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Layout API

Phanx edited this page Jul 31, 2016 · 2 revisions

Note: This page is incomplete, and needs attention!

Layout Header Attributes

Filtering Attributes

nameList - string

  • Comma separated list of player names
  • Not used if groupFilter is set

groupFilter - string

  • Comma seperated list of raid group numbers (1-8) and/or uppercase class names

strictFiltering - boolean

  • If true, then characters must match both a group and a class from the groupFilter list

Sorting Attributes

groupingOrder - string

  • Specifies the order of the groupings (ie. "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8")

groupBy = string or nil

  • Required if groupingOrder is set
  • Allowed values: "GROUP", "CLASS"
  • Default: nil

sortDir = string

  • Defines the sort order
  • Allowed values: "ASC", "DESC"
  • Default: "ASC"

sortMethod - string

  • Defines how the group is sorted
  • Allowed values: "INDEX", "NAME"
  • Default: "INDEX"

Layout Attributes

columnAnchorPoint - string

  • Anchor point of each new column (ie. use LEFT for the columns to grow to the right)

columnSpacing - number

  • Amount of space between the rows/columns
  • Default: 0

maxColumns - number

  • Maximum number of columns the header will create
  • Default: 1

unitsPerColumn - number or nil

  • Maximum units that will be displayed in a singe column, or nil for unlimited
  • Default: nil

startingIndex - number

  • Index in the final sorted unit list at which to start displaying units
  • Default: 1

Pet Attributes

isPetGroup - boolean

  • If true, this column will show pets instead of player characters
  • Unlike the other attributes, this one is not part of the Blizzard API

filterOnPet - boolean

  • If true, then pet names are used when sorting/filtering the list, instead of owner names

useOwnerUnit - boolean

  • If true, then the owner's unit string is set on managed's frames "unit" attribute, instead of the pet's
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