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Code and data for the paper "An analysis of the cloud environment over the Ross Sea and Ross Ice Shelf using CloudSat/CALIPSO satellites: The importance of Synoptic Forcing"

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Code and data for the paper "An analysis of the cloud environment over the Ross Sea and Ross Ice Shelf using CloudSat/CALIPSO satellites: The importance of Synoptic Forcing"

Ben Jolly <>¹, Peter Kuma <>², Adrian McDonald <>², Simon Parsons <>²

¹Landcare Research, Lincoln, New Zealand, ²University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand

This repository contains scientific datasets and scripts for processing CloudSat datasets and producing results presented in the paper An analysis of the cloud environment over the Ross Sea and Ross Ice Shelf using CloudSat/CALIPSO satellites: The importance of Synoptic Forcing.


It is recommended that the scripts are run on Linux or another unix-like operating system. Most scripts are written in the Python programming language. Some of the scripts need to be run on the Spark cluster computing platform. Note that Spark does not require cluster deployment, it works equally well when run locally on a single machine with 4 GB RAM or more.

For running on Windows we recommended the Anaconda Python distribution, although we haven't attempted to run the code on this platform, and Linux is strongly preferrable.

The following programs need to be installed:

  • Spark >= 2.0.1
  • Python 2.7
  • GNU Make

On most Linux distributions Python and GNU Make can be found in the package manager, while Spark is available as a binary package on their website.

Python libraries:

  • numpy == 1.11.2
  • matplotlib == 1.5.3
  • pytz == 2016.7
  • h5py == 2.2.1
  • dpath == 1.4.0
  • ccplot == 1.5.2

To install the libraries with the python package manager (PIP) in a Python virtual environment (virtualenv):

virtualenv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


The following software is needed only for generating the map in Figure 1 (script map.R):

  • R
  • R packages:
    • raster
    • sp
    • rgdal
    • rgeos
    • maptools
    • geosphere
    • RColorBrewer
    • graticule

The following software is needed for conversion between graphical formats (PDF to PNG):

  • ImageMagick

Source Datasets

In order to run the scripts the following products should be available on your file system:

You can download the complete datasets from the CloudSat DPC FTP server at after creating an account on CloudSat DPC.

The product files do not need to be unpacked, the code expects the directory structure "as is".

Figures and Tables

The following sections list scripts names used to produce figures and tables in the paper. Please see the reference section below for a full description of the scripts. Scripts is a list of scripts which need to be run in order to produce the figure or table.

This repository also contains scripts which may be useful for additional analysis, but were not used directly to produce results presented in the paper.

Figure 1

Topographic map of the RIS and Ross Sea showing boundary of the study area (thick blue line) and border between the RIS and Ross Sea sectors. (Map is based on the SCAR Antarctic Digital Database.)

Scripts: map.R

Figure 2

Mean vertical profiles of cumulative cloud occurrence for different cloud phases derived from 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR data for the Ross Sea (a–d) and Ross Ice Shelf regions (e–h) for different seasons.


Figure 3

Mean vertical profiles of cumulative cloud occurrence for different cloud phases derived from 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR data for the Ross Sea (a–e) and Ross Ice Shelf regions (f–j) for the Coggins regimes.


Figure 4

Distribution of the number of cloud layers over the Ross Sea and Ross Ice Shelf for all cases, the Coggins regimes and season.


Figure 5

Percent fraction of cloud types over the Ross Sea and Ross Ice Shelf for all cases, the Coggins regimes and seasons. The cloud types are identified in Table 1.


Figure 6

Joint histogram of the cloud top height vs. geometric cloud thickness over the Ross Sea and RIS for the entire year on a logarithmic scale (a, f) and the difference from the annual mean over the respective region (RS and RIS) for each season on a linear scale (b-e, g-j).


Figure 7

Joint histogram of the cloud top height vs. geometric cloud thickness over the Ross Sea and RIS for the entire year on a logarithmic scale (a, f) and the difference from the annual mean over the respective region (RS and RIS) for each Coggins regime on a linear scale (b-e, g-j).


Table 2

The relative frequency of occurrence of the Coggins regimes annually and seasonally in the observational data (%). Values for seasons are normalized so that rows sum to 100 %.


