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MLOPs pipeline for a classification problem

This repository contains source code, configuration files for setuping a MLOPs pipeline that can be automatically triggered to train and deploy the best model using AWS services.
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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Roadmap
  5. Contributing
  6. License
  7. Contact
  8. Acknowledgments

About The Project

Product Name Screen Shot

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Built With

  • Pytorch
  • Mlflow
  • Airflow
  • DVC
  • Docker
  • Python
  • AWS

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Getting Started

Through this guide, I will try to explain how can I use AWS services and some tools to create an MLOPs pipeline that will be triggered to train and deploy everytime the latest commit whose message contains "Airflow" term is pushed.

Classification problem

A resnet18 neural network will be used for image classification. The dataset will be put into ./ml/data/train, ./ml/data/valid, ./ml/data/test. The configuration file for training, testing will be put into ./ml/configs. I take the flower dataset as an example for this project.

Code and Data versioning

DVC is used for data versioning and GIT is used for code versioning. Data cache will be stored in a S3 remote storage.

  • Install DVC:

      pip install dvc
      pip install dvc-s3
  • Use DVC to track your data. Remember to setup AWS credentials using ./server_setup/aws_config and copy all files in that folder to ~/.aws/

      dvc add ml/data/*
      git add data/*
      git commit -m "Add raw data" # Git tracks the metadata of the dataset
      dvc remote add dvc-flower-bucket s3://dvc-flower-bucket # created s3 bucket for storing data cache
      dvc remote modify dvc-flower-bucket profile duongpd7
      dvc push -r dvc-flower-bucket

Setup an EC2 server

Airflow, MLflow will be installed on an EC2 server. Here are ports that are used in EC2:

  • 8080: Airflow
  • 1234: Mlflow tracking server
  • 4321: deployed endpoint url
  • 6000: used to trigger deployment process when there is an model put to s3.
  • Create working directory and prepare folders for volume mounting. After creating folders, copy files in server_setup/:

      mkdir workspace # Store logs, models, artifacts created by Airflow and Mlflow
      mkdir deployment # Build and run deployment docker image
      cd workspace
      mkdir -p ./dags ./logs ./plugins ./config ./mlruns ./training_runs # Have to create manually to avoid permission issue.
  • Now run airflow server and mlflow server using docker compose:

      echo -e "AIRFLOW_UID=$(id -u)" > .env
      docker compose up
  • Setup port 6000 to listening for request sent by from lambda triggered by S3.

      apt install xinetd
      # After install xinetd, copy server_setup/scripts/xinetd-deployment-trigger to /etc/xinetd.d/ and modify the its "server" path to server_setup/scripts/ placed on EC2.
      systemctl start xinetd
      systemctl enable xinetd

Setup S3 - Lambda for triggering

S3 is configured to trigger lambda function whenever a file is put into it. The lambda function will send a request to the EC2 server at port 6000 to tell it to rebuild and deploy the model uploaded. The lambda function should be created from docker image. Source is stored at deployment/lambda. The file should be modified for the correct url of the EC2.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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Phan Dai Duong -

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Project for configuring an MLOPs pipeline







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