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Monzo API

The Monzo API package allows you to interact with the API provided by Monzo bank.


Before using this package it is important to understand that the Monzo API should only be used for non-public projects hosted securely. Please do not use this on a public server and do not use it for accessing other users accounts.


The package can be installed as a standard pip project:

pip install monzo-api

Basic Usage

Prior to using the API you need to obtain a few details from Monzo. Please read this document.

Please see the examples in the example directory.


Full documentation can be found on Read The Docs

Implemented End Points

Monzo Endpoints
End Point Implemented Version Tests Written
Authentication yes 0.0.1 No
Refresh Access yes 0.0.1 No
Whoami yes 0.0.1 Yes
Logout yes 0.0.1 Yes
List Accounts yes 0.0.2 Yes
Read Balance yes 0.0.2 Yes
List Pots yes 0.0.3 No
Deposit Into Pot yes 0.0.3 No
Withdraw From Pot yes 0.0.3 No
Get Transaction yes 0.0.4 No (Testing Fails)
Get Transaction List yes 0.0.4 Yes
Annotate Transaction yes 0.1.1 * Yes
Create Feed Item yes 0.0.2 Yes
Upload Attachment     No
Register Attachment     No
Deregister Attachment     No
Fetch Receipt yes 0.1.2 Yes
Create Receipt yes 0.1.2 Yes
Delete Receipt yes 0.1.2 No, Functionality currently broken
Register Webhook yes 0.0.3 Yes
List Webhooks yes 0.0.3 Yes
Delete Webhooks yes 0.0.3 Yes
Open Banking API No **  
  • * Annotations only appear to work for existing keys such as Notes view on the forum.
  • ** It is unlikely that this package will implement usage of the Open Banking API due to restrictions accessing it.


Python package to interact with the API provided by Monzo bank



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