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New dialog to select multiple items using checkboxes
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carolahp committed May 28, 2024
1 parent 2d6d6d5 commit f787b97
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Showing 2 changed files with 195 additions and 0 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/Spec2-Dialogs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -108,6 +108,12 @@ SpApplication >> newSelect [
^ SpSelectDialog newApplication: self

{ #category : '*Spec2-Dialogs' }
SpApplication >> newSelectMultiple [

^ SpSelectMultipleDialog newApplication: self

{ #category : '*Spec2-Dialogs' }
SpApplication >> notificationClass [

Expand Down
189 changes: 189 additions & 0 deletions src/Spec2-Dialogs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
A dialog that allow the users to select multiple choices from a list of `items`
Class {
#name : 'SpSelectMultipleDialog',
#superclass : 'SpAbstractCancelableMessageDialog',
#instVars : [
#category : 'Spec2-Dialogs',
#package : 'Spec2-Dialogs'

{ #category : 'accessing' }
SpSelectMultipleDialog class >> defaultExtent [

^ 450@300

{ #category : 'examples' }
SpSelectMultipleDialog class >> example [

| presenter |
presenter := self new.
title: 'Multiple select example';
label: 'Select multiple classes';
items: Smalltalk allClassesAndTraits;
display: [ :each | each name ];
displayIcon: [ :each | self iconNamed: each systemIconName ];
onAccept: [ :dialog |
dialog presenter inform: dialog presenter selectedItems asString ];

{ #category : 'examples' }
SpSelectMultipleDialog class >> exampleModal [

| dialog selection |
dialog := self new.
selection := dialog
title: 'Select multiple modal example';
label: 'Select multiple classes';
items: Smalltalk allClassesAndTraits;
display: [ :each | each name ];
displayIcon: [ :each |
self iconNamed: each systemIconName ];

selection ifNotNil: [ dialog inform: dialog selectedItems asString ]

{ #category : 'examples' }
SpSelectMultipleDialog class >> exampleMultiLineLabel [

| presenter label |

label := String streamContents: [ :s |
s nextPutAll: 'Select multiple classes';
nextPutAll: 'Something else two lines bellow with a really long long long long text that will wrap'

presenter := self new.

title: 'Select multiple example';
label: label;
items: Smalltalk allClassesAndTraits;
display: [ :each | each name ];
displayIcon: [ :each | self iconNamed: each systemIconName ];
onAccept: [ :dialog |
dialog presenter inform: dialog presenter selectedItem asString ];

{ #category : 'accessing' }
SpSelectMultipleDialog >> columns [

| columns checkboxColumn imageColumn textColumn |
columns := OrderedCollection new.

checkboxColumn := (SpCheckBoxTableColumn
title: ' '
evaluated: [ :item |
selectedItems includes: item ])
onActivation: [ :item | selectedItems add: item ];
onDeactivation: [ :item |
selectedItems remove: item ];
width: 20;
columns add: checkboxColumn.

icon ifNotNil: [
imageColumn := (SpImageTableColumn title: ' ' evaluated: icon)
width: 20;
columns add: imageColumn ].

textColumn := SpStringTableColumn title: ' ' evaluated: display.
columns add: textColumn.

^ columns

{ #category : 'layout' }
SpSelectMultipleDialog >> defaultLayout [

^ SpBoxLayout newTopToBottom
add: label height: self calculateLabelHeight;
add: table1;

{ #category : 'accessing' }
SpSelectMultipleDialog >> defaultTitle [

^ 'Multiple request'

{ #category : 'api' }
SpSelectMultipleDialog >> display: aBlock [

display := aBlock.
self refreshTable

{ #category : 'api' }
SpSelectMultipleDialog >> displayIcon: aBlock [

icon := aBlock.
self refreshTable

{ #category : 'api' }
SpSelectMultipleDialog >> extent [

^ initialExtent ifNil: [ self class defaultExtent ]

{ #category : 'api' }
SpSelectMultipleDialog >> extent: aPoint [

initialExtent := aPoint

{ #category : 'initialization' }
SpSelectMultipleDialog >> initialize [

selectedItems := OrderedCollection new.
super initialize

{ #category : 'initialization' }
SpSelectMultipleDialog >> initializePresenters [

super initializePresenters.
table1 := self newTable

{ #category : 'accessing' }
SpSelectMultipleDialog >> items [

^ table1 items

{ #category : 'api' }
SpSelectMultipleDialog >> items: aCollection [

table1 items: aCollection

{ #category : 'updating' }
SpSelectMultipleDialog >> refreshTable [

table1 columns: self columns

{ #category : 'accessing' }
SpSelectMultipleDialog >> selectedItems [

^ selectedItems

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