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Provide an edit script to map cCode: 'func(...)''s to the new _: style.
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eliotmiranda authored and guillep committed Jul 2, 2019
1 parent bdb4f47 commit 76ccea7
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Showing 2 changed files with 162 additions and 0 deletions.
135 changes: 135 additions & 0 deletions smalltalksrc/Cog-Bootstrapping/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -457,6 +457,141 @@ CogScripts class >> doClassSide [
notifying: nil]

{ #category : #'plugin scripts' }
CogScripts class >> eliminateCCodeInSmalltalkFrom: aPluginClass [
"Edit any self cCode: 'something that looks like a C call' [ inSmalltalk: [ ...] ]
into the function: arg1 _: arg2 style, ensuring that if the class has (a) simulator
subclass(es), that a stub implementation exists in the subclass. Write any failures
to the transcript."

"(Smalltalk organization classesInCategory: #'3DICC-Plugins') do:
CogScripts eliminateCCodeInSmalltalkFrom: aPluginClass]"

| transformations |
transformations := Dictionary new.
aPluginClass selectorsAndMethodsDo:
[:selector :method|
(self mapCCodeToSmalltalkIn: method)
ifNotNil: [:edit| transformations at: selector put: edit]
ifNil: [((method sendsSelector: #cCode:) or: [method sendsSelector: #cCode:inSmalltalk:]) ifTrue:
[Transcript cr; show: 'mapCCodeToSmalltalkIn: failed to edit cCode:... in ', aPluginClass name, '>>', selector]]].
transformations keys sort do:
[:code :messages|
(aPluginClass compile: code notifying: nil)
ifNil: [Transcript cr; show: 'Failed to compile mapCCodeToSmalltalkIn: transformation for ', aPluginClass name, '>>', selector]
[(aPluginClass allSubclasses select: [:sc| sc name endsWith: 'Simulator']) do:
messages do:
(sc includesSelector: msg selector) ifFalse:
[sc compile: msg createStubMethod classified: 'simulation']]]]]
valueWithArguments: (transformations at: selector)]

