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Pattern Lab Theme


npm install
cd pattern-lab
composer install

Additionally, the components Drupal module must be enabled:

drush dl components
drush en components -y


Compile the site:

npm run compile

Start up watches and local server:

npm run start

Run Tests:

npm run test


It's almost all done in config.yml. End all paths with a / please (i.e. path/to/dir/). The local gulpfile.js passes the config object to p2-theme-core - which can be viewed at node_modules/p2-theme-core/ (most stuff in lib/).

Documentation for many of the features are found in node_modules/p2-theme-core/docs/ – those are hosted here too.

Linting Config

More control

The npm run commands above basically trigger gulp without having to install a global dependency. For fine grained control of tasks, install gulp globally with npm install --global gulp and then run gulp help for a list of all available tasks.

Add anything to gulpfile.js that you want! Also, you can copy any file from node_modules/p2-theme-core/lib/ into your repo and use it as a starting point (may need to install packages from p2-theme-core too.)

Many of the features can be turned off, for example if we didn't want all the JS features like linting and concatenation, just toggle enabled under js in config.yml. So you'd just open config.yml and change this:

-    enabled: true
+    enabled: false