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# micropython-mqtt
# Bringing MQTT to MicroPython targets

MQTT is an easily used networking protocol designed for IOT (internet of
things) applications. It is well suited for controlling hardware devices and
for reading sensors across a local network or the internet.

The aim of this project is to bring the protocol via WiFi to generic host
devices running MicroPython but lacking a WiFi interface. A cheap ESP8266 board
running firmware from this repository supplies WiFi connectivity. Connection
between the host and the ESP8266 is via five GPIO lines. The means of
communication, and justification for it, is documented
It is designed to be hardware independent requiring three output lines and two
inputs. It uses no hardware-specific features like timers, interrupts or
machine code, nor does it make assumptions about processor speed. It should be
compatible with any hardware running MicroPython and having five free GPIO

The driver is event driven using uasyncio for asynchronous programming.
Applications continue to run unaffected by delays experienced on the ESP8266.

This document assumes familiarity with the umqtt and uasyncio libraries.
Unofficial guides may be found via these links:
[umqtt FAQ](
[uasyncio tutorial](

The ESP8266 operates in station mode. The host interface aims to support all
the MQTT functionality provided in the umqtt library. It tries to keep the link
to the broker open continuously, allowing applications which seldom or never
publish. The ESP8266 firmware and the host interface are designed to be
resilient under error conditions. The ESP8266 is rebooted in the event of fatal
errors or crashes.

# Project status

At the time of writing (June 2017) the code is best described as being of beta
quality. Testing has been done with a local broker. It is untested with a
broker on the WAN, also with SSL. If anyone is in a position to test these I
would welcome reports. Please raise an issue - including to report positive
outcomes :).

Testing was performed using a Pyboard V1.0 as the host. The following boards
have run as ESP8266 targets: Adafruit Feather Huzzah, Adafruit Huzzah and WeMos
D1 Mini.

Originally written when the ESP8266 firmware was error-prone it has substantial
provision for error recovery. Much of the code deals with events like blocked
sockets, ESP8266 crashes and WiFi and broker outages. The underlying stability
of MicroPython on the ESP8266 is now excellent, but wireless networking remains
vulnerable to error conditions such as radio frequency interference or the host
moving out of range of the access point.

# 1. Wiring

Connections to the ESP8266 are as follows.

In the table below Feather refers to the Adafruit Feather Huzzah reference board
or to the Huzzah with serial rather than USB connectivity. Mini refers to the
WeMos D1 Mini. Pyboard refers to any Pyboard version. Pins are for the Pyboard
test programs, but host pins may be changed at will in the application code.

| Signal | Feather | Mini | Pyboard | Signal |
| mckin | 12 | D6 | Y6 | sckout |
| mrx | 13 | D7 | Y5 | stx |
| mtx | 14 | D5 | Y7 | srx |
| mckout | 15 | D8 | Y8 | sckin |
| reset | reset | rst | Y4 | reset |

Host and target must share a sigle power supply with a common ground.

# 2. The Host

The MQTT API is via the ``MQTTlink`` class described below.

## 2.1 Files

### 2.1.1 Dependencies

The following files originate from the [micropython-async]( library.
```` Provides a retriggerable delay class.
```` Synchronisation primitives.
```` Communication library.

From this library:
```` Python MQTT interface.
```` Numeric constants shared between user code, the ESP8266
firmware and ````; including status values sent to host from ESP8266.
```` Local network credentials and MQTT parameters. Edit this.

