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Merge pull request #16347 from hernanmd/make_class_abstract_driver
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Make class abstract driver
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jecisc committed May 21, 2024
2 parents 87be1fb + 8d4a2d2 commit 0df3330
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Showing 10 changed files with 271 additions and 39 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/Refactoring-Core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -504,9 +504,10 @@ RBAbstractClass >> instanceVariableNames: aCollectionOfStrings [

{ #category : 'testing' }
RBAbstractClass >> isAbstract [

(self whichSelectorsReferToSymbol: #subclassResponsibility) ifNotEmpty: [^true].
model allReferencesToClass: self do: [:each | ^false].
model allReferencesToClass: self do: [:each | ^ false].
^ true

{ #category : 'testing' }
Expand Down
48 changes: 33 additions & 15 deletions src/Refactoring-Core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ RBMakeClassAbstractTransformation class >> basicMenuItemString [
^ 'Make abstract'

{ #category : 'instance creation' }
RBMakeClassAbstractTransformation class >> class: targetClass [
{ #category : 'accessing' }
RBMakeClassAbstractTransformation class >> classNamed: aClassName [

^ self new class: targetClass
^ self new classNamed: aClassName

{ #category : 'testing' }
Expand All @@ -32,10 +32,34 @@ RBMakeClassAbstractTransformation class >> isTransformation [
^ true

{ #category : 'instance creation' }
RBMakeClassAbstractTransformation >> class: class [
{ #category : 'preconditions' }
RBMakeClassAbstractTransformation >> applicabilityPreconditions [
"Answer a <Collection> of <RBCondition>"

^ {
self preconditionHaveNoReferences

{ #category : 'scripting api - conditions' }
RBMakeClassAbstractTransformation >> checkPreconditions [

targetClass := class
self checkApplicabilityPreconditions

{ #category : 'scripting api - conditions' }
RBMakeClassAbstractTransformation >> classNamed: aClassName [

className := aClassName.
targetClass := self model classNamed: aClassName.

{ #category : 'preconditions' }
RBMakeClassAbstractTransformation >> preconditionHaveNoReferences [

^ ReClassesHaveNoReferencesCondition new
model: model;
classes: { targetClass }

{ #category : 'preconditions' }
Expand All @@ -48,17 +72,11 @@ RBMakeClassAbstractTransformation >> preconditions [
{ #category : 'transforming' }
RBMakeClassAbstractTransformation >> privateTransform [

self generateChangesFor: ((RBAddMethodTransformation
sourceCode: 'isAbstract
^ self == ' , targetClass asString
^ self == ' , className
in: targetClass classSide
withProtocol: #testing) execute
withProtocol: #testing)).

{ #category : 'preconditions' }
RBMakeClassAbstractTransformation >> skippingPreconditions [
"We cannot validate that the class is actually not used and not receiving a message new."

^ (RBCondition isAbstractClass: targetClass) not
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Class {
#name : 'RBClassWithoutSelfClassReferenceTest',
#superclass : 'TestCase',
#category : 'Refactoring-DataForTesting-ForTestRelatedOperation',
#package : 'Refactoring-DataForTesting',
#tag : 'ForTestRelatedOperation'
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Class {
#name : 'RBWithSelfClassReferenceTest',
#superclass : 'TestCase',
#category : 'Refactoring-DataForTesting-ForTestRelatedOperation',
#package : 'Refactoring-DataForTesting',
#tag : 'ForTestRelatedOperation'

{ #category : 'testing' }
RBWithSelfClassReferenceTest class >> isAbstract [

^ self == RBWithSelfClassReferenceTest

{ #category : 'accessing' }
RBWithSelfClassReferenceTest >> method [

^ RBWithSelfClassReferenceTest
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,22 @@ Class {
#tag : 'Parametrized'

{ #category : 'helpers' }
RBAbstractRefactoringTest class >> unreferencedClass [
"Answer a <Class> which should not have any references"

| env |
env := (RBNamespace onEnvironment: (RBPackageEnvironment packageName: 'Refactoring-DataForTesting')).
^ env classNamed: self unreferencedClassName