Repository Content

  • config - configuration files needed by the scripts
  • data - intermediate data files
  • img - figure images
  • lib - additional python modules used by the scripts
  • plots - plots
  • scripts - data processing and plotting scripts


To produce all plots and intermediate data from the CloudSat products, use:


You can also specify a target to produce subset of results with:

make <target>


make plots/<name>.pdf

where <name> is the name of the plot and <target> is one of:

  • map - the map
  • cloud_top_hist
  • profile_sample
  • cloud_top_base_scatter

Targets correspond to the scripts described in the reference section.


Use spark-submit scripts/<script>.py --help for more information about how to submit the scripts. The Spark cluster does not need to be running, spark-submit starts a local instance as needed (you only need to make sure that spark-submit is in your PATH environmental variable).

Intermediate data files are stored as HDF5 and plots as PNG or PDF.


scripts/map.R plots/map.pdf /data/datasets/add/

Output a list of CloudSat HDF-EOS2 files containing data over the Ross Sea/Ross Ice Shelf area.

spark-submit scripts/ '/data/datasets/cloudsat/2b-geoprof-lidar/*/*/*.zip' 2>/dev/null > plots/ross_area_files
spark-submit scripts/ '/data/datasets/cloudsat/2b-cldclass-lidar.p_r04/*/*/*.zip' 2>/dev/null > plots/ross_area_cldclass_files

Extract profile columns from CloudSat HDF-EOS2 files in a given area.

spark-submit scripts/ -o data/ross_sea.h5 -a ross_sea -f plots/ross_area_files 2>/dev/null
spark-submit scripts/ -o data/ross_ice_shelf.h5 -a ross_ice_shelf -f plots/ross_area_files 2>/dev/null

spark-submit scripts/ -o data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 -p 2b-cldclass-lidar -a ross_sea -f plots/ross_area_cldclass_files 2>/dev/null
spark-submit scripts/ -o data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 -p 2b-cldclass-lidar -a ross_ice_shelf -f plots/ross_area_cldclass_files 2>/dev/null

Produce a histogram of the topmost cloud top height.

spark-submit scripts/ -t "Cloud top (Ross Sea, 2006-2011, 2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_top_hist_rs.pdf data/ross_sea.h5 2>/dev/null
spark-submit scripts/ -t "Cloud top (Ross Ice Shelf, 2006-2011, 2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_top_hist_ris.pdf data/ross_ice_shelf.h5 2>/dev/null
spark-submit scripts/ -t "Cloud top (Ross Sea, 2006-2011, 2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR, CPR)" -i 1 -o plots/cloud_top_hist_rs_cpr.pdf data/ross_sea.h5 2>/dev/null
spark-submit scripts/ -t "Cloud top (Ross Sea, 2006-2011, 2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR, CALIOP)" -i 2 -o plots/cloud_top_hist_rs_caliop.pdf data/ross_sea.h5 2>/dev/null
spark-submit scripts/ -t "Cloud top (Ross Ice Shelf, 2006-2011, 2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR, CPR)" -i 1 -o plots/cloud_top_hist_ris_cpr.pdf data/ross_ice_shelf.h5 2>/dev/null
spark-submit scripts/ -t "Cloud top (Ross Ice Shelf, 2006-2011, 2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR, CALIOP)" -i 2 -o plots/cloud_top_hist_ris_caliop.pdf data/ross_ice_shelf.h5 2>/dev/null

spark-submit scripts/ -t "Cloud top (Ross Sea, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_top_hist_rs_cldclass.pdf data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null
spark-submit scripts/ -t "Cloud top (Ross Ice Shelf, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_top_hist_ris_cldclass.pdf data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
    spark-submit scripts/ -t "Cloud top (Ross Sea, ${regime^^}, 2006-2011, 2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR)" -o "plots/cloud_top_hist_rs_$regime.pdf" -r "$regime" data/ross_sea.h5 2>/dev/null

for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
    spark-submit scripts/ -t "Cloud top (Ross Ice Shelf, ${regime^^}, 2006-2011, 2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR)" -o "plots/cloud_top_hist_ris_$regime.pdf" -r "$regime" data/ross_ice_shelf.h5 2>/dev/null

for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
    spark-submit scripts/ -t "Cloud top (Ross Sea, ${regime^^}, 2006-2011, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o "plots/cloud_top_hist_rs_${regime}_cldclass.pdf" -r "$regime" data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
    spark-submit scripts/ -t "Cloud top (Ross Ice Shelf, ${regime^^}, 2006-2011, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o "plots/cloud_top_hist_ris_${regime}_cldclass.pdf" -r "$regime" data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