### 2.1.2 Test programs

```` Minimal publish/subscribe test. A remote unit can turn the
Pyboard green LED on and off and can display regular publications from the
```` Demonstrates interception of status messages.
```` Tests coroutines which must shut down on ESP8266 reboot.
Also demonstrates the ramcheck facility.

## 2.2 Quick start guide

Ensure you have a working MQTT broker on a known IP address, and that you have
PC client software. This document assumes mosquitto as broker, mosquitto_pub
and mosquitto_sub as clients. For test purposes it's best to start with the
broker on the local network. Clients may be run on any connected PC.

Modify ```` to match your MQTT broker address, WiFi SSID and

Copy the above dependencies to the Pyboard. Install the supplied firmware to
the ESP8266 (section 3.1). Copy ```` to the Pyboard and run it.
Assuming the broker is on, on a PC run:

mosquitto_sub -h -t result

The test program publishes an incrementing count every 10 seconds under the
"result" topic. It subscribes to a topic "green" and responds to messages "on"
or "off" to control the state of the Pyboard green LED. To test this run

mosquitto_pub -h -t green -m on
mosquitto_pub -h -t green -m off

## 2.3 The MQTTlink class

### 2.3.1 Constructor

This takes the following positional args:
1. ``reset`` A ``Signal`` instance associated with the reset output pin. The
test programs instantiate the pin with ``Pin.OPEN_DRAIN`` because some boards
have a capacitor to ground. On a low to high transition a push-pull pin could
cause spikes on the power supply. The truly paranoid might replace the reset
wire with a 100Ω resistor to limit current.
2. ``sckin`` Initialised input pin.
3. ``sckout`` Initialised output pin with value 0.
4. ``srx`` Initialised input pin.
5. ``stx`` Initialised output pin with value 0.
6. ``init`` A tuple of initialisation values. See below.
7. ``user_start=None`` A callback to run when communication link is up.
8. ``args=()`` Optional args for above.
9. ``local_time_offset=0`` If the host's RTC is to be synchronised to an NTP
server, this allows an offset to be added. Unit is hours.
10. ``verbose=True`` Print diagnostic messages.
11. ``timeout=10`` Duration of ESP8266 watchdog (secs). This limits how long a
socket can block before the ESP8266 is rebooted. If the broker is on a slow
internet connection this should be increased.

The ``user_start`` callback runs when the link between the boards has
initialised. If the ESP8266 crashes the link times out and the driver resets
the ESP8266. When the link is re-initialised ``user_start`` runs again. Typical
use is to define subscriptions. The callback can launch coroutines but these
should run to completion promptly (less than a few seconds). If such coros run
forever, precautions apply. See section 2.3.5.

INIT: data to be sent to ESP8266 after a reset.
Init elements. Entries 0-6 are strings, 7-12 are integers:
0. 'init'
1. SSID for WiFi.
2. WiFi password.
3. Broker IP address.
4. MQTT user ('' for none).
5. MQTT password ('' for none).
6. SSL params (repr of a dictionary)
7. 1/0 Use default network if possible. If 1, tries to connect to the network
stored on the ESP8266. If this fails, it will connect to the specified
network. If 0, ignores the saved LAN. The specified LAN becomes the new
8. port: use 0 for default.
9. 1/0 ssl
10. 1/0 fast: if 1, clock ESP8266 at 160MHz
11. RTC resync interval (secs). 0 == disable. If interval > 0 the ESP8266 will
periodically retrieve the time from an NTP server and send the result to the
host, which will adjust its RTC. The local time offset specified to the
constructor will be applied. If interval == -1 synchronisation will occur once
12. keepalive time (secs) (0 = disable). Sets the broker keepalive time.

### 2.3.2 Methods

1. ``publish`` Args topic (str), message (str), retain (bool), qos (0/1). Puts
publication on a queue and returns immediately. Defaults: retain ``False``,
qos 0. ``publish`` can be called at any time, even if an ESP8266 reboot is in
2. ``subscribe`` Args topic (str), callback, qos (0/1). Subscribes to the
topic. The callback will run when a publication is received. The callback args
are the topic and message. It should be called from the ``user_start``
callback to re-subscribe after an ESP8266 reboot.
3. ``pubq_len`` No args. Returns the length of the publication queue.
4. ``rtc_syn`` No args. Returns ``True`` if the RTC has been synchronised to
an NTP time server.
5. ``status_handler`` Arg: a coroutine. Overrides the default status handler.
6. ``running`` No args. Returns ``True`` if WiFi and broker are up and system
is running normally.
7. ``command`` Intended for test/debug. Takes an arbitrary number of
positional args, formats them and sends them to the ESP8266.

### 2.3.3 Class Method

1. ``will`` Args topic (str), msg (str), retain, qos. Set the last will. Must
be called before instantiating the ``MQTTlink``. Defaults: retain ``False``,
qos 0.

### 2.3.4 Intercepting status values

The ESP8266 can send numeric status values to the host. These are defined and
documented in ````. The default handler specifies how a network
is performed after a reset. Initially, if the ESP8266 fails to connect to the
default LAN stored in its flash memory, it attempts to connect to the network
specified in INIT. On ESP8266 reboots it avoids flash wear by avoiding the
specified LAN. By default it waits 30 seconds and reboots again.

The behaviour in response to status messages may be modified by replacing the
default handler with a user supplied coroutine as described in 2.3.2 above;
