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EBS Jellyfish

Jim Thorson edited this page Oct 25, 2018 · 3 revisions
  • Note: Ellen Yasumiishi added this, James Thorson is mildly editing to improve readability.

temp <- read.csv("EBSJellyfish.csv")    

Sci=temp[,1] #Species name

year   = temp[,2] 

vessel  = temp[,3] #Set to 1

AreaSwept  = temp[,4]
Lat = temp[,5] #Latitude start or equilibrium in decimal degrees

Lon  	= temp[,6]

Wt=temp[,7] #Kilograms

  Version = "VAST_v5_1_0"
  Method = c("Grid", "Mesh")[2] 
  grid_size_km = 30 
  n_x = c(50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000)[1] 
  Kmeans_Config = list( "randomseed"=1, "nstart"=100, "iter.max"=1e3 )     
FieldConfig = c("Omega1"=5, "Epsilon1"=5, "Omega2"=5, "Epsilon2"=5)  
RhoConfig = c("Beta1"=0, "Beta2"=0, "Epsilon1"=0, "Epsilon2"=0) 
  OverdispersionConfig = c("Vessel"=0, "VesselYear"=0)
  ObsModel = c(1,1)  
  Options = c(SD_site_density = 0, SD_site_logdensity = 0, 
  Calculate_Range = 1, Calculate_evenness = 0, 
  Calculate_effective_area = 1, Calculate_Cov_SE = 0, 
  Calculate_Synchrony = 1, Calculate_Coherence = 1)
strata.limits <- data.frame(STRATA = "EBS")


Species_set=c("Aequorea", "Aurelia", "Chrysaora", "Cyanea",  "Staurophora")


DateFile = paste0(getwd(),'/VAST_Jellyfish2017/')

Record = list(Version = Version, Method = Method, 
  grid_size_km = grid_size_km, n_x = n_x, 
  FieldConfig = FieldConfig, RhoConfig = RhoConfig, 
  OverdispersionConfig = OverdispersionConfig, 
  ObsModel = ObsModel, Kmeans_Config = Kmeans_Config, 
  Region = Region, Species_set = Species_set, strata.limits = strata.limits) 

save(Record, file = file.path(DateFile, "Record.RData")) 

capture.output(Record, file = paste0(DateFile, "Record.txt"))

Data_Geostat = data.frame(spp = temp[, "Sci"], Year = temp[, "year"],  Catch_KG = temp[, "Wt"], AreaSwept_km2= temp[, "AreaSwept"],  Vessel= temp[, "vessel"], Lat = temp[, "Lat"], Lon = temp[, "Lon"])

     pander::pandoc.table( head(Data_Geostat), digits=3 )

if (Region == "Other") { Extrapolation_List = SpatialDeltaGLMM::Prepare_Extrapolation_Data_Fn(Region = Region,
    strata.limits = strata.limits, observations_LL = Data_Geostat[, c("Lat", "Lon")], maximum_distance_from_sample = 37.5) }
Spatial_List = SpatialDeltaGLMM::Spatial_Information_Fn( grid_size_km=grid_size_km, 
   n_x=n_x, Method=Method, Lon=Data_Geostat[,"Lon"],
  Lat=Data_Geostat[,"Lat"], Extrapolation_List=Extrapolation_List, 
  randomseed=Kmeans_Config[["randomseed"]], nstart=Kmeans_Config[["nstart"]], 
  iter.max=Kmeans_Config[["iter.max"]], DirPath=DateFile,

Data_Geostat = cbind( Data_Geostat, knot_i=Spatial_List$knot_i) 

TmbData = Data_Fn(Version=Version, FieldConfig=FieldConfig,RhoConfig=RhoConfig,  ObsModel=ObsModel,  
   b_i=Data_Geostat[,'Catch_KG'], a_i=Data_Geostat[,'AreaSwept_km2'],c_i=as.numeric(Data_Geostat[,'spp'] )-1,
   v_i=as.numeric(Data_Geostat[,'Vessel'])-1, s_i=Data_Geostat[,'knot_i']-1,
   t_i=Data_Geostat[,'Year'], a_xl=Spatial_List$a_xl, 
   MeshList=Spatial_List$MeshList, GridList=Spatial_List$GridList, 
   Method=Spatial_List$Method, Options=Options )

  TmbList = Build_TMB_Fn(TmbData=TmbData, RunDir=DateFile, 
             Version=Version, RhoConfig=RhoConfig, loc_x=Spatial_List$loc_x,Method=Method)

    Obj = TmbList[["Obj"]]

 SpatialDeltaGLMM::Plot_data_and_knots(Extrapolation_List = Extrapolation_List,

Opt = TMBhelper::Optimize( obj=Obj, lower=TmbList[["Lower"]], 
                           upper=TmbList[["Upper"]], getsd=TRUE, savedir=DateFile, 
                           bias.correct=TRUE, newtonsteps=1 )

  Report = Obj$report()