Plot a profile sample.

spark-submit scripts/ -o plots/profile_sample_rs.pdf data/ross_sea.h5 2>/dev/null
spark-submit scripts/ -o plots/profile_sample_ris.pdf data/ross_ice_shelf.h5 2>/dev/null

Plot cloud top vs. cloud base scatter plot from a sample of data.

spark-submit scripts/ -t 'Cloud top/base scatter plot (Ross Sea, 2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR)' -o plots/cloud_top_base_scatter_rs.png data/ross_sea.h5 2>/dev/null
spark-submit scripts/ -t 'Cloud top/base scatter plot (Ross Ice Shelf, 2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR)' -o plots/cloud_top_base_scatter_ris.png data/ross_ice_shelf.h5 2>/dev/null

spark-submit scripts/ -t 'Cloud top/base scatter plot (Ross Sea, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)' -o plots/cloud_top_base_scatter_rs_cldclass.png data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null
spark-submit scripts/ -t 'Cloud top/base scatter plot (Ross Ice Shelf, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)' -o plots/cloud_top_base_scatter_ris_cldclass.png data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

Plot cloud top vs. cloud base scatter plot from a sample of data (multiple panels).

spark-submit scripts/ -c config/cloud_top_base_scatter_multi.json -o $@ 2>/dev/null

Produce cloud incidence histogram.

spark-submit scripts/ data/ross_sea.h5 -o data/cloud_incidence_rs.h5 2>/dev/null
spark-submit scripts/ -n 0 data/ross_sea.h5 -o data/cloud_incidence_rs_night.h5 2>/dev/null
spark-submit scripts/ -n 1 data/ross_sea.h5 -o data/cloud_incidence_rs_day.h5 2>/dev/null
spark-submit scripts/ data/ross_ice_shelf.h5 -o data/cloud_incidence_ris.h5 2>/dev/null
spark-submit scripts/ -n 0 data/ross_ice_shelf.h5 -o data/cloud_incidence_ris_night.h5 2>/dev/null
spark-submit scripts/ -n 1 data/ross_ice_shelf.h5 -o data/cloud_incidence_ris_day.h5 2>/dev/null

spark-submit scripts/ -p 2b-cldclass-lidar data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 -o data/cloud_incidence_rs_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null
spark-submit scripts/ -p 2b-cldclass-lidar data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 -a ross_sea_east -o data/cloud_incidence_rs-e_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null
spark-submit scripts/ -p 2b-cldclass-lidar data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 -a ross_sea_west -o data/cloud_incidence_rs-w_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null
spark-submit scripts/ -p 2b-cldclass-lidar data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 -o data/cloud_incidence_ris_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null
spark-submit scripts/ -p 2b-cldclass-lidar data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 -a ross_ice_shelf_east -o data/cloud_incidence_ris-e_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null\
spark-submit scripts/ -p 2b-cldclass-lidar data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 -a ross_ice_shelf_west -o data/cloud_incidence_ris-w_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
    spark-submit scripts/ -p 2b-cldclass-lidar -r "$regime" data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 -o "data/cloud_incidence_rs_${regime}_cldclass.h5" 2>/dev/null
    spark-submit scripts/ -p 2b-cldclass-lidar -r "$regime" data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 -a ross_sea_east -o "data/cloud_incidence_rs-e_${regime}_cldclass.h5" 2>/dev/null
    spark-submit scripts/ -p 2b-cldclass-lidar -r "$regime" data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 -a ross_sea_west -o "data/cloud_incidence_rs-w_${regime}_cldclass.h5" 2>/dev/null
    spark-submit scripts/ -p 2b-cldclass-lidar -r "$regime" data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 -o "data/cloud_incidence_ris_${regime}_cldclass.h5" 2>/dev/null
    spark-submit scripts/ -p 2b-cldclass-lidar -r "$regime" data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 -a ross_ice_shelf_east -o "data/cloud_incidence_ris-e_${regime}_cldclass.h5" 2>/dev/null
    spark-submit scripts/ -p 2b-cldclass-lidar -r "$regime" data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 -a ross_ice_shelf_west -o "data/cloud_incidence_ris-w_${regime}_cldclass.h5" 2>/dev/null