the test program ```` illustrates this.

The driver waits for the handler to terminate, then responds in a way dependent
on the status value. If it was a fatal error the ESP8266 will be rebooted. For
informational values execution will continue.

The return value from the coroutine is ignored except in response to a
``SPECNET`` message. If it returns 1 the driver will attempt to connect to the
specified network. If it returns 0 it will reboot the ESP8266.

A typical reason for interception is to handle fatal errors, prompting for user
intervention or reporting and issuing long delays before rebooting.

### 2.3.5 The ``user_start`` callback

This callback runs each time the ESP8266 is reset. The callback should return
promptly, and any coroutines launched by it should terminate quickly. If the
callback launches coroutines which run forever beware of the following hazard.

After an error which causes the ESP8266 to be rebooted the callback runs again
causing coroutines launched by the callback to be re-created. This will cause
the scheduler's task queue to grow. To avoid unconstrained growth such a coro
should be launched on the first run only.

If this is impossible it should be designed to quit prior to an ESP8266 reboot
(the MicroPython asyncio subset has no way to kill a running coro). For
internal use the MQTTLink has an ``ExitGate`` instance ``exit_gate``. A
continuously running coroutine should use the ``exit_gate`` context manager and
poll ``exit_gate.ending()``. If it returns ``True`` the coro should terminate.
If it needs to pause it should issue

result = await mqtt_link.exit_gate.sleep(time)

and quit if result is ``False``.

See ```` and the
[synchronisation primitives docs](

### 2.3.6 Notes on behaviour

The implicit characteristics of radio links mean that WiFi is subject to
outages of arbitrary duration: RF interference may occur, or the unit may move
out of range of the access point.

In the event of a WiFi outage the ESP8266, running the umqtt library, may
respond in two ways. If a socket is blocking it may block forever; it will also
wait forever if a publication with qos == 1 has taken place and the MQTT
protocol is waiting on a PUBACK response. In this case the serial link will
time out and the ESP8266 will be rebooted. If a socket operation is not in
progress a WIFI_DOWN status will be sent to the Pyboard; if the outage is brief
WIFI_UP will be sent and operation will continue. Outages longer than the link
timeout will result in an ESP8266 reboot.

An implication of this behaviour is that publications with qos == 1 may not be
delivered if the WiFi fails and causes a reboot while waiting for the PUBACK.
In my view qos == 1 is not strictly achievable with the current umqtt library
over a WiFi link. On a reliable network it is effective.

The driver aims to keep the link to the broker open at all times. It does this
by sending MQTT pings to the broker: four pings are sent during the keepalive
time. If no response is achieved in this period the broker is presumed to have
failed or timed out. The ``NO_NET`` status is reported (to enable user action)
and the ESP8266 rebooted.

# 3. The ESP8266

To use the precompiled build, follow the instructions in 3.1 below. The
remainder of the ESP8266 documentation is for those wishing to modify the
ESP8266 code. Since the Pyboard and the ESP8266 communicate via GPIO pins the
UART/USB interface are available for debugging.

# 3.1 Installing the precompiled build

Erase the flash with
`` erase_flash``
Then, from the project directory, issue
`` --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 115200 write_flash --verify --flash_size=detect -fm dio 0 firmware-combined.bin``
These args for the reference board may need amending for other hardware.

# 3.2 Files

In the precompiled build all modules are implemented as frozen bytecode. For
development purposes you may wish to run (or others) as regular source
files. The precompiled build's modules directory comprises the following:

1. The uasyncio library.
2. The umqtt.robust library.
3. ```` Main module.
4. ```` Bitbanged communications driver.
5. ```` Module has a retriggerable delay class.
6. ```` Synchronisation primitives.
7. ```` Numeric status codes.

To conserve space unused drivers are removed from the project's ``modules``
directory, leaving the following standard files:

1. ````
2. ````
3. ````
4. ```` Optionally replaced by modified version.

The ``mqtt`` module needs to auto-start after a hard reset. This requires a
```` file. If the standard ```` is used you will need to create
the file as below and copy it to the filesystem:

import mqtt

The modified ```` in this repository removes the need for this step
enabling the firmware image to be flashed to an erased flash chip. After boot
if ```` does not exist it is created in the filesystem.

# 3.3 Pinout

This is defined in (``Channel`` constructor). Pin 15 is used for mckout
because this has an on-board pull down resistor. This ensures that the ESP8266
clock line is zero while the host asserts Reset: at that time GPIO lines are
high impedance. If the pin lacks a pull down one should be supplied. A value of
10KΩ or thereabouts will suffice.

# 3.4 Mode of operation

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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import gc
gc.threshold((gc.mem_free() + gc.mem_alloc()) // 4)
import uos
from flashbdev import bdev

if bdev:
uos.mount(bdev, '/')
except OSError:
import inisetup

except OSError:
with open("/", "w") as f:
import mqtt


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