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A tool for generating TypeScript interfaces and types with associated type guards

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A tool for generating TypeScript types with associated validators and relational resolvers.

The main use case for this library is to generate data types to match structures that might be loaded from JSON sources. The problem being that JSON.parse will always return an any and as such this should be type guarded to bring it into our nice type safe world.

Unfortunately writing type guards is a chore and generating type guards by analysing source code is problematic. To get around this ts-type-generator provides a DSL to define types as code that can then be used to generate the type and validation source code together as a build step.

Additionally, it provides a special ReferenceType to create relationships between collections of typed data and generates a Resolver class to check and resolve those references.


Install into your devDependencies:

npm install --save-dev @pghalliday/ts-type-generator

Then to get started create a ./types/src directory and add an index.ts file to it with the following content:

// ./types/index.ts

import {resolve} from "path";
import {TsTypeGenerator} from "@pghalliday/ts-type-generator";

new TsTypeGenerator()
    // TODO: add types here
    .generate(resolve(__dirname, "../lib"));

You can then run this using ts-node:

ts-node ./types/types/index.ts.mustache

As it stands this will not create any types or type guards as none have been defined. However, it will create a ./types/lib directory and copy in some utility libraries, etc.

Adding types

Types are added to the generator using the type chain method. A number of different type constructs can be created, although at the moment they are limited to purely data types (no functions). This is because type guarding function signatures is hard, and the focus is on data types such as those that might be parsed from JSON input.

As an example we will add a couple of interfaces to our example code from above:

import {
} from "@pghalliday/ts-type-generator";

new TsTypeGenerator()
        new StructType("User")
            .property("id", stringType)
            .property("displayName", stringType)
        new StructType("Message")
            .property("userId", stringType)
            .property("message", stringType)
    .generate(resolve(__dirname, "../lib"));

This will generate 2 types equivalent to this:

export type User = {
    id: string,
    displayName: string,

export type Message = {
    userId: string,
    message: string,

It will also generate 2 validator functions with the following signatures:

export function validateUser(value: unknown): User | ValidationError {

export function validateMessage(value: unknown): Message | ValidationError {

You can import them like this:

import {Validated, ValidationError} from "./types/lib";
const {User, validateUser, Message, validateMessage} = Validated;

So what's happening here. Well the main thing to know is that any number of types can be added and each type, and the types they depend on, will be added to the generated types modules.

Types all have the same base Type class, so they can be re-used wherever a type is required.

Some primitive types are provided as constants. Here we are using the stringType as an alias for string. We have to use an instance of Type so this has been created as a singleton for convenience.

Reference types

So far we have defined a couple of types, and we have a way to pass in some unknown data and validate it safely to create some properly typed data. However we have defined 2 types that are related. The userId on the Message is meant to be a reference to the id property on the User type.

The ReferenceType class can be used to enforce this relationship between collections of User and Message structures. We can change the definitions as follows:

import {
} from "@pghalliday/ts-type-generator";

const userType = new StructType("User")
    .property("id", stringType)
    .property("displayName", string);

const usersReference = new ReferenceType("Users", userType);

const messageType = new StructType("Message")
    .property("id", string)
    .property("userId", usersReference)
    .property("message", stringType);

const messagesReference = new ReferenceType("Messages", messageType);

new TsTypeGenerator()
    .generate(resolve(__dirname, "../lib"));

Note that we created a ReferenceType for each collection. This is required even for the Message struct because we want our generated code to support collections of messages too (even if we don't have references to them... yet).

Also note that we have not specified a field that defines the reference key. Obviously we will want to use the user id property but in fact the generated code does not care what key you use, so this is left as an implementation detail for the collection based validation and resolution code.

So, given collections of users and messages how do we validate the data and resolve the references. Well, the call to generate also creates 2 classes Validator and Resolver and this is how you would use them:

import {
} from "./types/lib";
import {
} from "fs/promises";
import {
} from "path";

const USERS_DIR = "./users";
const MESSAGES_DIR = "./messages";

async function getResolvedReferences(): Promise<{
    validationErrors: References.ValidationErrors,
    resolutionErrors: References.ResolutionErrors,
    resolvedReferences: References.ResolvedReferences,
}> {
    const validationErrors = References.initValidationErrors();
    const resolutionErrors = References.initResolutionErrors();
    const resolvedReferences = References.initResolvedReferences();
    const validator = new Validator();
    const resolver = new Resolver();
    // pipe the validated structures into the resolver
    validator.success.on(data => resolver.add(data));
    validator.failure.on(({reference, key, error}) => {
        // store error for later
        // You could also do some logging here
        validationErrors[reference][key] = error;
    resolver.success.on(({reference, key, instance}) => {
        // store the resolved instance
        // Note that at this point the references may not be
        // fully resolved and you should store them and wait
        // until the resolve function below has completed
        resolvedReferences[reference][key] = instance;
    resolver.failure.on(({reference, key, error}) => {
        // store error for later
        // You could also do some logging here
        resolutionErrors[reference][key] = error;

    // Loop through the raw data and pass it to the validator
    // in this case we can load it from JSON files that use the ids
    // as file names. The validated instances will be piped into the
    // resolver as we go.
    const userFiles = await readdir(USERS_DIR);
    for (const userFile of userFiles) {
        const path = join(USERS_DIR, userFile);
        const id = basename(userFile, ".json"); // get the ID from the filename
        const json = await readFile(path).toString();
            reference: "Users",
            key: id,
            data: JSON.parse(json),
    const messageFiles = await readdir(MESSAGES_DIR);
    for (const messageFile of messageFiles) {
        const path = join(MESSAGES_DIR, messageFile);
        const id = basename(messageFile, ".json"); // get the ID from the filename
        const json = await readFile(path).toString();
            reference: "Messages",
            key: id,
            data: JSON.parse(json),
    // Only resolve the references after all the validated instances
    // have been added
    return {

// Load and resolve all the JSON files
.then(({validationErrors, resolutionErrors, resolvedReferences}) => {
    // handle the errors and the resolved references as needed

Type constants

The following Type constants are provided as convenience primitive types:

  • stringType - the string primitive
  • numberType - the number primitive
  • booleanType - the boolean primitive

The following Type constants are provided as convenience primitive collection instances:

  • stringListType - for lists of string primitives
  • stringDictionaryType - for dictionaries of string primitives
  • numberListType - for lists of number primitives
  • numberDictionaryType - for dictionaries of number primitives
  • booleanListType - for lists of boolean primitives
  • booleanDictionaryType - for dictionaries of boolean primitives

Type classes


To define an interface type.

new StructType(NAME)
    .property(PROPERTY_NAME, TYPE)
    .property(PROPERTY_NAME, TYPE)


To define a union type.

new UnionType(NAME)


To define a list type.

new ListType(NAME, TYPE)


To define a dictionary type.

new DictionaryType(NAME, TYPE)


Literal types only support literal primitives and are useful in union types to specify a limited list of valid values.

To define a string literal type.

new LiteralType<string>(NAME, VALUE)

To define a number literal type.

new LiteralType<number>(NAME, VALUE)

To define a string literal type.

new LiteralType<string>(NAME, VALUE)


To define a reference type.

new ReferenceType(NAME, TYPE)

Where NAME will be used as the name of the referenced collection.


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A tool for generating TypeScript interfaces and types with associated type guards