for season in djf mam jja son; do
    spark-submit scripts/ -p 2b-cldclass-lidar -s "$season" data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 -o "data/cloud_incidence_rs_${season}_cldclass.h5" 2>/dev/null
    spark-submit scripts/ -p 2b-cldclass-lidar -s "$season" data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 -a ross_sea_east -o "data/cloud_incidence_rs-e_${season}_cldclass.h5" 2>/dev/null
    spark-submit scripts/ -p 2b-cldclass-lidar -s "$season" data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 -a ross_sea_west -o "data/cloud_incidence_rs-w_${season}_cldclass.h5" 2>/dev/null
    spark-submit scripts/ -p 2b-cldclass-lidar -s "$season" data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 -o "data/cloud_incidence_ris_${season}_cldclass.h5" 2>/dev/null
    spark-submit scripts/ -p 2b-cldclass-lidar -s "$season" data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 -a ross_ice_shelf_east -o "data/cloud_incidence_ris-e_${season}_cldclass.h5" 2>/dev/null
    spark-submit scripts/ -p 2b-cldclass-lidar -s "$season" data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 -a ross_ice_shelf_west -o "data/cloud_incidence_ris-w_${season}_cldclass.h5" 2>/dev/null

Plot cloud incidence histogram.

python scripts/ -t "Cloud incidence (Ross Sea, 2006-2011, 2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_incidence_rs.png data/cloud_incidence_rs.h5
python scripts/ -t "Cloud incidence (Ross Sea, 2006-2011, 2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR, night)" -o plots/cloud_incidence_rs_night.png data/cloud_incidence_rs_night.h5
python scripts/ -t "Cloud incidence (Ross Sea, 2006-2011, 2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR, day)" -o plots/cloud_incidence_rs_day.png data/cloud_incidence_rs_day.h5
python scripts/ -t "Cloud incidence (Ross Ice Shelf, 2006-2011, 2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_incidence_ris.png data/cloud_incidence_ris.h5
python scripts/ -t "Cloud incidence (Ross Ice Shelf, 2006-2011, 2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR, night)" -o plots/cloud_incidence_ris_night.png data/cloud_incidence_ris_night.h5
python scripts/ -t "Cloud incidence (Ross Ice Shelf, 2006-2011, 2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR, day)" -o plots/cloud_incidence_ris_day.png data/cloud_incidence_ris_day.h5

python scripts/ -t "Cloud incidence (Ross Sea, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_incidence_rs_cldclass.png data/cloud_incidence_rs_cldclass.h5
python scripts/ -t "Cloud incidence (Ross Ice Shelf, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_incidence_ris_cldclass.png data/cloud_incidence_ris_cldclass.h5

for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
    python scripts/ -t "Cloud incidence (Ross Sea, ${regime^^}, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_incidence_rs_${regime}_cldclass.png data/cloud_incidence_rs_cldclass.h5

for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
    python scripts/ -t "Cloud incidence (Ross Ice Shelf, ${regime^^}, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_incidence_ris_${regime}_cldclass.png data/cloud_incidence_ris_${regime}_cldclass.h5

Plot cloud incidence by type histogram.

python scripts/ -t "Cloud incidence by type (Ross Sea, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_incidence_by_type_rs_cldclass.png data/cloud_incidence_rs_cldclass.h5
python scripts/ -t "Cloud incidence by type (Ross Ice Shelf, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_incidence_by_type_ris_cldclass.png data/cloud_incidence_ris_cldclass.h5

for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
    python scripts/ -t "Cloud incidence by type (Ross Sea, ${regime^^}, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_incidence_by_type_rs_${regime}_cldclass.png data/cloud_incidence_rs_${regime}_cldclass.h5

for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
    python scripts/ -t "Cloud incidence by type (Ross Ice Shelf, ${regime^^}, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_incidence_by_type_ris_${regime}_cldclass.png data/cloud_incidence_ris_${regime}_cldclass.h5

for season in djf mam jja son; do
    python scripts/ -t "Cloud incidence by type (Ross Sea, ${season^^}, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_incidence_by_type_rs_${season}_cldclass.png data/cloud_incidence_rs_${season}_cldclass.h5

for season in djf mam jja son; do
    python scripts/ -t "Cloud incidence by type (Ross Ice Shelf, ${season^^}, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_incidence_by_type_ris_${season}_cldclass.png data/cloud_incidence_ris_${season}_cldclass.h5

