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File metadata and controls

300 lines (223 loc) · 8.8 KB

General Documentation

Deployment Configuration File

FROM python:latest
TO   --escalate=/usr/bin/sudo ${USER}@
COPY index.html /opt/index.html
ENTRYPOINT python3 -m http.server 7000

OCI compatible verbs supported by Octahe.

  • RUN
  • COPY
  • ADD
  • ARG
  • ENV
  • USER
  • CMD

OCI Verbs that need to be implemented.

  • FROM

Octahe specific verbs

  • TO
TO [--escalate=<path-to-binary>, --name=<string>, --via=<string>] [<address>:<port>@<user>, localhost, SERIALPORT]

The TO instruction initializes a new connection to a given target for subsequent instructions. As such, a valid file must start with a TO instruction.

ARG is the only instruction that may precede TO in the file. See Understand how ARG and FROM interact.

TO can appear multiple times within a single file to create multiple connections to different targets.

Every TO entry requires three parts when connecting through SSH <address>:<port>@<user>. The address can be an IP address or FQDN. The port will always be an integer. The user should be the username required to access the given target.

The optional --escalate flag can be used to specify the means of privledge escallation. This option requires the binary needed to perform a privledge escallation. Privledge escallation may require a password, if this is the case, provide the password via the CLI by including the --escalate-pw flag. Any password provided will only exist during runtime as an ARG.

FROM python:latest
TO   --escalate=/usr/bin/sudo ${USER}@
COPY index.html /opt/index.html
ENTRYPOINT python3 -m http.server 7000

The optional --name flag can be used to specify a friendly "name" of a given node. If a name is not provided, the system will assign the given target a "name" using a SHA1 sum.

FROM python:latest
TO   --escalate=/usr/bin/sudo --name=bastion0 ${USER}@
COPY index.html /opt/index.html
ENTRYPOINT python3 -m http.server 7000

The optional --via flag can be used to specify the "bastion" used to transport a connection. This provides the means to proxy a connection through another node into an environment. The syntax for the --via optional argument follows the same mechanics as the TO verb; the --via argument can accept the "name" of a given host.

Because --via can take complete connection details, it is possible for a target to proxy commands through a node not being deployed to.

FROM python:latest
TO   --escalate=/usr/bin/sudo --name=bastion0 ${USER}@  # First node named "bastion0"
TO   --escalate=/usr/bin/sudo --via=${USER}@ --name=bastion1 ${USER}@  # Connection via the first target using the connection details.
TO   --escalate=/usr/bin/sudo --via=bastion1 ${USER}@  # Connection via the second target using the name.
COPY index.html /opt/index.html
ENTRYPOINT python3 -m http.server 7000

The --via flag can be used more than once within a given TO argument. When used more than once the system will create an array which is FILO, allowing a node to poxy through multiple hosts.

FROM python:latest
TO   --escalate=/usr/bin/sudo --via=${USER}@ --via=${USER}@ ${USER}@
COPY index.html /opt/index.html
ENTRYPOINT python3 -m http.server 7000
Notes about the serial port connection driver
  • When connecting to a serial port, only binary data can be written to the device using the COPY verb, while the COPY verb requires both a file location and destination, the destination is omitted.

  • When connecting to a serial port, the RUN verb will write string data to the serial device.

  • Only RUN and COPY verbs are supported at this time.


The FROM instruction will pull a container image, inspect the layers, and derive all compatible verbs which are then inserted into the execution process.


The ENTRYPOINT verb will create a simple systemd service on the target. This will result in the entrypoint commanded running on system start. All systemd simple services will be placed in /etc/systemd/system/octahe/. Where they will be enabled but not started upon creation.

To ensure that the generated ENTRYPOINT service file is unique, a MD5 SUM of the ENTRYPOINT value will be generated as the service file name.


This verb is stored in memory and will be used in conjunction with an ENTRYPOINT if defined.

