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Wild-link API

Wild Link is a groundbreaking web application designed to harness the power of collective goodwill for the conservation of wildlife. Much like popular crowdfunding platforms, Wild Link provides a seamless interface for users to create and support campaigns dedicated solely to wildlife causes.

Wild Link is a groundbreaking web application designed to harness the power of collective goodwill for the conservation of wildlife. Much like popular crowdfunding platforms, Wild Link provides a seamless interface for users to create and support campaigns dedicated solely to wildlife causes. Whether it's protecting endangered species, preserving vital habitats, or funding research initiatives, Wild Link empowers users to directly contribute to the well-being of our planet's diverse flora and fauna. With its intuitive design and robust features, Wild Link serves as a virtual hub where passionate individuals, organizations, and wildlife enthusiasts unite to make a tangible difference in the conservation efforts worldwide. Join the Wild Link community today and be a part of the movement to safeguard our planet's natural treasures for generations to come.

Our Dev Team

David Charmicheal

David is our lead student developer. He is passionate about wildlife and volunteers at a local wildlife rehabilitation hospital. He dreams of a future where technology is combined with nature to ensure healthy thriving ecosystems for all living things that call them home. You can often find him exploring the forests, mountains and beaches of Vancouver Island

David can be reached at LinkedIn (, Github (, and via email at (

Desiree Ingram

Desiree is our UX/UI designer. They have a keen eye for detail, focused on creating intuitive user interfaces that enhance user experience. When not coding, reading new documentation, and then trying new experiments. They can be found out in their vegtable garden, hiking, and knitting on a beautiful Vancouver Island beach.

Desiree can be reached at Github (, LinkedIn ( and via email at (

Paul Fromby

A web development student at LightHouse Labs bootcamp. I'm passionate about coding and enjoy crafting immersive web experiences. I thrive on challenges and believe in the power of collaboration. Outside of coding, I love exploring new technologies and the outdoors.

Paul can be reached at on Gitbub at ( and via email at (

"Home Page"

"Organizations Page "

"Patients Page"

"Users Dashboard"

"Admin Dashboard"

"Donation Page"

"Patients List "

"Patients Story"

"Adding a New Patient and Generating a Story "


Install dependencies with npm install.

Creating The DB

Use the psql -U linker command to login to the PostgreSQL server with the username linker and the password linker.

Create a database with the command CREATE DATABASE wildlink_development;.

Copy the .env.example file to .env.development and fill in the necessary PostgreSQL configuration. To be able to use the OPEN AI story generation you must supply an OPEN AI API Key.




Ensure database wildlife_development is set up with the correct user and the .env.development file is created. From the wildlink directory enter cd backend in terminal to navigate into the backend directory. Use npm run dbreset to seed and reseed the database.

Run The Servers

Ensure both servers are running by following these instructions.

Run the backend server in terminal by navigating to the backend directory using cd backend from the wildlife directory and enter:

npm start

Run the frontend server in another terminal tab or window by navigating to the frontend directory using cd frontend from the wildlife directory and enter:

npm start

Once both servers are running navigate to localhost:3000 in your browser and you are up and running!

User and Admin Crednetials

User: Password: password

Admin: Password: password


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