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Martín Dias edited this page Jan 29, 2021 · 1 revision


Q. The Image seems to freeze when doing a clone of a repository.
A. This is because the operation is taking time and Iceberg still does not show feedback properly. You just need to be patient :)

Q. The Image freezes when cloning/commiting and there is nothing I can do to fix it. I used HTTPS as the protocol when doing the clone.
A. There is a known bug around HTTPS and getting the credentials. We will fix this, but while waiting for the fix, you can work around the problem by:

  • Adding your credentials before doing any operation (go to System Settings/Tools/Software Configuration Management/Iceberg/Plain credentials)
  • Just using the SSH protocol instead (but that option is not as easy on Windows).

Q. I installed Iceberg and try to clone a project, but I'm getting the error message "LGit_GIT_ERROR no ssh-agent suitable credentials found".
A. Currently Iceberg SSH support just handles SSH/ssh-agent. You can fix this problem in two ways:

  • In the command line, run this: ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa (macOS users may prefer to execute this: ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa)
  • Go to Iceberg settings System Settings/Tools/Software Configuration Management/Iceberg/Use custom SSH keys and add the path to your and id_rsa files there.

Q. I'm on Linux and when I want to commit I get the message "LGit_GIT_ERROR: no error message set by libgit2."
A. Iceberg for Pharo6 on Linux requires a different version of the VM than the one that is provided by default (this will be the default on Pharo7). The easiest way to get this VM is to execute curl | bash.

Q. I'm using a server with a different SSH port and I'm getting a "connection timeout" when I'm trying to clone.
A. You need to use a different URL format than the default (the one that is proposed on most sites). You need a URL that looks like this template: ssh://git@url:port/team/project.git.

Q. I'm using Iceberg on Windows - whilst trying to clone a repository I get the error "LGit_GIT_ERROR: error authenticating: failed connecting agent".
A. Prompting for credentials currently doesn't work on Windows (we can't use ssh-agent). You need to setup authentication using SSH keys. Something like this:

IceCredentialsProvider useCustomSsh: true.
IceCredentialsProvider sshCredentials
	publicKey: 'c:\path\to\ssh\';
	privateKey: 'c:\path\to\ssh\id_rsa'

(Your key should not have a passphrase)

Q. I'm using 2FA on github and when I try to to create a PR from Iceberg, I'm asked a login/passwd. I try to login but it doesn't work. A. There is no support for 2FA in Iceberg for the moment. Please create a personal Access Tokens to replace your password in order to avoid this problem:

Q. I'm on Windows and I got an error saying it cannot "stat file" when trying to clone a repo or load a Metecello configuration.
A. This is a known error in Windows with it's support paths, it fails when a path gets bigger then 256 characters. So if you clone a >256 char path git repo using Iceberg, this error will prompt. This happens too if you load a Metecello configuration that creates git repos with long paths. So if you use PharoLauncher be aware that it stores images on the User/Documents/Pharo/Images by default, and then Iceberg will store git repos loaded from Metacello inside another deeper sub-path structure, chances are that you will get this problem. Even enabling long paths support on Windows 10 won't work because Libgit haven't implemented support for this yet ([]) and it isn't likely to be fixed soon. So the solution is to avoid long paths by either choosing a shallow path structure to clone your project through Iceberg and/or by changing the location where PharoLauncher store images to a shallow path.

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