{ #category : 'helpers' }
RBAbstractRefactoringTest class >> unreferencedClassName [
"Answer a <Symbol> representing a <Class> which should not have any references"

^ 'RBClassWithoutSelfClassReferenceTest' asSymbol

{ #category : 'accessing' }
RBAbstractRefactoringTest >> constructor [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -205,3 +221,10 @@ RBAbstractRefactoringTest >> testConditions [
self assert: (condition not & condition not) check.
self assert: (condition & condition) errorString equals: 'false OR false'

{ #category : 'helpers' }
RBAbstractRefactoringTest >> unreferencedClassName [
"Answer a <Symbol> representing a <Class> which should not have any references"

^ self class unreferencedClassName
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,45 +2,59 @@ Class {
#name : 'RBMakeClassAbstractParametrizedTest',
#superclass : 'RBWithDifferentConstructorsParametrizedTest',
#instVars : [
#category : 'Refactoring-Transformations-Tests-SingleParametrized',
#package : 'Refactoring-Transformations-Tests',
#tag : 'SingleParametrized'

{ #category : 'tests' }
{ #category : 'building suites' }
RBMakeClassAbstractParametrizedTest class >> testParameters [
^ ParametrizedTestMatrix new
addCase: { #rbClass -> RBMakeClassAbstractTransformation };
addCase: {
#rbClass -> RBMakeClassAbstractTransformation .
#testClassName -> self unreferencedClassName .
#constructor -> #classNamed: };

{ #category : 'running' }
RBMakeClassAbstractParametrizedTest >> setUp [
super setUp.
model := self rbModelForVariableTest.

testClass := RBBasicLintRuleTestData.
testClass class removeSelector: #isAbstract
testClassName := self unreferencedClassName.
testClassName class removeSelector: #isAbstract

{ #category : 'running' }
RBMakeClassAbstractParametrizedTest >> tearDown [

testClass class removeSelector: #isAbstract.
(Smalltalk globals at: testClassName) class removeSelector: #isAbstract.
super tearDown

{ #category : 'accessing' }
RBMakeClassAbstractParametrizedTest >> testClassName [

^ testClassName

{ #category : 'accessing' }
RBMakeClassAbstractParametrizedTest >> testClassName: anObject [

testClassName := anObject

{ #category : 'tests' }
RBMakeClassAbstractParametrizedTest >> testMakeClassAbstractAddsIsAbstractMethodToClassSide [
| refactoring |
refactoring := rbClass class: testClass.

| refactoring |
refactoring := self createRefactoringWithArguments: { testClassName }.
self executeRefactoring: refactoring.
self assert: ((refactoring model classNamed: testClass name) classSide
parseTreeForSelector: #isAbstract)
equals: (self parseMethod: 'isAbstract ^self == ', testClass name)
assert: ((refactoring model classNamed: testClassName) classSide parseTreeForSelector: #isAbstract)
equals: (self parseMethod: 'isAbstract ^self == ', testClassName)

{ #category : 'tests' }
Expand All @@ -51,10 +65,10 @@ RBMakeClassAbstractParametrizedTest >> testMakeClassAbstractPerformChanges [
that check `performChanges` logic."

| refactoring |
refactoring := rbClass class: testClass.
refactoring := self createRefactoringWithArguments: { testClassName }.
self executeRefactoring: refactoring.

refactoring execute.
self assert: ((refactoring model classNamed: testClass name) classSide
parseTreeForSelector: #isAbstract)
equals: (self parseMethod: 'isAbstract ^self == ', testClass name)
assert: ((refactoring model classNamed: testClassName) classSide parseTreeForSelector: #isAbstract)
equals: (self parseMethod: 'isAbstract ^self == ', testClassName)
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions src/Refactoring-UI-Tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
Class {
#name : 'ReMakeClassAbstractDriverTest',
#superclass : 'ReDriverTest',
#category : 'Refactoring-UI-Tests-Driver',
#package : 'Refactoring-UI-Tests',
#tag : 'Driver'

{ #category : 'tests' }
ReMakeClassAbstractDriverTest >> classWithReferenceToAbstract [

^ RBWithSelfClassReferenceTest.