{ #category : #'plugin scripts' }
CogScripts class >> mapCCodeToSmalltalkIn: aMethod [
"Answer new source code for aMethod where cCode: strings have been mapped to the new foo: arg1 _: arg2
format and any inSmalltalk: code is included in a trailing comment."
| methodNode edits text |
methodNode := aMethod methodNode.
edits := Dictionary new.
methodNode block nodesDo:
[:n| | cCode |
(n isMessage
and: [(#(cCode: cCode:inSmalltalk:) includes: n selector key)
and: [(cCode := n arguments first value key) isString
and: [cCode notEmpty]]]) ifTrue:
[| argVec |
argVec := self processedCCodeCallFor: cCode.
edits at: (methodNode encoder sourceRangeFor: n)
put: (String streamContents:
[:s| | first |
argVec size > 2 ifTrue:
[s nextPutAll: 'cCoerce: (self '].
s nextPutAll: argVec first.
argVec size > 1 ifTrue:
[first := true.
argVec second do:
[:thing| | param |
thing ~~ #, ifTrue:
[s nextPutAll: (first
ifTrue: [': ']
ifFalse: [' _: ']).
first := false.
param := thing isArray
ifTrue: [s nextPutAll: '(self cCoerce: '. thing first]
ifFalse: [thing].
(methodNode encoder lookupVariable: param ifAbsent: [])
ifNotNil: [s nextPutAll: param]
ifNil: [s store: param]].
thing isArray ifTrue:
[(self printTypeFor: thing last on: s) ifFalse:
s nextPut: $)]]].
argVec size > 2 ifTrue:
[s nextPut: $).
(self printTypeFor: argVec last on: s) ifFalse:
#cCode:inSmalltalk: == n selector key ifTrue:
[| r |
r := methodNode encoder sourceRangeFor: n arguments last.
s space; nextPutAll: ' "inSmalltalk: '; nextPutAll: (methodNode sourceText copyFrom: r first to: r last); nextPut: $"]])]].
edits ifEmpty: [^nil].
text := methodNode sourceText asString.
(edits keys asSortedCollection: [:a :b| a first > b first]) do:
text := text copyReplaceFrom: range first to: range last with: (edits at: range)].
^{ text.
(edits collect:
[:string| | selectorString index |
selectorString := (string beginsWith: 'cCoerce:') ifTrue: [string allButFirst: 10] ifFalse: [string].
(index := selectorString indexOfSubCollection: '"inSmalltalk') > 0 ifTrue:
[selectorString := selectorString first: index - 1].
(selectorString occurrencesOf: $)) > (selectorString occurrencesOf: $() ifTrue:
[selectorString := selectorString first: (selectorString lastIndexOf: $)) - 1].
(selectorString beginsWith: 'self') ifTrue:
[selectorString := selectorString allButFirst: 4].
selectorString := selectorString extractSelector.
selector: selectorString asSymbol
arguments: (1 to: selectorString numArgs) asArray]) }
{ #category : #'plugin scripts' }
CogScripts class >> printTypeFor: anArray on: aWriteStream [
| type |
type := String streamContents:
do: [:ea| [s nextPutAll: ea] on: Error do: [:ex| ^false]]
separatedBy: [s space]].
aWriteStream nextPutAll: ' to: '; store: type asSymbol.
{ #category : #'plugin scripts' }
CogScripts class >> processedCCodeCallFor: aCCodeString [
"Take a cCode: string containing a C call and answer a literal array encoding the parameter
list with any casts moved to the back, for ease of generating self cCoerce: thing to: type.
'func(a,b)' => #(func #(a b))
'(type)func()' => #(func #() #(type))
'func((type)a)') => #(func #(#(a #(type)))))
| argVec parameterList |
argVec := Compiler evaluate: '#(', aCCodeString, ')'.
[argVec size > 2 and: [argVec last == #';']] whileTrue: [argVec := argVec allButLast].
argVec last notEmpty ifTrue:
[parameterList := (argVec last splitBy: #(#,)) collect: [:p| p size > 1 ifTrue: [{p last. p first}] ifFalse: [p first]].
argVec at: argVec size put: parameterList].
^argVec first isArray
ifTrue: [argVec allButFirst, {argVec first}]
ifFalse: [argVec]
{ #category : #'separate vm scripts' }
CogScripts class >> readOnlyVars [
^#(#checkForLeaks #fullGCLock #gcStartUsecs #memoryLimit #scavengeThreshold #youngStart
Expand Down
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions smalltalksrc/Cog-Bootstrapping/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Extension { #name : #String }

{ #category : #'*Cog-script support' }
String >> extractSelector [
"Dan's code for hunting down selectors with keyword parts; while this doesn't give a true parse,
in most cases it does what we want, and where it doesn't, we're none the worse for it.
Unlike findSelector this doesn't require that the poutative selector has been interned."
| sel possibleParens |
sel := self withBlanksTrimmed.
(sel includes: $:) ifTrue:
[sel := sel copyReplaceAll: ':' with: ': '. "for the style (aa max:bb) with no space"
sel := sel copyReplaceAll: '[:' with: '[ :'. "for the style ([:a) with no space"
possibleParens := sel findTokens: Character separators.
sel := self class streamContents:
[:s | | level |
level := 0.
possibleParens do:
[:token |
(level = 0 and: [token endsWith: ':'])
ifTrue: [s nextPutAll: token]
ifFalse: [level := level
+ (token occurrencesOf: $() - (token occurrencesOf: $))
+ (token occurrencesOf: $[) - (token occurrencesOf: $])
+ (token occurrencesOf: ${) - (token occurrencesOf: $})]]]].
sel isEmpty ifTrue: [^ nil].

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