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GT2DataSplitter v0.8

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@pez2k pez2k released this 02 Feb 20:51
· 90 commits to master since this release

A tool to convert the carparam files in Gran Turismo 2 to and from CSV. These files contain all of the physics, parts and event data.

Please note that, as more columns in the carparam data are researched and mapped to CSV each version, no guarantee is given for backwards or forwards compatibility of CSV files between versions of this tool.

Usage: see included readme file.

Code: pez2k, adeyblue (GT2DataExploder structs)
Research: pez2k, adeyblue (GT2DataExploder), Xenn, Submaniac


  • Updated to .NET 6.0, and thus now requires the .NET 6.0 runtime.
  • Improved handling of gzipped input files, so there's no need to extract them first.
  • Improved performance of multi-language builds.
  • Support for <language>_arcade_data.dat and <language>_license_data.dat files.
  • Checks the size of output <language>_gtmode_data.dat and <language>_unistrdb.dat files and throws an error if they are larger than the game can handle (800KB and 24KB respectively).
  • Added support for an _Overrides directory to handle language-specific files in a multi-language build. A sub-directory matching the language name will be checked before the base directory for any files, e.g. files in \_Overrides\usa\Event\ will replace files in \Event\ for the usa language only.

Some field mappings have also been updated:

CentreOfMassLongitudinal -> FrontWeightDistribution
CentreOfMassHeight -> Wheelbase

Unknown5 -> TrackBannerPool

GutterGrip -> GuideGrip
GrassGrip -> GreenGrip
WetGripMaybe -> WaterGripMaybe

Renamed to Wheel and partially mapped

Ratios are now signed, -1 as the default instead of 255

Torque curve values are now signed, -1 as the default instead of 255
Displacement is now correctly converted, supports x2 and x3 suffixes for rotaries and twin engines