Plot cloud incidence by phase histogram.

python scripts/ -t "Cloud incidence by phase (Ross Sea, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_incidence_by_phase_rs_cldclass.png data/cloud_incidence_rs_cldclass.h5
python scripts/ -t "Cloud incidence by phase (Ross Ice Shelf, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_incidence_by_phase_ris_cldclass.png data/cloud_incidence_ris_cldclass.h5

for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
    python scripts/ -t "Cloud incidence by phase (Ross Sea, ${regime^^}, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_incidence_by_phase_rs_${regime}_cldclass.png data/cloud_incidence_rs_${regime}_cldclass.h5

for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
    python scripts/ -t "Cloud incidence by phase (Ross Ice Shelf, ${regime^^}, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_incidence_by_phase_ris_${regime}_cldclass.png data/cloud_incidence_ris_${regime}_cldclass.h5

for season in djf mam jja son; do
    python scripts/ -t "Cloud incidence by phase (Ross Sea, ${season^^}, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_incidence_by_phase_rs_${season}_cldclass.png data/cloud_incidence_rs_${season}_cldclass.h5

for season in djf mam jja son; do
    python scripts/ -t "Cloud incidence by phase (Ross Ice Shelf, ${season^^}, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_incidence_by_phase_ris_${season}_cldclass.png data/cloud_incidence_ris_${season}_cldclass.h5

Plot cloud incidence as a function of height (multiple datasets).

python scripts/ -o plots/cloud_incidence_multi.pdf -c config/cloud_incidence_multi.json


Calculate cloud incidence map for two heights (8000 m and 8300 m).

spark-submit scripts/ -o data/cloud_incidence_map_8000_8300.h5 '/data/datasets/cloudsat/2b-geoprof-lidar/*/*/*.zip' 2>/dev/null

Plot a map of cloud incidence correction factor (cloud incidence at 8300 m over cloud incidence at 8000 m).

python scripts/ data/cloud_incidence_map_8000_8300.h5 -t 'Cloud incidence correction factor 8000 m vs. 8300 m' -o plots/correction_factor.pdf

python scripts/ data/cloud_incidence_map_8000_8300_djf.h5 -t 'Cloud incidence correction factor 8000 m vs. 8300 m (DJF)' -o plots/correction_factor_djf.pdf

python scripts/ data/cloud_incidence_map_8000_8300_jja.h5 -t 'Cloud incidence correction factor 8000 m vs. 8300 m (JJA)' -o plots/correction_factor_jja.pdf

Plot a map of cloud incidence correction factor (cloud incidence at 8300 m over cloud incidence at 8300 m) (multiple panels).

python scripts/ -o plots/correction_factor_multi.pdf -c config/correction_factor_multi.json

Plot regimes distribution by month.

python scripts/ -t 'Regimes distribution by month (2007-2010)' -o plots/regimes.pdf

Plot cloud incidence summary by phase.

python scripts/ -t 'Clouds incidence by phase (Ross Sea, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)' -l DJF,MAM,JJA,SON -o plots/cloud_incidence_summary_by_phase_rs_seasons.png data/cloud_incidence_rs_djf_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_rs_mam_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_rs_jja_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_rs_son_cldclass.h5

python scripts/ -t 'Clouds incidence by phase (Ross Ice Shelf, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)' -l DJF,MAM,JJA,SON -o plots/cloud_incidence_summary_by_phase_ris_seasons.png data/cloud_incidence_ris_djf_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_ris_mam_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_ris_jja_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_ris_son_cldclass.h5

python scripts/ -t 'Clouds incidence by phase (Ross Sea, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)' -l WNC,SNC,RAS,WSC,WS -o plots/cloud_incidence_summary_by_phase_rs_regimes.png data/cloud_incidence_rs_wnc_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_rs_snc_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_rs_ras_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_rs_wsc_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_rs_ws_cldclass.h5

python scripts/ -t 'Clouds incidence by phase (Ross Ice Shelf, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)' -l WNC,SNC,RAS,WSC,WS -o plots/cloud_incidence_summary_by_phase_ris_regimes.png data/cloud_incidence_ris_wnc_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_ris_snc_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_ris_ras_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_ris_wsc_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_ris_ws_cldclass.h5

Plot cloud incidence summary by type.

