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Merge pull request #405 from phel-lang/feature/for-loop-reduce-option
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Added a :reduce option for the for-loop
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Chemaclass committed Dec 20, 2021
2 parents 3755e7b + 34c56b2 commit 32a96c6
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Showing 2 changed files with 112 additions and 74 deletions.
182 changes: 108 additions & 74 deletions src/phel/core.phel
Expand Up @@ -805,6 +805,38 @@ arrays. Use (php/aunset ds key)"))
(php/aunset x key)

# --------
# Variable
# --------

(defn var
"Creates a new variable with the give value"
(php/-> (php/:: TypeFactory (getInstance)) (variable value)))

(defn var?
"Checks if the given value is a variable"
(php/instanceof x Variable))

(defn set!
"Sets a new value to the given variable"
[variable value]
(php/-> variable (set value)))

(defn deref
"Return the value inside the variable"
(php/-> variable (deref)))

(defn swap!
"Swaps the value of the variable to (apply f current-value args). Returns the values that is swapped in."
[variable f & args]
(let [current (deref variable)
next (apply f current args)]
(set! variable next)

# --------
# For loop
# --------
Expand All @@ -830,23 +862,40 @@ arrays. Use (php/aunset ds key)"))
(persistent res))))
(throw (php/new InvalidArgumentException "Range function expects one, two or three arguments"))))

(def- for-options (set :reduce))

(defn- for-builder-options [head i initial-options]
(if (<= (count head) i)
(let [@[i binding (php/+ i 1) verb] head]
(if (keyword? binding)
(case binding
:reduce (for-builder-options head (php/+ i 2) (put initial-options :reduce verb))
(for-builder-options head (php/+ i 2) initial-options))
(for-builder-options head (php/+ i 3) initial-options)))))

(defn- for-builder [body head i]
(if (<= (count head) i)
# No more heads, return the body

# Handle heads
(let [@[i binding (php/+ i 1) verb] head]
(if (keyword? binding)
# Case 1: Modifiers
# Case 1: Options
(and (keyword? binding) (contains? for-options binding))
(for-builder body head (php/+ i 2))

# Case 2: Modifiers
(keyword? binding)
(let [rest (for-builder body head (php/+ i 2))]
(case binding
:while `(if ,verb ,rest php/break)
:let `(let ,verb ,rest)
:when `(when ,verb ,rest)
(throw (php/new InvalidArgumentException (str "This modifier is not supported in for loop: " verb)))))

# Case 2: Verbs
# Case 3: Verbs
(let [@[(php/+ i 2) object] head
rest (for-builder body head (php/+ i 3))
value-sym (gensym)]
Expand All @@ -862,29 +911,42 @@ arrays. Use (php/aunset ds key)"))

(defmacro for
"List comprehension. The head of the loop is a vector that contains a
sequence of bindings and modifiers. A binding is a sequence of three
sequence of bindings modifiers and options. A binding is a sequence of three
values `binding :verb expr`. Where `binding` is a binding as
in let and `:verb` is one of the following keywords:

* :range loop over a range by using the range function.
* :in loops over all values of a collection.
* :keys loops over all keys/indexes of a collection.
* :pairs loops over all key value pairs of a collection.
* `:range` loop over a range by using the range function.
* `:in` loops over all values of a collection.
* `:keys` loops over all keys/indexes of a collection.
* `:pairs` loops over all key value pairs of a collection.

After each loop binding additional modifiers can be applied. Modifiers
have the form `:modifier argument`. The following modifiers are supported:

* :while breaks the loop if the expression is falsy.
* :let defines additional bindings.
* :when only evaluates the loop body if the condition is true.
* `:while` breaks the loop if the expression is falsy.
* `:let` defines additional bindings.
* `:when` only evaluates the loop body if the condition is true.

Finally, additional options can be set:

The for loops returns a array with all evaluated elements of the body."
* `:reduce [accumlator initial-value]` Instead of returning a list
it reduces the the values into `accumlator`. Initialially `accumlator`
is bound to `inital-value`."
[head & body]
(let [res-sym (gensym "res__")
loop-body (for-builder `(push ,res-sym (do ,@body)) head 0)]
`(let [,res-sym (transient [])]
acc-sym (gensym "acc__")
options (for-builder-options head 0 {})
swap-body (if (:reduce options)
(let [[sym _] (:reduce options)]
`(swap! ,res-sym (fn [,sym] (do ,@body))))
`(swap! ,res-sym (fn [,acc-sym] (push ,acc-sym (do ,@body)))))
init (if (:reduce options)
(second (:reduce options))
loop-body (for-builder swap-body head 0)]
`(let [,res-sym (var ,init)]
(persistent ,res-sym))))
(deref ,res-sym))))

