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A good helper for batch renaming files.


$ npm i -g renames


$ renames <beforePatten> <afterPatten> --dir <dir>          # preview
$ renames <beforePatten> <afterPatten> --dir <dir>  --write # write to disk

example 1:

Suppose you now have the following directory structure:

├─ components
│  ├─ ListPost.tsx
│  ├─ NavBar.tsx
│  ├─ ToggleTheme.tsx

Just run renames and it will rename all files in the directory to match the new file name.

renames "([A-Z])([a-z]*)([A-Z])([a-z]*).tsx" "([a-z])([a-z]*)-([a-z])([a-z]*).tsx" --dir ./components --write
├─ components
│  ├─ list-post.tsx
│  ├─ nav-bar.tsx
│  ├─ toggle-theme.tsx

example 2:

├─ tests
│  ├─ sort_test.js
│  ├─ match_test.js
│  ├─ index_test.js
renames "([a-z]*)_([a-z]*).js" "([a-z]*).([a-z]*).ts" --dir ./tests --write
├─ tests
│  ├─ sort.test.ts
│  ├─ match.test.ts
│  ├─ index.test.ts

example 3:

├─ src
│  ├─ qBar.js
│  ├─ BFoo.js
│  ├─ zBaz.js
'([qB]+)([A-Z])([a-z]*).js' '()([A-Z])([a-z]*).js' --dir src --write
├─ src
│  ├─ ar.js
│  ├─ Foo.js
│  ├─ zBaz.js

Base patten rule

patten description
() match an expression
[a-z] match a lowercase letter
[A-Z] match an uppercase letter
* match any number of characters
? match zero or one character
+ match one or more characters


In the <beforePatten> and <afterPatten>, the number of () must be equal.

Such as if you want:

├─ src
│  ├─ sLog.ts
│  ├─ qWitch.ts
│  ├─ Index.ts
│  ├─ App.ts

Transform to:

├─ src
│  ├─ Log.ts
│  ├─ Witch.ts
│  ├─ Index.ts
│  ├─ App.ts

You should run:

- renames '([a-z]?)([A-Z])([a-z]*).js' '([A-Z])([a-z]*).js --dir ./src --write    // ❌
+ renames '([a-z]?)([A-Z])([a-z]*).js' '()([A-Z])([a-z]*).js' --dir ./src --write // ✅