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About this project

This is a simple CRUD of manager series list with Laravel.


  • PHP ^8.1
  • Composer
  • Laravel ^9


Install the package through Composer.

Run the Composer require command from the Terminal:

composer create-project phdomiciano/serieslistlaravel

Create a file sqlite in folder "database" or other DB you wish (For others, configure ".env" file):


If necessary update your requiries, run on Terminal:

composer update

composer dump-autoload

Create the database tables, run on Terminal:

php artisan migrate

Run on Terminal your php server and access the url from project in a web browser.

php artisan serve

Possibles problems in installation

*If you get a 505 error when accessing an application for the first time, run:

php artisan key:generate

*If you get a error like "\bootstrap\cache directory must be present and writable", just delete the folder "cache" and create again a new folder empty

*IF you get a error like "could not find driver (SQL:" when you try run the migrate on Terminal, remember confirm you config in ".env" file. ** If you use sqlite the conection is just:


Now go up the server again.

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