python scripts/ -t 'Clouds incidence by type (Ross Sea, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)' -l DJF,MAM,JJA,SON -o plots/cloud_incidence_summary_by_type_rs_seasons.png data/cloud_incidence_rs_djf_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_rs_mam_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_rs_jja_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_rs_son_cldclass.h5

python scripts/ -t 'Clouds incidence by type (Ross Ice Shelf, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)' -l DJF,MAM,JJA,SON -o plots/cloud_incidence_summary_by_type_ris_seasons.png data/cloud_incidence_ris_djf_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_ris_mam_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_ris_jja_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_ris_son_cldclass.h5

python scripts/ -t 'Clouds incidence by type (Ross Sea, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)' -l WNC,SNC,RAS,WSC,WS -o plots/cloud_incidence_summary_by_type_rs_regimes.png data/cloud_incidence_rs_wnc_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_rs_snc_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_rs_ras_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_rs_wsc_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_rs_ws_cldclass.h5

python scripts/ -t 'Clouds incidence by type (Ross Ice Shelf, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)' -l WNC,SNC,RAS,WSC,WS -o plots/cloud_incidence_summary_by_type_ris_regimes.png data/cloud_incidence_ris_wnc_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_ris_snc_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_ris_ras_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_ris_wsc_cldclass.h5 data/cloud_incidence_ris_ws_cldclass.h5

Plot cloud incidence information gain.

python scripts/ -t "Information gain (Ross Sea, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS)" -x phase -o plots/cloud_incidence_information_gain_rs_phase.png -c data/classes_rs.json
python scripts/ -t "Information gain (Ross Sea, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS)"  -x type -o plots/cloud_incidence_information_gain_rs_type.png -c data/classes_rs.json

python scripts/ -t "Information gain (Ross Ice Shelf, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS)"  -x phase -o plots/cloud_incidence_information_gain_ris_phase.png -c config/classes_ris.json
python scripts/ -t "Information gain (Ross Ice Shelf, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS)"  -x type -o plots/cloud_incidence_information_gain_ris_type.png -c config/classes_ris.json

Plot cloud incidence by phase (multiple panels).

python scripts/ -o plots/cloud_incidence_by_phase_regime.png -c config/cloud_incidence_by_phase_regime.json

python scripts/ -o plots/cloud_incidence_by_phase_season.png -c config/cloud_incidence_by_phase_season.json

Print fraction of cloudy profiles.

python scripts/ -o data/cloud_incidence_summary_cldclass.h5 -c config/cloud_incidence_summary_cldclass.json

sh -c '
    for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
        echo "RS,${regime^^},$(python scripts/ data/cloud_incidence_rs_${regime}_cldclass.h5)"

    for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
        echo "RIS,${regime^^},$(python scripts/ data/cloud_incidence_ris_${regime}_cldclass.h5)"

    for season in djf mam jja son; do
        echo "RS,${season^^},$(python scripts/ data/cloud_incidence_rs_${season}_cldclass.h5)"

    for season in djf mam jja son; do
        echo "RIS,${season^^},$(python scripts/ data/cloud_incidence_ris_${season}_cldclass.h5)"
' > plots/cloud_incidence_summary_cldclass.csv

Cloud layers histogram.

spark-submit scripts/ -o data/cloud_layers_hist_rs_cldclass.h5 data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null
spark-submit scripts/ -o data/cloud_layers_hist_ris_cldclass.h5 data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
    spark-submit scripts/ -o data/cloud_layers_hist_rs_${regime}_cldclass.h5 -r "$regime" data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
    spark-submit scripts/ -o data/cloud_layers_hist_ris_${regime}_cldclass.h5 -r "$regime" data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

for season in djf mam jja son; do
    spark-submit scripts/ -o data/cloud_layers_hist_rs_${season}_cldclass.h5 -s "$season" data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

for season in djf mam jja son; do
    spark-submit scripts/ -o data/cloud_layers_hist_ris_${season}_cldclass.h5 -s "$season" data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

Plot cloud layers histogram.

python scripts/ -o plots/cloud_layers_hist_cldclass.png -c config/cloud_layers_hist_cldclass.json

python scripts/ -o plots/cloud_layers_hist_rs_cldclass.png -c config/cloud_layers_hist_rs_cldclass.json

python scripts/ -o plots/cloud_layers_hist_ris_cldclass.png -c config/cloud_layers_hist_ris_cldclass.json

