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libHybridGrains is an open source project for efficient simulations of granular media. In particular, it is the 2D implementation of the hybrid grains project, Hybrid Grains: Adaptive Coupling of Discrete and Continuum Simulations of Granular Media (see our project page for more details: ).

The source code contains three parts:

  • A discute simulator based on the Discrete Element Method (DEM)
  • A continuum simulator based on the Material Point Method (MPM)
  • A framework that adaptively couples the discrete simulation and the continuum simulations

We currently do not have a time table for releasing the 3D source code. Please contact us if you are interested.


libHybridGrains requires two dependencies for a minimal build:

  • RapidXML: An XML parser to read simulation descriptions.

  • Eigen: A linear algebra library used internally.

We provide a '' script to automatically download, verify, and extract the supported versions of these libraries.

We recommend a few dependencies for full featured builds:

  • Qt4: A user interface library to provide graphical front ends. Available through most standard package managers.

  • HDF5: A binary file format for data output. Available through most standard package managers.

Quickstart Guide

To obtain a minimal demo build that simulates granular column collapse:

  1. Install Qt4 and CMake. These packages are available from most standard package managers.

  2. Clone this repository and change into the project root:

     git clone
     cd libHybridGrains
  3. From the project root, run the script to download, extract, and verify the required dependencies. Note that this script requires the md5sum utility:

  4. Create a build directory under the project root and change into this directory:

     mkdir build
     cd build
  5. Run CMake to create the build system with Qt4 enabled:

     cmake -DUSE_QT4=ON ..
  6. Build libHybridGrains:

     make -j
  7. Load the example simulation:

     cd hybridgrains2dnewqt4
     ./hybridgrains2dnew_qt4 assets/column-collapse/hybrid.xml
  8. Click "Simulate" to run the simulation!

Output and Render Data

To output simulation data to the hard drive, enable HDF5 support and use the cli interface. Inside the build directory, run:

    cmake -DUSE_HDF5=ON ..
    make -j
    cd hybridgrains2dnewcli
    ./hybridgrains2dnew_cli assets/column-collapse/hybrid.xml -f <frame_rate> -o <output_dir>

To render the simulation data, inside the project root, run:

    python scripts_analysis/ -i <sim_data> -o <output_dir>

Stand-alone Discrete and Continuum Simulations

We also provide stand-alone qt4 and cli interfaces for running purely discrete simulations and purely continuum simulations. For example, you can run a purely discrete column collapse by runing the following command in the build directory:

    cd rigidbody2dcli
    ./rigidbody2d_cli ../../assets/hybridgrains2dnew/column-collapse/dem.xml -f <frame_rate> -o <output_dir>

and a purely continuum column collpase via:

    cd mpmgrains2d_cli
    ./mpmgrains2d_cli ../../assets/hybridgrains2dnew/column-collapse/mpm.xml -f <frame_rate> -o <output_dir>

scripts_analysis/ and scripts_analysis/ are also provided for rendering the purely discrete and contiuum data.


If this library helped you in a publication, please cite our hybrid grains paper so others can find our code and benefit as well.

  title={Hybrid grains: Adaptive coupling of discrete and continuum simulations of granular media},
  author={Yue, Yonghao and Smith, Breannan and Chen, Peter Yichen and Chantharayukhonthorn, Maytee and Kamrin, Ken and Grinspun, Eitan},
  booktitle={SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 Technical Papers},


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