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[Yet Another Ruby Robot] IRC bot that tells you about ruby core documentation and other things


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Project Update

I no longer run this bot, and the code is now abandoned. Cinch has been abandoned for some time which is a dependency. It should be possible to replace cinch with an other IRC adaptor.


Yet Another Ruby Robot

This application is the workhorse behind the rubydoc bot on #ruby.

Build Status Maintainability Inline docs


$ cd yarr
$ bundle install


Copy the configuration sample:

$ cp config/yarr_sample.yml config/yarr.yml

Edit the config/yarr.yml file, fill in the blanks.

Set up the database and load it with default data:

$ rake db:setup


You can run the bot, or you can run yarr in a console (no IRC connection). To run the application you have to run the following command:

$ bin/console # run console mode.
$ bin/yarr # run bot mode.

In irc mode all commands have to be prefixed with `&'.


Evaluates arbitrary ruby code by posting it to and then links the result. Ruby version can be specified by prepending it to >>, like 20>>, 21>> etc. The command can be modified to send a disassembly, tokenisation, or parse request on the code to These modifiers can also be combined with the ruby version, action modifier comes first.

asm dissassemble
tok lexer output
ast parser output
bare bare code (no implicit p or begin/end)
&>> 1 + 1
>>> => 2 (http://...)
&asm20>> 1 + 1
>>> I have disassembled your code, the result is at http://...


The url command fetches the source that is sent to the evaluation service from a user specified url. This is useful if we want to evaluate for instance a gist with the bot.

&url http://somegist.raw/gist.rb
>>> # => 13 (http://...)


ri looks up the documentation of a class name, a method name, an instance method call (in the form of ri Array#size) and a class method call (in the form of ri File.size). If the query is ambiguous the bot will tell you that.

&ri instance_methods
&ri puts
>>> I found 3 entries matching with method: puts. Use &list puts if you would like to see a list

Class or module name ambiguity

In case of class or module names ri implicitly resolves ambiguous names if there is a definition in core (no file needs to be required to use the class) or if the required file matches the class name. This helps when classes are patched in multiple places and we just want to get the url of the main documentation. We can list all names, or be explicit in the query.

&ri Array
&list Array
>>> Array, Array (abbrev), Array (mkmf), Array (rexml), Array (shellwords)
&ri Array (mkmf)


list lists the matching names. % is taken as a wildcard character that can match any string fragment.

&list puts
>>> ARGF#puts, IO#puts, Kernel#puts
&list %!
>>> BasicObject#!, String#capitalize!, String#chomp!, String#chop!, Array#collect!, Array#compact!, Hash#compact!, String#delete!, String#delete_prefix!,...

For ambiguous method names we simply call list:

&list size
>>> ENV.size, File.size, Array#size, Enumerator#size, File#size, File::Stat#size, FileTest#size, Hash#size, Integer#size, MatchData#size,...

One caveat is that yarr decides if a token is a class name or not by checking if the first character is upcase. Therefore we can't list the File class this way:

&list %ile
>>> Enumerable#chunk_while, Enumerator::Lazy#chunk_while, Regexp.compile, RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile, RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_file,...

However it is possible to force it to be part of a class or module name by this trick:

&list %ile.%
>>> File.absolute_path, File.atime, File.basename, File.birthtime, File.blockdev?, File.chardev?, File.chmod, File.chown, File.ctime, File.delete,...


If during a reconnect the bot lost its default nick, this command will try to regain it.


Lists current channel operators. Can be used to mention all operators in the channel if you want operator attention. Useful if the channel is trolled. Operators are users with ruby/staff mask, not necessarily with +o flag.


Responds with a factoid. Command can be triggered with the fact command or the ? alias. Factoids are listed at

&? pizza
>>> here's your pizza: 🍕

factoid manipulation commands

These commands are restricted to channel operators.

subcommand alias syntax
add mk fact add <name> <content>
remove rm fact remove <name>
edit ed fact edit <name> <content>
rename mv fact rename <name> <name>
& fact add ruby An object oriented programming language.
>>> I will remember that ruby is An object oriented programming language.
& ? ruby
>>> An object oriented programming language.


An easter egg command, using Classname.methodname ri notation. It responds with the result of Faker::Classname.methodname from the faker gem.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

The lint:all rake task kicks off a bunch of checks on the project including branch coverage. bundle exec rake lint:reek has to be clean.


The environment variable YARR_TEST controls if the test database needs to be loaded. The Rake tasks take care of this variable before kicking tasks off like running rspec, or coverage.

API documentation can be found


[Yet Another Ruby Robot] IRC bot that tells you about ruby core documentation and other things








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