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Assets and glTF asset pipeline for the Mozilla Social MR team.

Build Script Setup:

Install rust and node.js.

In your terminal run:

cargo install gltf_unlit_generator

The build script uses gltf-bundle to build gltf bundles files and dependencies that are optimized for distribution on the web. Any files in the project ending with .bundle.config.json will be used by the build script to generate glTF bundles and their associated files. The output will be placed in the dist/ folder.

Example .bundle.config.json file:

  "name": "BotDefault",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "output": {
    "filePath": "bots"
  "assets": [
      "name": "BotDefault",
      "src": "./BotDefault_Avatar.fbx",
      "components": ["./components.json"]

The name, version, and assets properties are required.

output.filePath determines the subdirectory to place the bundle and associated files in the dist/ directory. Files with the same name will be overwritten. This can be useful when assets have textures or binary data in common.

The asset.src property can be a .fbx, .gltf, or .glb file. This asset file will have the following build steps applied to it before being placed in the dist/ folder:

  1. Convert from .fbx or .glb to .gltf. .fbx. Conversions are handled by FBX2glTF.

  2. Generate unlit textures and add the MOZ_alt_material extension to any materials in the .gltf file using gltf-unlit-generator.

  3. Add component data using gltf-component-data to gltf.node.extras using the supplied asset.components array. The components array can include paths to json files containing component data or JSON objects containing component data.

    Example component.json:

      "scenes": {
        "Root Scene": {
          "loop-animation": {
            "clip": "idle_eyes"
      "nodes": {
        "Head": {
          "scale-audio-feedback": ""

    Example .bundle.config.json file:

      "name": "BotDefault",
      "version": "0.0.1",
      "output": {
        "filePath": "bots"
      "assets": [
          "name": "BotDefault",
          "src": "./BotDefault_Avatar.fbx",
          "components": [
              "nodes": {
                "Head": {
                  "test-component": true
  4. Using gltf-content-hash, rename all referenced assets in the glTF to <contenthash>.<extension>. This ensures that cached files referenced in the .gltf can be updated. Assets shared between multiple .gltf files will have the same content hash and will be fetched from cache rather than downloaded again. .gltf files will be renamed to <gltfName>-<contentHash>.gltf so that you can easily find and preview gltf files, but still get the same cache busting functionality.

  5. Output two final .bundle.json files <>.bundle.json and <>-<bundle.version>-<timestamp>.bundle.json. The first bundle will always contain the most recent assets. The second will be a version-locked bundle that you can assume is immutable.

Running the Build Script:

In your terminal cd into the mr-social-assets directory and run:

npm run build

Alternatively on Windows you can double-click the build.bat script.

Deploying to S3

Place the .env file with AWS/S3 credentials in the mr-social-assets folder.

Example .env:


In your terminal cd into the mr-social-assets directory and run:

npm run deploy

Setting CORS Settings for your S3 Bucket

Default CORS settings are stored in cors-config.json.

Using the AWS CLI:

cd mr-social-assets
aws s3api put-bucket-cors --bucket <your bucket name> --cors-configuration file://cors-config.json


All assets are licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Code is licensed with the Mozilla Public License 2.0.


Open Source Assets from the Social Mixed Reality Team







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  • JavaScript 57.6%
  • Mathematica 42.2%
  • Batchfile 0.2%