  Save = list("Opt"=Opt, "Report"=Report, "ParHat"=Obj$env$parList(Opt$par), "TmbData"=TmbData)
  save(Save, file=paste0(DateFile,"Save.RData"))

  Q=SpatialDeltaGLMM::QQ_Fn(TmbData=TmbData, Report=Report,
    FileName_Qhist=paste0(DateFile,"Q-Q_hist.jpg")) #SpatialDeltaGLMM::

  MapDetails_List = SpatialDeltaGLMM::MapDetails_Fn( "Region"=Region, "NN_Extrap"=Spatial_List$PolygonList$NN_Extrap, "Extrapolation_List"=Extrapolation_List )

  Year_Set = seq(min(Data_Geostat[,'Year']),max(Data_Geostat[,'Year']))
  Years2Include = which( Year_Set %in% sort(unique(Data_Geostat[,'Year'])))

      "Lat"], Lon_i=Data_Geostat[,"Lon"],TmbData=TmbData,
      Report=Report, Q=Q, savedir = DateFile, MappingDetails=MapDetails_List[["MappingDetails"]],
      FileName=DateFile,Year_Set = Year_Set,Years2Include = Years2Include,
      mar=c(0,0,2,0), oma=c(3.5, 3.5, 0,0), cex=1.8)

   "Aniso.png"), Report=Report, TmbData=TmbData)
Cov_List=Summarize_Covariance(Report=Report, ParHat=Obj$env$parList(),
  Data=TmbData,SD=Opt$SD, plot_cor=TRUE,
  plotdir=DateFile, plotTF=FieldConfig, mgp=c(2,0.5, 0),
  tck=-0.02, oma=c(0,5,2,2))

 PlotMap_Fn(MappingDetails, Mat, PlotDF, MapSizeRatio = c(`Width(in)` = 4,
                                                          `Height(in)` = 4), Xlim, Ylim, FileName = paste0(getwd(), "/"), Year_Set,
            Rescale = FALSE, Rotate = 0, Format = "png", Res = 200, zone = NA,
            Cex = 0.01, textmargin = "", add = FALSE, pch = 15,
            outermargintext = c("Eastings", "Northings"), zlim = NULL, Col = NULL,
            Legend = list(use = FALSE, x = c(10, 30), y = c(10, 30)), mfrow = c(1, 1),
            plot_legend_fig = TRUE, land_color = "grey", = FALSE)
SpatialDeltaGLMM::PlotResultsOnMap_Fn(plot_set = c(3), 
                                      MappingDetails = MapDetails_List[["MappingDetails"]],
                                      Report = Report, Sdreport = Opt$SD, PlotDF = MapDetails_List[["PlotDF"]],
                                      MapSizeRatio = MapDetails_List[["MapSizeRatio"]],
                                      Xlim = MapDetails_List[["Xlim"]], Ylim = MapDetails_List[["Ylim"]],
                                      FileName = DateFile, Year_Set = Year_Set, Years2Include = Years2Include,
                                      Rotate = MapDetails_List[["Rotate"]], Cex = MapDetails_List[["Cex"]],
                                      Legend = MapDetails_List[["Legend"]], zone = MapDetails_List[["Zone"]],
                                      mar = c(0, 0, 2, 0), oma = c(3.5, 3.5, 0, 0), cex = 1.3,
                                      category_names = levels(Data_Geostat[, "spp"]),land_color="grey")

  Index = SpatialDeltaGLMM::PlotIndex_Fn(DirName = DateFile, 
  TmbData = TmbData, Sdreport = Opt[["SD"]], Year_Set = Year_Set, 
  Years2Include = Years2Include, strata_names = "", cex=.5,plot_legend=FALSE,
  use_biascorr = TRUE,cex=0.5,category_names =c("Aequorea", "Aurelia" ,"Chrysaorea"  ,  "Cyanea" ,  "Staurophora")) 

   pander::pandoc.table(Index$Table[, c("Category","Year", "Estimate_metric_tons", "SD_mt")])

  SpatialDeltaGLMM::Plot_range_shifts(Report = Report, TmbData = TmbData, Sdreport = Opt[["SD"]], 
                                      Znames = colnames(TmbData$Z_xm), PlotDir = DateFile, 
                                      category_names = levels(Data_Geostat[, "spp"]),
                                      Year_Set = Year_Set, mar = c(2, 2, 2,2), oma = c(1, 2, 0, 1)) 

  Plot_Overdispersion(filename1 = paste0(DateDir, "Overdispersion"), filename2 = paste0(DateDir, "Overdispersion--panel"), Data = TmbData, ParHat = ParHat, Report = Report, ControlList1 = list(Width = 5, Height = 10, Res = 200, Units = "in"), ControlList2 = list(Width = TmbData$n_c, Height = TmbData$n_c, Res = 200, Units = "in"))

  Plot_factors(Report = Report, ParHat = Obj$env$parList(), Data = TmbData, SD = Opt$SD, mapdetails_list = MapDetails_List, Year_Set = Year_Set, category_names = levels(temp[, "Sci"]), plotdir = DateFile)