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Version Planning and Release Log

pfmiles edited this page Oct 22, 2014 · 5 revisions

Here describes the version management of And also the currently usable released binaries in the following list

  • utilizes the 'majorVersion.minorVersion.revision' three digits separated by dots' version number format to track its versions.
  • For all 'majorVersion < 1' are beta versions. This project's currently goal is to reach 1.0.x version. This will take much time.
  • The change of 'minorVersion' number means minor API change, functional improvements or planned minor feature implementation.
  • 'revision' number changes mean bug fixes or performance improvements.

  • v0.3.0 which performs a 'longest-matching' lexer behavior is in heavy development...
  • Current stable release is v0.2.2

  • v0.2.2, released on 10.22.2014. bug fixed:; and some minor improvements in dynamic compiler tool, and also generated parser code.
  • v0.2.1, released on 08.15.2013. It's a production release which correctness is proven. It's being run dozens of millions of times everyday in some of our online systems.
  • v0.1.0, the very initial version released. This version could do normal LL(*) parsing and does not support backtrack when encountering non-LL regular grammars. The lexer rules are still 'earlier match' style which will be changed to 'longest match' style in the future. Along with a Toy example and a 'Hello World' alike 'Calculator Example' in its README file.
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