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The package is a remote autocomplete.


The package requires Angular 5+ to run.

$ npm i ng-remote-autocomplete


In order to use the remote autocomplete you need to:

  • add RemoteAutocompleteModule And FormsModule to the Module you want to use in.
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { FormsModule } from "@angular/forms";
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { RemoteAutocompleteModule } from "ng-remote-autocomplete";

  imports: [
  declarations: [ AppComponent ],
  bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
export class AppModule { }
  • implement get method of AutocompleteSourceService or ParameterizedAutocompleteSourceService which returns array of AutocompleteItem
import { Observable } from "rxjs/Rx";
import { } from "rxjs/Rx";

import { AutocompleteItem } from "ng-remote-autocomplete";
import { AutocompleteSourceService } from "ng-remote-autocomplete";

export class ItemService implements AutocompleteSourceService {
  get(searchParam: string): Observable<AutocompleteItem[]> {
    let fakeResult:AutocompleteItem[]  = [
        {value: "A", description: " - One letter", originalObject: {}},

    return Observable.of(fakeResult).delay(150);
  • provide the sevice to the remote-autocomplete component as a parameter
import { Component } from  '@angular/core';
import { ItemService } from  './services/itm-service';

selector:  'app-root',
template:  `<remote-autocomplete [service]="itemService"></remote-autocomplete>`,
providers: [ ItemService ]
export  class  AppComponent {
constructor(public  itemService:  ItemService) {


If you don't provide the service then the module will throw and Exception that AutocompleteSourceService or ParameterizedAutocompleteSourceService must be provided. If you provide ParameterizedAutocompleteSourceService service and don't provide searchParameters then autocmplete component will throw Exception.


Property Name Description Type Required Default value
service Implementation of AutocompleteSourceService or ParameterizedAutocompleteSourceService AutocompleteSourceService | ParameterizedAutocompleteSourceService true
minSearchLength Minimum value length from which searching will be triggered number false 1
autocompleteAttr A value for the autocomplete attribute of the input string false null
tabindex A value for the tabindex attribute number false null
maxChars Allowable max length of search field number false 2147483647
pause The pause after which searching will be triggered number false 100
inputId The id for the input string false -
inputName The name for the input string false -
inputClass The array of string for the input string[] false -
placeholder The text to be placed as placeholder string false -
searchParameters The search parameters which are passed to the search method of ParameterizedAutocompleteSourceService interface implementation any true only if type of service is ParameterizedAutocompleteSourceService -
disabled The property if input should be disabled boolean false false
needToShowNotFoundText The property which enable/disable showing not found text block boolean false true
notFoundText The text which will be displayed if there is no result string false "No results found"
needToShowSearchingText The property which enable/disable showing searching text block boolean false true
searchingText The text which will be displayed during the search string false "Searching..."
stopEnterPropagationOnSelect True if keydown event should not be dispatched when autocomplete item is selected using Enter key boolean false false

Output events

Event Name Type Description
type - The type event on the input
highlighted AutocompleteItem or null The event is triggered when an option is higlighted with AutocompleteItem item or nul when it is unhighlighted
selected AutocompleteItem The event is triggered when an option is selected
focus FocusEvent The event is triggered when the input get focus
blur FocusEvent Important: isn't fired when option is being selected and input loses focus

Available classes

Class Description
.remote-autocomplete The main class of the whole component
.autocomplete-search-wrapper The class of the div which contains loading, not found and otptions divs
.option-list-wrapper The class of the main div where options are placed
.autocomplete-option The class of an option
.autocomplete-option-active The class of the highlighted option
.autocomplete-option-value The class of the span where value is placed
.autocomplete-option-description The class of the span where description is placed
.autocomplete-loading The class of the span where loading text is shown
.autocomplete-not-found The class of the span where searching text is shown

Available methods

The local reference of the remote-autocomplete component is a type of Autocomplete and provides the following methods:

Method Description
focus() Set the focus to the input field
open() open the autocomplete where search parameters will be the current value, won't be open if the length of the current value is less than minSearchLength value.
close() close the autocomplete
import { Component } from  '@angular/core';
import { ItemService } from  './services/itm-service';

selector:  'app-root',
template:  `<remote-autocomplete [service]="itemService" #autocomplete></remote-autocomplete>`,
providers: [ ItemService ]
export  class  AppComponent {

@ViewChild('autocomplete') autocompleteField:  Autocomplete;
constructor(public  itemService:  ItemService) {



The basic template will be used as default:

 <ng-template #defaultOptionTemplate>
    <span class="autocomplete-option-value">{{item.value}}</span>
    <span *ngIf="item.description" class="autocomplete-option-description">{{item.description}}</span>

If you want to use some custom template you need to put this custom template into the remote-autocomplete component with remote-autocomplete-option-tmpl directive where item is a type of AutocompleteItem.

<remote-autocomplete [service]="itemService">
	<div *remote-autocomplete-option-tmpl="let item">


You can bind the value to the remote-autocomplete component as in example. If the value is defined on the moment of the initialization of your component then the bind value will be set to the input field.

import { Component } from  '@angular/core';
import { ItemService } from  './services/itm-service';

selector:  'app-root',
template:  `<remote-autocomplete [service]="itemService" [(ngModel)]="value"></remote-autocomplete>`,
providers: [ ItemService ]
export  class  AppComponent {
private value: string = 'test';

constructor(public  itemService:  ItemService) {
