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ipaghazi is a web service for over-the-air (OTA) distribution of iOS apps.

Use cases

  • You develop in-house apps for a team and would like to provide an easy way to browse and install them.

  • Beta testing?

What it does

  • CRUD (seriously) API for publishing app builds.

  • Basic web frontend for browsing and installing apps on client devices.

What it doesn't do

  • Non-terrible security or access control. Don't use this in a mission-critical context!

  • HTTPS. Use a reverse proxy.

  • Useful error messages.

  • Anything related to provisioning profiles or code signing. IPAs are served as-is. This will present problems if an IPA becomes invalid due to e.g. signing certificate expiration.

    ipaghazi can serve any .ipa, but iOS will only accept those signed for "ad-hoc distribution" or "internal distribution". Of these, internal distribution is more convenient because one need not manage UDIDs, but it requires paying Apple more money for the requisite signing privileges.

  • Accept IPA uploads. Storage is delegated to other services, such as Amazon S3, web servers, etc. One uploads the IPA separately and then tells ipaghazi where to find it.

  • Push apps to devices. This is a different meaning of the term "OTA". To push apps, you need an iOS mobile device management (MDM) service, such as OS X Server's Profile Manager.


ipaghazi is configured through environment variables.

  • IPAGHAZI_PORT: HTTP port. Required.

  • IPAGHAZI_BASEURL: Where the app is accessible. The API is homed at $IPAGHAZI_BASEURL/api. Note that ipaghazi expects to see the full path; the reverse proxy, if any, should not strip off the path prefix. Required.

  • IPAGHAZI_MONGODB: Where the database is. Something like mongodb://localhost/some-database. Required.

  • IPAGHAZI_ANON_PERMS: Implicit permissions for unauthenticated API users and the web UI. Optional, but you probably want to set it to browse-app. Permission names are whitespace-separated.

  • IPAGHAZI_ROOT_USER: Username for the root API user, which has all permissions. If empty, root user is disabled. Optional.

  • IPAGHAZI_ROOT_KEY: Key for the root API user. If empty, root user is disabled. Optional. The key is freeform, but a 64-character hex string is recommended:

      LANG=C tr -cd 0-9a-f </dev/urandom | head -c 64
  • IPAGHAZI_METHODS: Valid IPA retrieval methods. A submitted build may specify any method, but the IPA cannot be retrieved unless the method is in this list. Method names are whitespace-separated. Optional. By default, no methods are valid.

IPA retrieval methods


Retrieves from an S3 bucket. Takes the following method-params:

{"bucket": "some-s3-bucket",
 "object": "some-object-key"}

To use this method with a non-public bucket, you must arrange to configure the AWS SDK credentials. In general, setting AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY should suffice. If you are running on an EC2 instance with an IAM role, the AWS SDK should automatically pick up credentials.


Retrieves from a URL. Takes the following method-params:

{"url": "http://server/some-app.ipa"}

file (do not use)

Retrieves from the local filesystem. Takes the following method-params:

{"path": "/path/to/app.ipa"}

This method is obviously dangerous, so don't enable it in production. One could easily submit a build whose path is /etc/shadow. Running curl http://server/api/build/98eccd9324cb9c674811e65c/ipa would then dump out all your password hashes. Oops.

But it's handy for testing.


App from source:

npm install
bower install
env [...] ./main.js # See Configuration for required environment

Docker image from source:

docker build .

App from public repository:

npm install ipaghazi

Docker image from Hub:

docker pull pharada/ipaghazi


Within organizations, one would often like to distribute internal iOS apps through the simple means of opening a link to an app file, as is possible with Android APKs. Of course, this is Apple technology, so the simple solution is out of the question. Instead we are forced to deal with the unnecessarily complicated mechanism of over-the-air (OTA) install manifests. The user opens a link of the form:


Note the conspicuous lack of any IPA files in that link. Instead, one specifies a URL to a "manifest" which looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

The IPA URL is specified here in addition to the app bundle ID, version, and name. The manifest is completely redundant as all of this information is contained within the IPA itself. Moreover, arbitrary constraints have been applied to this process:

  • The manifest and IPA must be served over HTTPS.

  • You can't use file:// URLs. Installing from local storage would be too simple, you see.

iOS performs installation through a service running in the background. When the user presses "OK" to allow the install, nothing else happens in the browser, and one must go to the home screen to observe progress.

Because the manifest hardcodes the URL, it will break if one decides to put the IPA somewhere else. One must also generate a manifest anew for every build so that the redundant metadata will match. It would therefore be preferable to autogenerate the manifest, and for this one needs a backend.

Authentication is also a problem. You can...

  • Host apps on your firewalled intranet.

  • Require a VPN to access apps.

  • Use HTTP Basic Authentication. This works, but the user may need to enter credentials three times - once to access the page with the itms-services:// link, once for iOS to download the manifest, and once for the IPA. iOS does not remember credentials between contexts.

  • Don't restrict access, and just hope nobody finds the URL. What could go wrong?

The options for authentication are otherwise limited. You can't use OAuth because that requires in-browser user interaction, and you can't specify HTTP headers. You also can't embed a password in the manifest and IPA URLs like, because iOS will prefill the username but ignore the password. Putting credentials in the query string is an option.

ipaghazi approaches the problem by making it your problem. You could configure your HTTPS termination proxy to require Basic authentication for the web interface ($IPAGHAZI_BASEURL) but allow unauthenticated requests to the API ($IPAGHAZI_BASEURL/api). Or you could put the whole thing behind a firewall and forget about authentication.


It's an "IPA gateway". "-gate" is a common suffix for political scandals, as is now "-ghazi". Thus, "ipaghazi", an uninspired and unnecessarily provocative play on words. Suggestions for better names are welcome.

Hey! You got your politics butter on my software chocolate!



OTA distribution gateway for iOS apps







