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eInk Radiator Image Source: Text


Generates an image from text.

text generate --config config.json --height 300 --width 400


The configuration describes the text to render and how to render it

field default required description
text Yes The text to render
wrap false No Automatically add line breaks to fit the text to the width of the image
font Ubuntu No The font to use
size 0 No The font size to use (0 will resize to fit to the size of the image)
color black No The color of the text
background.color white No The color of the background


All examples are rendered to 400 x 300 resolution

Text alone

Renders the text, resizing to fit the screen

text: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten

An image rendering the simple text example

All fields

text: |-
  Shields up!
  Rrrrrred Alert!
color: red
  color: black
font: UbuntuMono
size: 48

An image rendering the full example