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Fixes #8992 Unwind mechanism during termination is broken - skips mul…
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…tiple unwind blocks and corrupts the image
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isCzech authored and guillep committed Nov 24, 2021
1 parent 873a6ac commit 8cc5971
Showing 1 changed file with 41 additions and 19 deletions.
60 changes: 41 additions & 19 deletions src/Kernel/
Expand Up @@ -213,13 +213,17 @@ Process >> debugWithTitle: title [

{ #category : #private }
Process >> doTerminationFromAnotherProcess [
"Stop this process forever from another process.

"Stop this process forever from another process.
Unwind to execute pending ensure:/ifCurtailed: blocks before terminating.
It assumes that self is not the active process
and the termination is requested from another process"
| ctxt oldList |

| ctxt oldList outerMost unwindBlock |

self isTerminating ifTrue: [ ProcessAlreadyTerminating signal. ^self ].
terminating := true.

"Always suspend the process first so it doesn't accidentally get woken up"
oldList := self suspend.
suspendedContext ifNil: [^self].
Expand All @@ -228,24 +232,42 @@ Process >> doTerminationFromAnotherProcess [
in Semaphore>>critical:. So if waiting object is interesting on this situation we will ask it to handle it. In case of Semaphore>>critical, Semaphore will pop the suspendedContext so that we leave the ensure: block inside Semaphore>>critical: without signaling the semaphore.
This methods allow to not be restricted only on Semaphore case."
suspendedContext := oldList handleProcessTerminationOfWaitingContext: suspendedContext.
"If we are terminating a process halfways through an unwind, try to complete that unwind block first."
(suspendedContext findNextUnwindContextUpTo: nil) ifNotNil: [:outer |
(suspendedContext findContextSuchThat: [ :c | c closure == outer unwindBlock ]) ifNotNil: [ :inner |
"This is an unwind block currently under evaluation"
suspendedContext runUntilErrorOrReturnFrom: inner ] ].
ctxt := self popTo: suspendedContext bottomContext.
[ ctxt == suspendedContext bottomContext ] whileFalse: [
"There was a problem during termination. Make the user aware of the problem
but ensure that the current process will be properly terminated."
| stackCopy |
stackCopy := ctxt copyStack.
[ UnwindError signalIn: stackCopy ] forkNamed: 'Unwind error during termination'.
ctxt terminateTo: ctxt sender.
ctxt := self popTo: suspendedContext bottomContext ].

(suspendedContext notNil and: [ suspendedContext isBottomContext ]) ifTrue: [
suspendedContext setSender: nil receiver: self method: (Process>>#endProcess) arguments: {}]

"If terminating a process halfways through an unwind, try to complete that unwind block first;
if there are multiple such nested unwind blocks, try to complete the outer-most one; the inner
blocks will be completed in the process."
ctxt := suspendedContext.
[(ctxt := ctxt findNextUnwindContextUpTo: nil) isNil] whileFalse:
"Contexts under evaluation have already set their complete (tempAt: 2) to true."
[(ctxt tempAt:2) ifNotNil: [outerMost := ctxt]].
outerMost ifNotNil: [
"This is the outer-most unwind context currently under evaluation;
let's find an inner context executing outerMost's argument block (tempAt: 1)"
(suspendedContext findContextSuchThat: [:ctx |
ctx closure == (outerMost tempAt: 1)]) ifNotNil: [:inner |
"Let's finish the unfinished unwind context only (i.e. up to inner) and return here"
suspendedContext runUntilErrorOrReturnFrom: inner.
"Update the receiver's suspendedContext (the previous step reset its sender to nil)"
suspendedContext := outerMost]].

"Now all unwind blocks caught halfway through have been completed;
let's execute the ones still pending. Note: #findNextUnwindContextUpTo: starts
searching from the receiver's sender but the receiver itself may be an unwind context."
ctxt := suspendedContext.
ctxt isUnwindContext ifFalse: [ctxt := ctxt findNextUnwindContextUpTo: nil].
[ctxt isNil] whileFalse: [
(ctxt tempAt: 2) ifNil: [
ctxt tempAt: 2 put: true.
unwindBlock := ctxt tempAt: 1.
"Create a context for the unwind block and execute it on the unwind block's stack.
Note: using #value instead of #runUntilErrorOrReturnFrom: would lead to executing
the unwind on the wrong stack preventing the correct execution of non-local returns."
suspendedContext := unwindBlock asContextWithSender: ctxt.
suspendedContext runUntilErrorOrReturnFrom: suspendedContext].
ctxt := ctxt findNextUnwindContextUpTo: nil].

"Mark the context as terminated"
suspendedContext terminateTo: nil.

{ #category : #private }
Expand Down

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