{ #category : 'tests' }
ReMakeClassAbstractDriverTest >> classWithoutReferenceToAbstract [

^ Smalltalk globals at: #[82 66 67 108 97 115 115 87 105 116 104 111 117 116 83 101 108 102 67 108 97 115 115 82 101 102 101 114 101 110 99 101 84 101 115 116] asString asSymbol

{ #category : 'initialization' }
ReMakeClassAbstractDriverTest >> setUpDriver: driver [

| dialog |
super setUpDriver: driver.
dialog := MockObject new.
on: #openModal
respond: true.
driver requestDialog: dialog.

{ #category : 'running' }
ReMakeClassAbstractDriverTest >> tearDown [

self classWithoutReferenceToAbstract class removeSelector: #isAbstract.
super tearDown.

{ #category : 'tests' }
ReMakeClassAbstractDriverTest >> testMakeClassAbstractWhenClassIsReferenced [
"Test making a class abstract when it is referenced"
| driver environment rbClass |

environment := RBClassEnvironment class: self classWithReferenceToAbstract.
driver := RBMakeClassAbstractDriver new
scopes: { environment } class: self classWithReferenceToAbstract;

rbClass := driver model classFor: self classWithReferenceToAbstract.

deny: rbClass isAbstract
description: 'It tests that the RB class is not abstract because it contains its class reference'.

self setUpDriver: driver.
driver runRefactoring.

deny: rbClass isAbstract
description: 'It tests that the RB class is not abstract after applying the refactoring'.

{ #category : 'tests' }
ReMakeClassAbstractDriverTest >> testMakeClassAbstractWhenClassNotUsed [
"Test making a class abstract when it is not used anywhere in the system"
| driver environment rbClass |

environment := RBClassEnvironment class: self classWithoutReferenceToAbstract.
driver := RBMakeClassAbstractDriver new
scopes: { environment } class: self classWithoutReferenceToAbstract;

rbClass := driver model classFor: self classWithoutReferenceToAbstract.

assert: rbClass isAbstract
description: 'It tests that the RB class is abstract by default'.

deny: (self classWithoutReferenceToAbstract canUnderstand: #isAbstract)
description: 'It test that we successfully applied the refactoring which adds #isAbstract to the target class'.

self setUpDriver: driver.
driver runRefactoring.

"It test that we successfully applied the refactoring which adds #isAbstract to the target class"
self assert: driver changes changes anyOne selector equals: #isAbstract.

7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/Refactoring-UI/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -108,6 +108,13 @@ RBInteractionDriver >> initialize [
"for now unused but we should soon use it. Check applyChanges"

{ #category : 'accessing' }
RBInteractionDriver >> model [
"Answer the receiver's <RBBrowserEnvironment>"

^ model

{ #category : 'accessing' }
RBInteractionDriver >> model: aRBBrowserEnvironment [
model := aRBBrowserEnvironment
Expand Down
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions src/Refactoring-UI/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
Class {
#name : 'RBMakeClassAbstractDriver',
#superclass : 'RBInteractionDriver',
#instVars : [
#category : 'Refactoring-UI-Drivers',
#package : 'Refactoring-UI',
#tag : 'Drivers'

{ #category : 'execution' }
RBMakeClassAbstractDriver >> changes [
"Remember should not call generateChanges"

refactoring privateTransform.
^ refactoring changes

{ #category : 'resources' }
RBMakeClassAbstractDriver >> configureRefactoring [
"Configure the transformation"

refactoring := RBMakeClassAbstractTransformation new
model: model;
classNamed: class name;

{ #category : 'execution' }
RBMakeClassAbstractDriver >> runRefactoring [
"Run the transformation"

| preconditions |

self configureRefactoring.
preconditions := refactoring failedApplicabilityPreconditions.
ifNotEmpty: [ ^ self inform: preconditions first errorString ].
self applyChanges.

{ #category : 'accessing' }
RBMakeClassAbstractDriver >> scopes: refactoringScopes class: aClass [

scopes := refactoringScopes.
model := self refactoringScopeOn: scopes first.
class := aClass

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