Count the number of profiles.

bash -c '
    echo "RS,all,$(spark-submit scripts/ data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null)"
    echo "RIS,all,$(spark-submit scripts/ data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null)"

    for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
        echo "RS,${regime^^},$(spark-submit scripts/ -r "$regime" data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null)"
        echo "RS-E,${regime^^},$(spark-submit scripts/ -r "$regime" -a ross_sea_east data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null)"
        echo "RS-W,${regime^^},$(spark-submit scripts/ -r "$regime" -a ross_sea_west data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null)"
        echo "RIS,${regime^^},$(spark-submit scripts/ -r "$regime" data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null)"
        echo "RIS-E,${regime^^},$(spark-submit scripts/ -r "$regime" -a ross_ice_shelf_east data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null)"
        echo "RIS-W,${regime^^},$(spark-submit scripts/ -r "$regime" -a ross_ice_shelf_west data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null)"

    for season in djf mam jja son; do
        echo "RS,${season^^},$(spark-submit scripts/ -s "$season" data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null)"
        echo "RS-E,${season^^},$(spark-submit scripts/ -s "$season" -a ross_sea_east data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null)"
        echo "RS-W,${season^^},$(spark-submit scripts/ -s "$season" -a ross_sea_west data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null)"
        echo "RIS,${season^^},$(spark-submit scripts/ -s "$season" data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null)"
        echo "RIS-E,${season^^},$(spark-submit scripts/ -s "$season" -a ross_ice_shelf_east data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null)"
        echo "RIS-W,${season^^},$(spark-submit scripts/ -s "$season" -a ross_ice_shelf_west data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null)"
' > data/counts.csv

Cloud types histogram.

spark-submit scripts/ -o data/cloud_types_hist_rs_cldclass.h5 data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
    spark-submit scripts/ -o "data/cloud_types_hist_rs_${regime}_cldclass.h5" -r "$regime" data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

for season in djf mam jja son; do
    spark-submit scripts/ -o "data/cloud_types_hist_rs_${season}_cldclass.h5" -s "$season" data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

spark-submit scripts/ -o data/cloud_types_hist_ris_cldclass.h5 data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
    spark-submit scripts/ -o "data/cloud_types_hist_ris_${regime}_cldclass.h5" -r "$regime" data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

for season in djf mam jja son; do
    spark-submit scripts/ -o "data/cloud_types_hist_ris_${season}_cldclass.h5" -s "$season" data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

Plot cloud types histogram.

python scripts/ -o plots/cloud_types_hist_rs_cldclass.png -c config/cloud_types_hist_rs_cldclass.json

python scripts/ -o plots/cloud_types_hist_ris_cldclass.png -c config/cloud_types_hist_ris_cldclass.json

Cloud top-thickness histogram.

spark-submit scripts/ -o data/cloud_top_thickness_hist_rs_cldclass.h5 data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

spark-submit scripts/ -o data/cloud_top_thickness_hist_ris_cldclass.h5 data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
    spark-submit scripts/ -o "data/cloud_top_thickness_hist_rs_${regime}_cldclass.h5" -r "$regime" data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

for season in djf mam jja son; do
    spark-submit scripts/ -o "data/cloud_top_thickness_hist_rs_${season}_cldclass.h5" -s "$season" data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
    spark-submit scripts/ -o "data/cloud_top_thickness_hist_ris_${regime}_cldclass.h5" -r "$regime" data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

for season in djf mam jja son; do
    spark-submit scripts/ -o "data/cloud_top_thickness_hist_ris_${season}_cldclass.h5" -s "$season" data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

Plot cloud top-thickness histogram.

python scripts/ -t "Cloud top-thickness histogram (Ross Sea, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_top_thickness_hist_rs_cldclass.pdf data/cloud_top_thickness_hist_rs_cldclass.h5

python scripts/ -t "Cloud top-thickness histogram (Ross Ice Shelf, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o plots/cloud_top_thickness_hist_ris_cldclass.pdf data/cloud_top_thickness_hist_ris_cldclass.h5

for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
    python scripts/ -t "Cloud top-thickness histogram (Ross Sea, ${regime^^}, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o "plots/cloud_top_thickness_hist_rs_${regime}_cldclass.pdf" "data/cloud_top_thickness_hist_rs_${regime}_cldclass.h5"

