to libraries. Rapidly changing landscape. The rug being swept away under your feet.
Does it work with future versions of Ruby and Rails? Start by learning the underlying technology rather than the wrapping technology, the fundamentals. Lives longer.
Which dependencies does it have? Ruby developers over optimize for pretty DSLs. You can have pretty DSLs without libraries. Underrated: writing your own application DSL.
Does it patch Rails or Ruby in bad ways?
Who wrote it?
Sexy DSLs (httparty, sunspot are examples)
How many lines of Ruby code is it?
When was it last updated?
What is the current version?
How stable is it?
Do you need to hack it or monkey patch it to do what you need?

Example: rsolr an sunspot gems:
Code LOC: 16672
find vendor/gems/rsolr-0.12.1/lib -name '*.rb'|xargs wc -l # => 492
find vendor/gems/sunspot-1.0.3/lib -name '*.rb'|xargs wc -l # => 6889
find vendor/gems/sunspot_rails-1.0.3/lib -name '*.rb'|xargs wc -l # => 1237

Example: httparty
find vendor/gems/httparty-0.6.0/lib -name '*.rb'|xargs wc -l # => 903
find vendor/gems/crack-0.1.7 -name '*.rb'|xargs wc -l # => 1073

When you upgrade, beware of backwards incompatibilities. Rational versioning policy of RubyGems, not always followed: - i.e. 1.2.4

h1. Specifying Version Dependency
A category 1 change (implementation detail) will increment the build number. A category 1 change (implementation detail) will increment the build number.
A category 2 change (backwards compatible) will increment the minor version number and reset the build number. A category 2 change (backwards compatible) will increment the minor version number and reset the build number.
A category 3 change (incompatible) will increment the major build number and reset the minor and build numbers. A category 3 change (incompatible) will increment the major build number and reset the minor and build numbers.

Example: httparty going from 0.4.3 to 0.6.0 Example: httparty going from 0.4.3 to 0.6.0
Commit message: “Rolling back httparty to version 0.4.3 for compatibility with Clicky API (don't ask)” Commit message: “Rolling back httparty to version 0.4.3 for compatibility with Clicky API (don't ask)”
Example: globalize2

Maybe in practice only category 1 changes (build number) can be relied on to be backwards

35 plugins and 35 gems!

Libraries tend to depend on other libraries and “drag these along” into your up. You tend to end up with several libraries that do the same thing (XML, JSON parsing etc.).

Ideally you want to have one consistent way that you always do pagination, file uploads, state machines, JSON/XML/CSV parsing/generation, authentication etc. in your app.

Wikipedia: “A liability can mean something that is a hindrance or puts an individual or group at a disadvantage”

Multiple libraries that do the same thing
Over focus on pretty dsls so blindly that we sacrifice simplicity and maintainability

The ruby interpreter h1. Look at all the libs I'm Not Installing
Rails The s3_swf_upload story. Forked first to get rid of aws-s3 dependency. Then ripped out only the one file needed from the library. Mostly a generator. Had Ruby patch example 32 bit Integer shift. Was not Ruby 1.9.2 compatible. Then replaced hundreds of lines
The database with a one-liner that was Ruby 1.9.2 compatible and got rid of the gem.
The os? FasterCSV example - not needed in Ruby 1.9.2!

Examples of use of global variables (s3_swf_upload, logworm_amqp)
Can you install your app anywhere The fog library in turn depends on: excon, formatador, net-ssh, and nokogiri.
Alternative to carrierwave: @brand.bucket.put("test-thumb.png", params[:thumb_image].open)
MiniMagick is a light weight alternative to RMagick. Here is a light weight alternative to MiniMagick:
identify mag-plus/popular-photo/thumb_com.bonnier.magplus.PPHiTune001D.PPH1110D.20101014-20.png
=> mag-plus/popular-photo/thumb_com.bonnier.magplus.PPHiTune001D.PPH1110D.20101014-20.png PNG 80x80 80x80+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 13.5kb
rsolr (492 LOC) - sunspot (6889 LOC) - sunspot-rails (1237 LOC)
httparty (903 LOC) - crack (1073 LOC)

Staying lean and simple

Isolationist testing ############################################################################################

Integration testing of APIs * "Feature creep":
* "Software bloat":
* "
Using >= Considered Harmful (or, What’s Wrong With >=)":
* "Semantic Versioning":
* "RubyGems Versioning Policies":

Newsdes Product Quality
12 hours to rate: 12 hours to rate:
metric fu presentations metric fu presentations

Multiple libraries that do the same thing
Over focus on pretty dsls so blindly that we sacrifice simplicity and maintainability

The ruby interpreter
The database
The os?

Can you install your app anywhere

Staying lean and simple

like russian dolls
code weight
boom, sunspot, 7000 lines of code extra
weighing you down, changing quickly, conflicting version changes,
compatibility of versions, ruby upgrades, rails upgrades

Moving parts
Hacked libs

Structure of files
Lib dir

Integration testing apis

Making it harder to understand an application. Example: friendly_id. 1500 lines, with datamapper and sequel support, AR 2 and AR 3. Making it harder to understand an application. Example: friendly_id. 1500 lines, with datamapper and sequel support, AR 2 and AR 3.
Described as a swiss army knife. Great, now that's cohesion for you! The friendly_id library depends on the babosa gem which is 700 lines Described as a swiss army knife. Great, now that's cohesion for you! The friendly_id library depends on the babosa gem which is 700 lines
of Ruby that does the actual slugging. Now, IMHO, it's better to use the babosa gem directly. of Ruby that does the actual slugging. Now, IMHO, it's better to use the babosa gem directly.

Making it more difficult for a new Rails developer to take over and maintain your application.

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Expand All @@ -293,5 +105,3 @@ Making it more difficult for a new Rails developer to take over and maintain you
* "Jake Scruggs: Metric Fu Presentation": * "Jake Scruggs: Metric Fu Presentation":
* "Ruby on Rails Code Quality Checklist": * "Ruby on Rails Code Quality Checklist":
* "Peter Marklund: Test Driven Development with Ruby": * "Peter Marklund: Test Driven Development with Ruby":

The complexity cost of functionality is bigger than you think
34 changes: 0 additions & 34 deletions code/cachable_model.rb

This file was deleted.

6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions config/metadata.yml
Original file line number Original file line Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: Rails Library Creep title: Minimizing Library Dependencies
author: Peter Marklund author: Peter Marklund
company: Elabs company: Rails Mentor
copyright: 2010 Peter Marklund copyright: 2010 Peter Marklund
date: August 4:th, 2010 date: October 25:th, 2010
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions content/library_creep.textile

This file was deleted.


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