If multiple CMD verbs are present in config only the last one will be used.


The HEALTHCHECK verb will create a watchdog service for a given ENTRYPOINT service file. This will convert the simple service to a notify service.

The following arguments are supported when a HEALTHCHECK is instantiated.

  • --interval=30s
  • --timeout=30s
  • --retries=3
HEALTHCHECK --interval=5m --timeout=3s --retries=3 CMD curl -f http://localhost/ || exit 1

The STOPSIGNAL verb will create a KillSignal entry for a given ENTRYPOINT systemd. service.


The EXPOSE verb will create an IPTables rule for a given port and/or service mapping. IP tables rules will be added into the INPUT or PREROUTING chains based on NAT conditions.

EXPOSE 80/tcp
EXPOSE 8080:80/udp

The INTERFACE verb will augment IPTables rules expressed in the EXPOSE verb.

EXPOSE 8080:80/udp
EXPOSE 8181:80/udp

These commands would result in the following rules being generated on the given target host.

-A INPUT -i eth2 -p tcp -m comment --comment "Octahe rule" -m tcp --dport 5150 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i eth2 -p tcp -m comment --comment "Octahe rule" -m tcp --dport 9100 -j ACCEPT

-A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p udp -m comment --comment "Octahe rule" -m udp --dport 8080 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 80
-A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p udp -m comment --comment "Octahe rule" -m udp --dport 8181 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 80

Ignored Verbs

Because the following options have no effect on a stateful targets, they're ignored.


Executing a deployment

The following section covers CLI and output examples.

octahe deploy ~/Targetfile
Beginning deployment execution
✔ Step 0/3 : COPY index.html /opt/index.html
✔ Step 1/3 : EXPOSE 7000
✔ Step 2/3 : WORKDIR /opt
✔ Step 3/3 : ENTRYPOINT python3 -m http.server 7000

Optional Example

By default all targets listed in the TO verb will connect and execute the steps serially. This can be changed by modifying the connection quota. If the quota is less than the total number of targets, connections will be grouped by the given quota.

octahe deploy --connection-quota=3 ~/Targetfile
Beginning deployment execution
✔ Step 0/3 : COPY index.html /opt/index.html
✔ Step 1/3 : EXPOSE 7000
✔ Step 2/3 : WORKDIR /opt
✔ Step 3/3 : ENTRYPOINT python3 -m http.server 7000

Failure Example

In the event of an execution failure, the failed targets will be taken out of the execution steps.

octahe deploy ~/Targetfile
Beginning deployment execution
✔ Step 0/3 : COPY index.html /opt/index.html
⚠ Step 1/3 : EXPOSE 7000
⚠ Step 2/3 : WORKDIR /opt
⚠ Step 3/3 : ENTRYPOINT python3 -m http.server 7000
[-] centos@ - failed step 1 / 2
failedExecution(message: "FAILED: iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 7000 -j ACCEPT")

Manual target Example

To rerun a failed execution on only the failed targets specify the targets on the CLI using the --targets flag.

octahe deploy --connection-quota=3 --targets="--name node1 root@" --targets="--via node1 root@" --targets="root@" ~/Targetfile
Beginning deployment execution
✔ Step 0/3 : COPY index.html /opt/index.html
✔ Step 1/3 : EXPOSE 7000
✔ Step 2/3 : WORKDIR /opt
✔ Step 3/3 : ENTRYPOINT python3 -m http.server 7000

Multi-file Example

A deployment can be executed with more than one file allowing multiple files to be concatenated together. Each file provided will have the contents of the file inserted into the deployment.

octahe deploy ~/Containerfile ~/Targetfile
Beginning deployment execution
✔ Step 0/3 : COPY index.html /opt/index.html
✔ Step 1/3 : EXPOSE 7000
✔ Step 2/3 : WORKDIR /opt
✔ Step 3/3 : ENTRYPOINT python3 -m http.server 7000