for season in djf mam jja son; do
    python scripts/ -t "Cloud top-thickness histogram (Ross Sea, ${season^^}, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o "plots/cloud_top_thickness_hist_rs_${season}_cldclass.pdf" "data/cloud_top_thickness_hist_rs_${season}_cldclass.h5"

for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
    python scripts/ -t "Cloud top-thickness histogram (Ross Ice Shelf, ${regime^^}, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o "plots/cloud_top_thickness_hist_ris_${regime}_cldclass.pdf" "data/cloud_top_thickness_hist_ris_${regime}_cldclass.h5"

for season in djf mam jja son; do
    python scripts/ -t "Cloud top-thickness histogram (Ross Ice Shelf, ${season^^}, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o "plots/cloud_top_thickness_hist_ris_${season}_cldclass.pdf" "data/cloud_top_thickness_hist_ris_${season}_cldclass.h5"

# Relative

for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
    python scripts/ -t "Cloud top-thickness histogram (Ross Sea, ${regime^^}, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o "plots/cloud_top_thickness_hist_rs_${regime}_rel_cldclass.pdf" "data/cloud_top_thickness_hist_rs_${regime}_cldclass.h5" data/cloud_top_thickness_hist_rs_cldclass.h5

for season in djf mam jja son; do
    python scripts/ -t "Cloud top-thickness histogram (Ross Sea, ${season^^}, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o "plots/cloud_top_thickness_hist_rs_${season}_rel_cldclass.pdf" "data/cloud_top_thickness_hist_rs_${season}_cldclass.h5" data/cloud_top_thickness_hist_rs_cldclass.h5

for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
    python scripts/ -t "Cloud top-thickness histogram (Ross Ice Shelf, ${regime^^}, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o "plots/cloud_top_thickness_hist_ris_${regime}_rel_cldclass.pdf" "data/cloud_top_thickness_hist_ris_${regime}_cldclass.h5" data/cloud_top_thickness_hist_ris_cldclass.h5

for season in djf mam jja son; do
    python scripts/ -t "Cloud top-thickness histogram (Ross Ice Shelf, ${season^^}, 2007-2010, 2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR)" -o "plots/cloud_top_thickness_hist_ris_${season}_rel_cldclass.pdf" "data/cloud_top_thickness_hist_ris_${season}_cldclass.h5" data/cloud_top_thickness_hist_ris_cldclass.h5

Plot cloud top-thickness histogram (multiple panels).

python scripts/ -o plots/cloud_top_thickness_hist.png -c config/cloud_top_thickness_hist_cldclass.json

Cloud types histogram (integrated)

spark-submit scripts/ -o data/cloud_types_hist_int_rs_cldclass.h5 data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
    spark-submit scripts/ -o "data/cloud_types_hist_int_rs_${regime}_cldclass.h5" -r "$regime" data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

for season in djf mam jja son; do
    spark-submit scripts/ -o "data/cloud_types_hist_int_rs_${season}_cldclass.h5" -s "$season" data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

spark-submit scripts/ -o data/cloud_types_hist_int_ris_cldclass.h5 data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

for regime in wnc snc ras wsc ws; do
    spark-submit scripts/ -o "data/cloud_types_hist_int_ris_${regime}_cldclass.h5" -r "$regime" data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

for season in djf mam jja son; do
    spark-submit scripts/ -o "data/cloud_types_hist_int_ris_${season}_cldclass.h5" -s "$season" data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

Plot cloud types histogram (integrated).

python scripts/ -o plots/cloud_types_hist_int.png -c config/cloud_types_hist_int.json

Plot cloud top vs. cloud thickness composite plot.

python scripts/ -o plots/cloud_top_thickness_composite_regime.pdf -c config/cloud_top_thickness_composite_regime.json

python scripts/ -o plots/cloud_top_thickness_composite_season.pdf -c config/cloud_top_thickness_composite_season.json

Regime-season histogram.

spark-submit scripts/ -o data/regime_season_hist.h5 data/ross_sea_cldclass.h5 data/ross_ice_shelf_cldclass.h5 2>/dev/null

Print regime-season table.

python scripts/ data/regime_season_hist.h5


Code and data for the paper "An analysis of the cloud environment over the Ross Sea and Ross Ice Shelf using CloudSat/CALIPSO satellites: The importance of Synoptic Forcing"







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