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About The Project

Add our McAdmobLibary to your own project , fast , easy, not take your own implement we are already handle for you. So what you have to do for required implement admob ad.

  • Create account with Admob and Follow : Regiser Admob
  • Follow Google Admob Doc : Quick-start
  • Import McAdmobLibary to your own project and start implement follow our document.

Getting Started


Create your own Anroid Application

  1. Add Grandle App Level , Google service dependencies

    dependencies {
         implementation ''
         implementation ''
  2. Important to use Admob by add your Admob Account ID to your appliation manifest file. you can find from your admob account. Please replace your own Ads account to implement.

                 android:value="ca-app-pub-3929444994565000~6715874000" />
  3. Download My McAdmobLibrary_1_0.aar

  4. Import McAdmobLibrary_1_0.aar to your project root/libs/

  1. Sync McAdmobLibrary_1_0.aar to your project

  1. Start implement your project

Create your own Anroid Application

  1. Create if you want to implement banner admob before you use our lib , please create AdBanner contaner where you want to show in your project first, we required view from your app to show Banner Admob.

  1. Implement Banner Admob: parentview your place to show:
//Default Ads Debug
 AdmobService(this).setOnListener { status, adType, type, amount ->
            if (adType == AdmobService.AdType.AdView) {
                when (status) {
                    AdmobService.AdStatus.LOADED -> {
                        Log.i(tag, "AdView")

                    else -> {}
        }.onStartAdBanner(viewBanner = findViewById(
 //Release Ads for prod add your own adUnitBanner
 AdmobService(this).setOnListener { status, adType, type, amount ->
            if (adType == AdmobService.AdType.AdView) {
                when (status) {
                    AdmobService.AdStatus.LOADED -> {
                        Log.i(tag, "AdView")

                    else -> {}
        }.onStartAdBanner(viewBanner = findViewById(, adUnitBanner = your own adUnitBanner))
  1. Implement InterstitialAd
//Default Ads Debug
AdmobService(this).setOnListener { status, adType, type, amount->
            if (adType == AdmobService.AdType.InterstitialAd) {
                when (status) {
                    AdmobService.AdStatus.LOADED -> {
                        Log.i(tag, "InterstitialAd")

                    else -> {

            } else {

  //Release Ads for prod add your own adUnitInterstitial
  AdmobService(this).setOnListener { status, adType, type, amount->
            if (adType == AdmobService.AdType.InterstitialAd) {
                when (status) {
                    AdmobService.AdStatus.LOADED -> {
                        Log.i(tag, "InterstitialAd")

                    else -> {

            } else {

}.onStartAdInterstitial(your own adUnitInterstitial)
  1. Implement RewardedAd
//Default Ads Debug
AdmobService(this).setOnListener { status, adType, type, amount ->
            if (adType == AdmobService.AdType.RewardedAd) {
                when (status) {
                    AdmobService.AdStatus.REWARDED -> {
                       Log.i(tag, "REWARDED")

                    else -> {


            } else {
//Release Ads for prod add your own adUnitRewarded
AdmobService(this).setOnListener { status, adType, type, amount ->
            if (adType == AdmobService.AdType.RewardedAd) {
                when (status) {
                    AdmobService.AdStatus.REWARDED -> {
                       Log.i(tag, "REWARDED")

                    else -> {


            } else {
        }.onStartReward(your own adUnitRewarded)
  1. Final code
   class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    private var tag = "Admob Log"
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        findViewById<Button>( {
        findViewById<Button>( {
        findViewById<Button>( {
     * Load Admob banner
    private fun loadBanner(){
        AdmobService(this).setOnListener { status, adType, type, amount ->
            if (adType == AdmobService.AdType.AdView) {
                when (status) {
                    AdmobService.AdStatus.LOADED -> {
                        Log.i(tag, "AdView")

                    else -> {}
        }.onStartAdBanner(viewBanner = findViewById(
     * Load Admob InterstitialAd
    private fun loadInterstitialAd(){
        AdmobService(this).setOnListener { status, adType, type, amount->
            if (adType == AdmobService.AdType.InterstitialAd) {
                when (status) {
                    AdmobService.AdStatus.LOADED -> {
                        Log.i(tag, "InterstitialAd")

                    else -> {

            } else {

     * Load Admob RewardedAd
    private fun loadRewardedAd(){
        AdmobService(this).setOnListener { status, adType, type, amount ->
            if (adType == AdmobService.AdType.RewardedAd) {
                when (status) {
                    AdmobService.AdStatus.REWARDED -> {
                        Log.i(tag, "REWARDED")

                    else -> {


            } else {


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.


Kuch Darith - [@kuchdarith][] -

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