(defmacro dofor
"Repeatedly executes body for side effects with bindings and modifiers as
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -930,9 +992,8 @@ collection in map"))
the element of `xs`. `f` returns a value that will be used as the initial value of the next call to `f`. The final
value of `f` is returned."
[f init xs]
(if (= (count xs) 0)
(recur f (f init (first xs)) (next xs))))
(for [x :in xs :reduce [acc init]]
(f acc x)))

(defn reduce2
"The 2-argument version of reduce that does not take a initialization value.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1067,10 +1128,9 @@ collection in map"))
(defn reverse
"Reverses the order of the elements in the given sequence."
(let [ret (transient [])]
(dofor [i :range [(php/- (count xs) 1) -1 -1]]
(push ret (get xs i)))
(persistent ret)))
(for [i :range [(php/- (count xs) 1) -1 -1]
:reduce [ret []]]
(push ret (get xs i))))

(defn interleave
"Returns a array with the first items of each col, than the second items etc."
Expand All @@ -1085,20 +1145,20 @@ collection in map"))
(defn interpose
"Returns an array of elements separated by `sep`"
[sep xs]
(let [res (transient [])]
(dofor [[k v] :pairs xs]
(for [[k v] :pairs xs
:reduce [res (transient [])]]
(when (> k 0)
(push res sep))
(push res v))
(persistent res)))
(push res sep v))
(push res v))))

(defn frequencies
"Returns a table from distinct items in `xs` to the number of times they appear."
(let [res (transient {})]
(dofor [x :in xs :let [n (get res x)]]
(put res x (php/+ 1 (or n 0))))
(persistent res)))
(for [x :in xs
:reduce [res {}]]
(let [n (get res x 0)]
(put res x (php/+ 1 n)))))

(defn keys
"Gets the keys of an associative data structure."
Expand All @@ -1118,11 +1178,11 @@ collection in map"))
(defn kvs
"Returns an array of key value pairs like [k1 v1 k2 v2 k3 v3 ...]."
(let [res (transient [])]
(dofor [[k v] :pairs xs]
(push res k)
(push res v))
(persistent res)))
(for [[k v] :pairs xs
:reduce [res (transient [])]]
(push res k)
(push res v))))

(defn to-php-array
"Create a PHP Array from a sequential data structure."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1177,12 +1237,13 @@ collection in map"))
"Returns a table of the elements of xs keyed by the result of
f on each element."
[f xs]
(let [res (transient {})]
(dofor [x :in xs :let [k (f x)]]
(for [x :in xs
:let [k (f x)]
:reduce [res (transient {})]]
(when-not (get res k)
(put res k []))
(update-in res [k] push x))
(persistent res)))
(update-in res [k] push x))))

(defn zipcoll
"Creates a table from two sequential data structures. Return a new table."
Expand All @@ -1202,13 +1263,18 @@ collection in map"))
"Merges multiple tables into one new table. If a key appears in more than one
collection, then later values replace any previous ones."
[& tables]
(persistent (apply merge-into (transient {}) tables)))
(for [table :in tables
[k v] :pairs table
:reduce [res {}]]
(put res k v)))

(defn invert
"Returns a new table where the keys and values are swapped. If table has
duplicated values, some keys will be ignored."
(zipcoll (values table) (keys table)))
(for [[k v] :pairs table
:reduce [res {}]]
(put res v k)))

(defn split-at
"Returns a vector of [(take n coll) (drop n coll)]."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1694,38 +1760,6 @@ returns 1. If `xs` has one value, returns the reciprocal of x."
,@(map bind-value resets))))))

# --------
# Variable
# --------

(defn var
"Creates a new variable with the give value"
(php/-> (php/:: TypeFactory (getInstance)) (variable value)))

(defn var?
"Checks if the given value is a variable"
(php/instanceof x Variable))

(defn set!
"Sets a new value to the given variable"
[variable value]
(php/-> variable (set value)))

(defn deref
"Return the value inside the variable"
(php/-> variable (deref)))

(defn swap!
"Swaps the value of the variable to (apply f current-value args). Returns the values that is swapped in."
[variable f & args]
(let [current (deref variable)
next (apply f current args)]
(set! variable next)

# ----------
# Interfaces
# ----------
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions tests/phel/test/core/for-loop.phel
Expand Up @@ -34,3 +34,7 @@
{0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19}
(let [x (transient {})] (for [i :range [0 20]] (put x i i)) (persistent x)))
"for loop with transient map"))

(deftest test-reduce
(is (= 6 (for [x :in [1 2 3] :reduce [acc 0]] (+ acc x))) "for loop reduce sum")
(is (= "123" (for [x :in [1 2 3] :reduce [acc ""]] (str acc x))) "for loop reduce str"))

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